Making Great Impact!

in #christianity6 years ago


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalms 19:14 (KJV)

The kind of words you speak determines how great your impact is in the kingdom of God. Christ followers are made to be owners of the earth, and the might and power needed to possess the earth has already be given to them.

In Genesis 1:26 God gave man the privilege to have dominion over all creatures contained in the earth. What this means is that, we as children of God, we are made lords over the earth by the almighty God.

One of the ways at which we dominate the earth is through the words of our mouth. However, you must understand that only words which are defined and acceptable to God are qualified to possess this power to rule the world.


For this reason, we must always pray for God to direct us and to plant His true word into our lives. Secondly, we must meditate deeply in the word of God so that we can derive more of the Lord's knowledge to utilize His word upon our lives, business, family, marriage, etc. if we ask Him, He will grant us our desires, the Lord will honor us with His word in our lives. May the blessings of God be upon us. Amen!!!

Bible quotation:

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