Interpret a country every day --Belgium

in #cn2 months ago





(The Belgian flag is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 15:13. From left to right, the flag surface is connected by the three parallel long squares of black, yellow, and red. Black is a solemn and commemorative color, indicating the hero who sacrificed in the 1830 Independence War: yellow symbolizes the country's wealth, animal husbandry and agriculture harvest: Red symbolizes the life and blood of the patriot, and also symbolizes the independent war war. Great victory.)



(The Belgian national emblem is divided into two versions. The big version of the national emblem is a cloak. The national emblem center pattern is a pattern of lions standing on the black shield emblem. The lion is known as the "Belgian lion" and is a national symbol of Belgium. Later, for the crossed king's rod, it symbolized the majesty of the royal family and the surroundings of power shields was the gorgeous first king of Lion Pood I of the 1st. There was a lion with a national flag on both sides. In the national emblem, there is a red jacket that symbolizes the monarch's national body. At the top of this red top, there is a crown. There is a Lion Pod Medal under the ring, and there is a golden rod with the power of the royal family and justice: there is a gorgeous crown on it. The 9 -faced banner at the top of the national emblem represents 9 provinces in Belgium (but there are actually 10 provinces). The red ornaments of the national emblem base in French and Vlames write ethnic words: "Unity is power.")


比利时位于欧洲西部,北连荷兰,东邻德国,东南与卢森堡接壤,南和西南与法国交界,西北隔多佛尔海峡与英国相望。陆地面积30688平方干米(包括在荷兰境内的飞地一一巴勒-埃尔东),领海及专属经济区3454平方千米,海岸线长66.5千米。(Belgium is located in western Europe, the Netherlands in the north, Germany in the east, bordering Luxembourg in the southeast, border with France south and southwest, and the northwest across the British Strait. The land area of 30688 square meters (including flying land in the Netherlands one by one Palestinian Eldon), the territorial sea and the exclusive economic zone 3454 square kilometers, and the coastline is 66.5 kilometers long.)


  • 国名(National name):比利时王国(荷兰语:Belgie,法语:Belgique,德语:Belgien),简称"比利时”,位于西欧。(Kingdom of Belgium (Dutch: Belgie, French: Belgique, German: Belgien), referred to as "Belgium", is located in Western Europe.)
  • 行政区划(Administrative division):比利时全国分为10个省和581个市镇。10个省:安特卫普、西弗兰德、东弗兰德、林堡、弗拉芒布拉邦、瓦隆布拉邦、列日、埃诺、那慕尔和卢森堡。(Belgium is divided into 10 provinces and 581 cities. 10 provinces: Antwerp, West Ferland, East Ferland, Links, Vlamembra, Valonbra Plata, Lerri, Eno, Namur and Luxembourg.)
  • 首都(capital):首都布鲁塞尔(法语:Bruxelles,荷兰语:Brussel),有"欧洲首都”之称,为布鲁塞尔首都大区,布鲁塞尔是比利时最大的城市,也是欧洲联盟的主要行政机构所在地。布鲁塞尔同时也是佛兰德区的首府和比利时法语区的中心。布鲁塞尔不仅是欧盟的行政中心,欧委会及欧盟理事会所在地,也是北大西洋公约组织和世界海关合作理事会所在地。(The capital Bruxelles, Dutch: Brussel), is known as the "European capital". It is the capital of Brussels. Brussels is the largest city in Belgium and the main administrative institution of the European Union. Brussels is also the center of the capital of the Flanders and the French area of Belgium. Brussels is not only the EU's administrative center, the European Commission and the European Union Council, but also the place where the North Atlantic Convention Organization and the World Customs Cooperation Council are located.)
  • 国歌(National anthem):《布拉班人之歌》(法文:La Brabanconne;荷兰文:DeBrabanconne:德文:Das Lied von Brabant)
  • 国花(National flower):比利时国花为虞美人。(Belgian national flower is Yu Meiren.)
  • 人口(population):截至2023年1月,比利时人口1169.8万比利时有弗拉芒人、瓦隆人、德意志人。(As of January 2023, the Belgian population was 11.698 million in Belgium.)
  • 语言(language):比利时官方语言为荷兰语、法语和德语。(The official Belgian language is Dutch, French and German.)
  • 宗教(religion):比利时主要宗教为天主教,其它宗教包括伊斯兰教、基督教新教、以及犹太教。(Belgium's main religion is Catholicism, and other religions include Islam, Christian Protestantism, and Judaism.)
  • 气候特征(Climate):比利时受沿岸流经的北大西洋暖流的影响,属温带海洋性气候,全年温和多雨,气候湿润。(Belgium was affected by the warm currents flowing along the coast. It belongs to the green maritime climate, which is mild and rainy throughout the year, and the climate is moist.)
  • 道路通行(Road passage):靠右行驶(Driving on the right)
  • 国际时区(International time zone):东1时区 比北京时间慢7小时(East 1 time zone is 7 hours slower than Beijing time)
  • 国际电话区号 (code):+32
  • 国际域名缩写(International domain abbreviation):BE
  • 货币(currency):欧元区国家通用欧元 1欧元≈7.7872人民币
  • 经济发展(Economic development):比利时为发达的资本主义工业国家,经济高度对外依赖,80%的原料靠进口,50%以上的工业产品供出口。(Belgium is a developed capitalist industry, and its economy is highly dependent on. 80%of raw materials are imported, and more than 50%of industrial products are exported.)


  • 公元前凯尔特族的比利其人在此居住。(Bears of the Celtics of the Celtics live here.)
  • 公元前57年起长期为罗马人、高卢人、日耳曼人分割统治。(In 57 BC, the Romans, Gaul, and Germans have been divided.)
  • 9-14世纪被各诸侯国割据。(In the 9-14 century, they were cut by the vassal states.)
  • 14-15世纪建立了勃艮第王朝。(The Burgundy dynasty was established for the 14-15 century.)
  • 1815年并入荷兰。(The merged into the Netherlands in 1815.)
  • 1830年10月4日独立。(On October 4, 1830, independence.)
  • 1867年成为永久中立国。(Exposed in 1867.)
  • 在两次世界大战中均被德国占领。二战后加入北约。(-It was occupied by Germany in two World War. Joined NATO after World War II.)
  • 1958年加入欧共体,并与荷兰、卢森堡结成经济联盟。(I joined the European Community in 1958 and formed an economic alliance with the Netherlands and Luxembourg.)
  • 1993年完成国家体制改革,正式实行联邦制。(In 1993, the national system reform was completed and the federal system was officially implemented.)


1、布鲁日是比利时热门旅游地,被誉为“北欧威尼斯”。这座中世纪小城拥有运河、古建筑和迷人街道,充满浪漫氛围。市场广场是市中心地标,拥有保存数世纪的美丽艺术品和建筑。历史中心则是一个历史悠久的街区,以壮观的桥梁而著称。(Brury is a popular tourist destination in Belgium and is known as "Nordic Venice". This medieval city has a canal, ancient buildings and charming streets, full of romantic atmosphere. Market square is a landmark in the city center, with beautiful artworks and buildings preserved for centuries. The historical center is a historic neighborhood, known for its spectacular bridge.)


  • 比利时拥有全球最大的电音节-明日世界电音节。(Belgium has the world's largest electronic syllable-Tomorrow World Electronic Foundation.)

  • 比利时位于西欧的地理中心位置,有欧洲的十字路口之称。(Belgium is located at the geographical center of Western Europe and is known as the crossroads of Europe.)

  • 1929年5月4日,世界三大美女之一的奥黛丽·赫本,在比利时首都布鲁塞尔出生。(On May 4, 1929, Audrey Hepburn, one of the three major beauties in the world, was born in Brussels, the capital of Belgium.)

  • 比利时是交税最高的国家之一,普通人的工资要交40%的个人所得税,超市里面要交21%的增值税。(Belgium is one of the highest taxes. The salary of ordinary people pays 40%of personal income tax, and 21%of VAT shall be paid in the supermarket.)

  • 巧克力界的劳斯莱斯歌帝梵、华夫饼都是比利时的。(The Rolls -Royce Sagittarius and Wasteba in the chocolate world are Belgium.)

  • 很多人常喝的哈尔滨啤酒,也是他们的。(Harbin beer that many people often drink is also their.)

  • 在比利时,人们没有喝热水的习惯,他们只喝冰水,最好还是气泡水(In Belgium, people do not have the habit of drinking hot water. They only drink ice water.)

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