Novice to apply for Steemit account 2 weeks after the e-mail did not receive what to do ? 新手申请Steemit帐号2周之后仍没收到邮件怎么办steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cn7 years ago (edited)


I seem to have received a successful email from STEEM on February 1, which is my second application for a Steemit account. Do not know is good luck run out or other reasons, this application account unusual difficult.


Steemit account application process


The first application, probably in July 17 or so, occasionally seen online @ tututanzi big brother's blog, it initiated the idea of ​​registering Steemit account. The first registration is very smooth, from the successful registration to open about three days. After that I also Amway three friends registered and successfully opened the account, account opening cycle no more than 7 days.

第一次注册成功之后,在Steemit上发了几篇文字之后就不玩了,一直到2017年底(12月份)突然来了兴趣,想重新注册一个帐号。于是开启了 ** 艰难的注册之路 ** 。期间的经历大概是这样子的:

After the first registration, after Steemit did a few words, he did not play until the end of 2017 (December) suddenly became interested in re-registering an account. So opened ** hard registration **. During the experience is probably like this:

  • 2017年12月中旬申请,等到2018年元旦无果;

  • 2018年1月初重新申请,等到1月中旬无果;

  • 2018年1月中旬再次申请,等到1月28号无果;

  • 1月28号在 频道寻求 drakos 的帮助,填写一张申请单;

  • 2月1号收到开通成功的邮件提示。

  • December 2017 Application, wait until 2018 New Year's Day no fruit;

  • 2018 early January re-apply, wait until mid-January no result;

  • Application again in mid-January 2018, until no result January 28;

  • Seek drakos help on channel on January 28 and fill in an application form;

  • February 1 received a successful e-mail tips.


Accelerated application form fill in

  1. 首先登录 会看到下边这个界面;

  2. First login will see below this interface;



This site should be Steemit official management of the chat room, registration is very simple, fill in the e-mail and password to apply for registration can be registered after the successful login.

  1. 登录成功后,就是在线聊天室,我们可以看到不同的 #聊天室 ,如下图:

  2. Login is successful, is the online chat room, we can see different # chat rooms, as shown below:



In the left side of the screen, even chat rooms and private chat label (and QQ chat is the same), we choose a different chat room can go in to speak, it is quite into QQ group chat.

如果你刚刚注册成功并登录之后发现没有 #help 聊天室,在屏幕左上方的聊天框内输入 help 搜索,很容易找到。进入聊天室后,我们看到屏幕右侧有很多的功能按钮,就在这里可以查看聊天室的成员列表、搜索聊天内容、被置顶的聊天信息等。我们先来看一下置顶信息中有这样一段话:

If you have just registered and successfully logged in and found no #help chat room, enter help search in the chat box at the top left of the screen, it is easy to find. Into the chat room, we see the right side of the screen has a lot of function buttons, where you can view the chat room members list, search chat content, top chat information. Let's take a look at the top of the message there is such a passage:

If it has been over a week since you successfully verified your phone and email, and your account has not been approved, please direct message @drakos and he will help look into it further. To direct message a user, just click on their name here in chat and click on "Conversation" to open a private chat. Do not message @drakos in the main #help channel window. Message him directly.

  1. 好了,现在我们知道了,如果 提交注册申请超过两周仍然没有收到开通成功邮件提醒 的朋友,可以在 #help 频道里面@drakos,请他协助申请。我按照提示操作之后,很快drakos就私聊我了,看一下我们第一次私聊的内容:

  2. Well, now we know that if still has not received a successful mail reminder from submitting a registration application for more than two weeks, please @drakos in #help channel and ask him to help apply. After I follow the prompts, I quickly drakos talk to me, take a look at our first private chat content:



drakos gave me a link that shows up after I open it:


这里填写你注册Steemit时候用的邮箱和注册时间以及手机号等基本信息,确认之后提交 ,我提交之后3天收到了开通成功的邮件提醒:

Here to fill in the time of registration Steemit you use the mailbox and registration time and phone number and other basic information, to confirm the submission, I submitted after 3 days received a successful e-mail reminder:



OK, here's where the registration is done and enjoy your trip to Steemit.


Why the new registration delay has not been opened successfully e-mail reminder


On this issue, there are big brothers talked about online, but no good answer, I guess if not malicious application, if the application has not received two weeks after the opening of a successful e-mail reminder, the reason may be Steem own network The problem may be bandwidth, traffic, etc. (Steem's infrastructure) issues, Steemit more and more users, more and more content; Second, you want to apply for new account more and more More, these two reasons lead to the existing network resources are not enough, so this time silly wait may not have been able to receive information on the success of the opening, how do? In accordance with the above-mentioned methods, the manual assistance registration. It may also be my idea is wrong, only for your reference exchange.



这应该是Steem官方维护的在线聊天室,这里不仅仅有#help频道,还有#postpromotion #general 等频道,新手可以把自己的文章发到这里,可能会有网友给你点赞的哟。我看聊天室里面有世界各地的朋友。

This should be the official online chat room maintained by Steem. There are not just #help channels, #postpromotion #general channels, novices can send their own articles here, and there may be netizens giving you some praise. I think there are friends from all over the world in the chat room.


novice reports, please take care. Thank you for your attention, reading, commenting and praise.



@ginoogai, 你真是好写手啊!











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