Why probably 'failing attempt' to limit warming to 2degrees is additionally pointless

in #climatecrisis5 years ago (edited)

We live in a great world. One where probably America was made great again, so with that all done, lets let the ol'establishment back in so they can tell us again over two years a tale of Hillary polling with some over 70% figures, just to watch that tale flip with a big ol whoopsie. Yes. Back to established norms, and also, all the progress they made fighting climate change.

Not that really any known option is better in that department.

So let's take a very brief look at this whole 'limit the warming thing to prevent greater out of control spiriling'.

  • The "We must rebuild" mentality.
    Even as nature gently tries to reclaim the occasional shore or island, residents in those places will stamp their feet, and with a pride and determination, a 'we own this' attitude, they will rebuild. Its the classically galvanising human psychee. We must rebuild. It unifies, it gets shit done. And when its done, or before, nature is gonna come knocking with increasing regularity.

  • If a spiral is possible, arent we already on the curve?
    Thing about curves is they have a gradient, curvature, whatever you want to call it, but not 'flatness' typically. So if we are in a 'curving' situation, and presumably it is not a 'curve that is in our favour'; pretty much every metric in the book that relates to that curve should itself be 'curving'.

To be less abstract. Once gradual increases in weather events and other factors begin to pressure systems, there needs to be an 'upward sloping supply ready to meet that challenge'.

In a nutshell, to even begin to play ball with this picture, literally, every sector where things 'could go wrong' would need to up their capacity, overhead and investment. Cause there will be overhead. Its gonna be over all our heads.

To try cap this point, what I'm actually saying is that 'every instance of a net zero, declining, or 'not matching'' response, investment, overhead in any sector that could be impacted by 'lets just call them the challenges we face' increases the likelihood of eventual systemic failure.

I'll give a topical freebee here. Anywhere in the world that isn't improving its means to fight, prevent, respond to and effectively reduce fires, is going to contribute to the 'behindness'. And its gonna be all our behinds.

  • That Chaotic Element

People gonna peep. Just the way of things. They gonna gnash and smash, fit, start, stall, fight and rebuild. But as we come under pressure, certain things may begin to budge. People become desperate, take drastic actions in responding times. Someone sets an oil field alight.

So basically. Lets just talk about that for a moment.

Colours which absorb heat. Colour of font.
So if we pour that into the air, its surely gonna help right. Nahht.

Point being. Our fancy Paris agreement, a brief glimmer of hope in our otherwise dissident global consciousness, does not take into account 'the chaotic element'. Essentially even if 'things' are being met, (they arent) people gonna burn forests for farms, get that palm oil, and burn that midnight oil.

It is these factors, the cries of the masses as their lives start to unpick at the seams, and how exactly they are going to respond which have not been considered in our 'gently adhered to agreement'.

Ladies and Gentlemen, for your consideration, just a glance into 1 part of 'the state of things'

I hope that there are some able to appreciate this free writing opinion piece.

For those who find this topic depressing, and would gently shush others, shy away, or nudge the convo elsewhere:

Please be advised there are climate-specific support groups, and people should definitely be talking about this in supportive ways.
It's not a go away fast kind problem. Taking small actions such as cleaning a local river or park can also assist you to feel better. Generally 'actively preserving and encouraging biodiversity' in our daily lives can also help us feel better.

Personally. I do not tend to feel depressed by these things.
It is my hope that through #Realist #futurist thinking coupled with #actualScience I may at the very least be 'a little bit' prepared for what is coming.


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