六月的我&与16岁高龄猫的抗瘤日记 Me in June & tumor diary for a cat aged 16

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

         六月的北京,美好的天气居多,不过这个月的我的心情,却跌宕起伏。 六月生日月。本人标准双子一枚,前一分钟兴高采烈,下一分钟就可以因为某件小事,气到发狂。淡定从容是我最缺乏的特质。我很高兴来到STEEMIT,浏览steemit时被这里强烈吸引,翻墙注册后开始STEEMIT之旅。        

    In June, Beijing, the beautiful weather mostly, but this month, my mood is ups and downs. I'm the standard Gemini, happy the minute before, and the next minute I get mad with a little thing. Calm and unhurried are my most lacking qualities. I am very happy to be here at STEEMIT (apologize for all the  English is from Machine Translation, and I did simple changes)

     简单介绍下自己: 年龄35+,未婚。定居北京,爱音乐、爱电影、爱旅游、爱开快车、爱葡萄酒、爱茶并独爱铁观音,爱爬山独爱北京香山、爱美装美鞋美妆,爱有趣的灵魂。 曾经做了13年的中国一线门户网站新闻编辑,从未变更过工作,今年一月第一次变更工作,如今是一个小公司的行政主管;完全不同的工作内容,完全不同的工作心情,完全不同的工作圈子。         

       Introduce yourself briefly: Age 35+, unmarried. Settle in Beijing, love music, love movies, love traveling, love to drive fast, love wine, love tea, and love Tieguanyin, love climbing, love Beijing Xiangshan,  love interesting soul. Once for 13 years China line portal news editor,   now the executive director of a small company; work completely different, completely different mood, different working group.


    Once the severe community BBS addicts, December 27, 1999 registered China most famous Tianya community BBS, and is a long-term community administrator; miss a good period of time, miss that time met  nice people; have severe fascination with guitar, daily linger Bihaiyinsha voice chat room (2001~2003), encountered my guitar the master, learning to play the guitar, for their simple accompaniment, singing their favorite songs every night, playing the piano and singing and drinking, heard many wonderful voice, really is a happy time, beautiful singing can cure depression, is a recipe for that time to understand.  ~ 


    Since I went to North America in 2015, I found that my English level was so bad so I began to study English everynight last year. Now my English listening is good, my spoken English is sloppy, and my writing is terrible. Of course, all these past times have accompanied by a handsome cat. The summer of 2001 to meet it, home, named hanako. Until now, we are together, never apart.  


   六月第二周,带它去一家宠物医院,做了详细检查,血的生化指标良好,X光片显示体内无肿瘤,但是肺部情况不好,纤维化(片子中全是白条条),大夫不建议手术,先抗炎处理,吃了一周的 拜有利和速诺。从这周开始,花子颈上的伊丽莎白圈从未摘下过。 


  六月第四周,去了另一家宠物医院,拜访极具盛名的王慧大夫,简单触诊之后,王大夫说,先判断为炎症反应,不做肿瘤判断,继续抗炎处理,继续给药拜有利,以及打了一针康卫宁。 肿物我触摸过一次,和木头一样硬,触摸的时候,我心里很凉,这会是简单的炎症反应吗?  

 In the first week of June, it was suddenly discovered to have perianal bleeding. Quickly taken to the pet hospital, found that it is not a simple inflammatory cyst, is a hard mass tumor, made a puncture, puncture, the results are not helpful. The second week of June, bringing it to a pet hospital, made a detailed examination, blood biochemical index is good, X ray showed no tumor in vivo, but pulmonary fibrosis is not good, (the film is full of white bars), the doctor recommended surgery, first anti-inflammatory treatment, had a favorable and worship sunuo. From the beginning of this week, the Elizabeth ring neck Hanako never took off. In the third week of June, the doctor advised to stop the drug and observe, but only to go to the hospital every day to clean up the wound, because the lump is close to the anus, and the wound is easily infected and soiled. The wound was no better; the wound was 2.5cm in diameter; the naked eye looked terrible. Have a great dose of anti-inflammatory drugs, the cat in the last week almost lash a week, but no improvement in the wound. The fourth week of June, went to a pet hospital, visit a very prestigious doctor Wang Hui, simple palpation after Doctor Wang said, first determine the inflammatory reaction, do not continue to judge the tumor, anti-inflammatory treatment, to drug Baytril, and a shot of Kang Weining. I've touched it once. It's as hard as wood.Can it be a simple inflammatory reaction?  

我几乎坚持每日带猫去医院清理伤口,伤口断面依旧血脓模糊,不见好转,总觉得伤口处,那个肿物有越长越突出的感觉。第一家的大夫提出了靶向药物治疗的方案,还没详细商讨,会有效吗?一周后,花子需再做X光片,排除肺部情况不是恶性肿瘤,之后该怎样,会怎样,毫无头绪。 6.7日那晚知道花子哪里是硬块肿物的时候,负面情绪涌上心头,有失去一切的感觉,这件事,终将是眼泪和金钱和情绪和冷静都无法解决的事情了。  6.27日 还是发现猫排便困难,拉的很细很短。

 I almost insist on taking the cat to the hospital every day to clean up the wound. The section of the wound remains the same, the blood pus is blurred and the change is gone. I always feel the wound is longer and more prominent. The first doctor has put forward a target drug treatment plan, has not discussed in detail, will it work? A week later, huazi need to do X ray, not exclude pulmonary malignant tumor, after how, how, without a clue. 6.7 days later that know where is the lump mass when Hanako, negative emotions welled up, have lost all feeling, it will be tears and money and emotional calm and are unable to solve things. 6.27 or found the cat defecation difficulties, pull very thin, very short. 

   这是在STEEMIT的第一篇blog,简单介绍了自己,以及会blog继续跟进花子的健康状况,它的健康,是我现在最大的事情。   特向这里的朋友们求救,花子的伤口和身体情况我都有全套的资料可发EMAIL,不知道是否可以帮助花子请权威的兽医可以再帮它会诊,以及是否有特效药可以抑制肿物长大和控制伤口发展?若是肿物长大,堵塞肛门,后果不堪设想。我一定会全力救治花子,不惜一切。  

    This is the first article in blog STEEMIT, introduced himself, and will continue to follow up blog huazi‘s’ healthy HELP HIM! the wound and body situation of huazi I have a full set of data can be sent to EMAIL, don't know if you can help please veterinary authority Hanako could help it consultation, and whether there is specific drugs can inhibit tumor growth and development of wound control? If the tumor grew up and blocked the anus, the consequences would be unimaginable. I will rescue orentalis, at all. 


  I will never abandon HUAZI, I will protect it at the last moment, I  will try to extend  every second of his life, because every second of his breathe is very important to me.  


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