【Travel with Gladys】#1 Guam 關島之旅 part 1 by @gladyslui

in #cn7 years ago

This article was written by @gladyslui / 本文由 @gladyslui 撰写提交

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Original text/原文如下:

Guam is a place I have wanted to visit since a very young age, and I was finally here! Please continue reading to check out what I have done during my stay in there!


After doing some research, we figured that most of the activities and places to go, including beaches and shopping malls are around the Tumon Bay area. We decided to stay in the Fiesta Resort with the sea view room.Waking up with this view was definitely the best feeling on earth:P There are private pools for each hotels along Tumon Beach, and here is the one of my hotel and you can also walk to the beach directly!

海灘,酒店和購物中心也是位於Tumon Bay一帶,所以Tumon Bay可以說是關島主要的旅遊區。經過一番research後我們選擇了Fiesta Resort的海景房。每天起床看到一望無際的海真的很正 :P 在Tumon Beach的每一間酒店亦設有私人游泳池,你還可以直接走到海灘!

So what can you actually do in Guam and how much does it cost? 那關島到底有什麼好玩,到底要花多少錢呢?!?! 

1. Hotel Facilities 酒店設施  ~Complimentary

There was a basketball hoop at the pool, I literally spent 1 whole day just in the pool shooting and sunbathing beside it.


2. Watersports 水上活動 ~30USD

This was my first time trying out stand up paddling. It was so much more fun and less tiring than I thought despite the hot weather. Other than this, you can also do snorkelling and kayaking etc. There will be rental huts where you can basically rent all the equipment you need on an hourly basis.  As shown in the photo, the water is so clear that you can see through it!!!

這次其賓是我第一次玩 stand up paddling。 雖然天氣真的很熱,但它比想像中好玩和沒那麼累! 除了stand up paddling外,你還可以在海灘浮潛和划艇,所有用具都可以在海灘旁的小店裡租借。 在照片中你還可以看到海水清澈見底呢!!

3. Fly a plane!! 駕駛私人飛機! ~180USD

180USD: This price includes 1 pilot seat and 2 passengers and the whole trip last around an hour.

180  美金:這個價錢包括了一位駕駛者和兩位乘客,整個過程大約一小時左右。

This is the plane we flew! The view was unforgettable. :') 左邊的就是我們飛的飛機!到現在我還是覺得風景很歷歷在目:')

Viewing Guam at another perspective was incredible, especially when you see the different shades of blue of the ocean:)  I am sure you guys understand how amazing it is without any explanation needed!


4. Two Lovers Point 情人崖 

As the name implies, this place is for lovers to visit! Other than having another spectacular view of the beach, there is this wall of locks that you could place your own to it. By doing so, it symbolises that the relationship is strengthened lol..? 


For transportation, there will be a shuttle bus connecting from the city centre (near DFS) to Two Lovers Point directly. You can buy the tickets when you get on to the bus and it also includes the admission ticket and the returning bus ticket. So don't lose it!!

差點忘了說,在Tumon Bay 市中心 (DFS附近)會有Shuttle Bus 直接到達景點,車票是連入場劵在上車時一起買的,車票也是包括回程的,所以先萬不要上車後就把它掉了喔!!


There are too much that I want to include in this post and therefore I have to split it into 2 parts! If you want to know more about what I did and eat in Guam, please upvote this post and follow me @gladyslui ! See you next time!

因為太多東西要記的關係,我要把這個遊記分成兩部分了。如果你想知道我在關島還做了吃了什麼的話就請upvote這個post和關注我 @gladyslui 吧! 下次再見!

-Sneak Peek 下回預告- :P

Author @gladyslui, Posted By @someone


I would like to know more about this place...i think its wonderful

The whole background is so beautiful.
Bridge, sea, clouds and trees are perfect!
It's a really good place.

Guam, the beauty of pacific. Great tour, thanks for sharing helpful traveling infos :) Anyway, I think NK threat is just bullying, nothing else.


thx for sharing

Traveling is great thing. You get to learn more experiences and appreciate the beauty of nature.

i want to visit one of these places

Looking forward to your next post!

Wow the bridge over the sea looks amazingly beautiful.....I hope you explore more about this travel....great post

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