Unexpectedly, the secret to nourishing the whole body and staying away from stroke and cancer does not cost a penny!

in #cn4 years ago

Many people tirelessly ask longevity old people for longevity, but they don’t know that there are ten best "longevity medicines" in the world that can help us be healthy, less sick, and live longer than a hundred years. Most importantly, they are all free of charge. of!

Next, I will tell you the usage of these ten longevity medicines. If you can't remember, you might as well store them and watch them slowly.

1 drink water


Water is the first element of longevity and the best cure for diseases. Many diseases are caused by insufficient intake of water. Once water is not replenished in time, it is easy to cause dry skin, poor excretion, and constipation in middle-aged and elderly people. Dehydration and heatstroke are prone to occur. For the elderly with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, the thick blood caused by lack of water will indirectly lead to myocardial and cerebral infarction.

Even the general healthy people need to develop a good habit of drinking water frequently, and take appropriate amounts of fruit juices and various soups to increase water intake.

The four best time to drink water every day

  1. Wake up a glass of water in the morning: laxative and moisturizing the intestines

Drinking a glass of water after getting up in the morning can play a laxative and moisturizing effect.

  1. A glass of water after a nap: prevent sleepiness and lower blood fat

After a nap, the body consumes the high energy intake of lunch and is prone to fatigue. Drink a glass of water (preferably green tea) between 13:00 and 15:00 to prevent sleepiness and lower blood lipids.

  1. A glass of water before dinner: detoxify kidneys and prevent stones

Drinking a glass of water before dinner can flush the human body's physiological toilet-the bladder. It can excrete nephrotoxicity and prevent gallstones, kidney stones and other diseases.

  1. A glass of water before going to bed: reduce the risk of heart disease

Drinking a glass of water before going to bed at night can nourish yin, prevent blood thickening, and reduce the risk of heart attack.

2 singing

When you wake up in the morning and wash after washing, you might as well often dilute. Studies have confirmed that singing is a kind of exercise for the respiratory muscles under specific conditions, and the benefits are no less than running, swimming, rowing and so on. If you sing often, your blood composition will change, which will help you improve your immunity. Many professional singers live longer than ordinary people for more than 10 years.

Singing often requires a certain amount of calories. Long and short breathing while singing increases the body's metabolism, promotes the body's metabolism, improves the functions of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels, and reduces the possibility of high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes.

Singing is actually a kind of mental work. To search for, restore and reproduce song-related content from hundreds of millions of information in your mind, your brain really needs to run at a high speed. In other words, singing has the effect of strengthening the brain and improving memory.

Best to sing while standing

When singing, you can stand without sitting, legs should be shoulder-width apart, and your body should be balanced. Remember to use the "abdominal breathing method" to make full use of the abdominal muscles, promote metabolism, and improve constipation and skin conditions.

3 laughs

Do you know? Laughing is also a longevity medicine. A study by Wayne State University in the United States found that the average age of people who laugh is 79.9 years, two years longer than the average life expectancy of Americans, while the average life expectancy of people who do not laugh is only 72.9 years.

Laughter can increase the number of antibodies and immune cells in the blood and saliva. It can also excite the parasympathetic nerves, lower the level of adrenaline, and relieve fatigue. Laughter can increase heart blood flow, promote blood circulation, and reduce heart attacks.

Smiling can reduce the level of stress hormones such as cortisol, not only lowering blood pressure, but also reducing the damage to neurons in the hippocampus of the brain (in charge of memory) and enhancing memory. It can also enhance the function of the immune system and reduce the release of stress hormones, thereby playing a role in fighting cancer.

Laugh sincerely

Zhang Xueliang, who was 101 years old, has a coup for waking up in the morning and laughing. He said that laughter is for longevity, and the first thing to do when you get up in the morning is to make yourself happy. If you want to be happy, you must relax your mind and don't think about troubles. Relax your mind. First of all, you must relax. When the whole heart falls, the body will relax, no longer depressed and tense, and will laugh heartily.

4 chew

Unexpectedly, there is another longevity medicine that is chewing. To be precise, it is 30 times to chew a mouthful of rice. Just remind yourself to chew slowly when eating.

Some surveys have proved that people who always eat and swallow dates have a higher risk of stomach cancer. And chewing more can reduce the burden of food on the digestive tract and reduce the risk of gastrointestinal cancer. In addition, the University of Georgia in the United States found that saliva has a strong "detoxification" effect, which can make the toxicity of aflatoxin, the culprit leading to liver cancer, almost completely disappear within 30 seconds. Therefore, according to the calculation of chewing once per second, it is best to chew a mouthful of rice 30 times.


5 Bask in the sun

The sun is the source of all things, and life is inseparable from it. After a severe winter, the warm spring of spring is ushered in. People can get more exposure to the sun when the sun is not as poisonous as summer.

Solar energy supplements the vitamin D needed by the body. Studies have shown that people with higher levels of vitamin D in the body are about 5 years younger on average than those with lower vitamin D. It can be seen that sun exposure can delay aging. More sun exposure can also reduce the risk of cancer.

Sun exposure can activate a large number of immune cells contained in the human body to achieve the purpose of dredging the meridians, smoothing the blood, reconciling the internal organs, dispelling cold and relieving pain. It has a good prevention and treatment for osteoporosis in the neck, shoulder, spine and other parts. effect.

Sun for 30 minutes a day

It is best to sit in the sun, because there is a meridian on the back that cannot be ignored-the Governor Vessel. The Governor Vessel is known as the "Sea of ​​Yang Vessels", and the Governor has Yang Qi in his body. When your back is hot and comfortable, the body's yang energy will be sufficient.

Generally, the best time to bask in the sun is between 10 and 11 in the morning, or between 16 and 17 in the afternoon, when the sun is more abundant and the light is softer. Sun exposure is the best. Middle-aged and elderly people can be in the sun for about 30 minutes. Don't bask in the sun through the glass, it is difficult to achieve the desired effect.

6 Keep your breath

A study by the Atlanta Centers for Disease Control found that 90% of diseases are related to emotions. The most famous incident in history is the story of Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu. Some historians also claimed that Zhou Yu was not mad at Zhuge Liang, but a sudden heart attack. Zhou Yu's death shows that anger has a great impact on individual health and even life.

This has also been verified in modern medical science. Psychology and physiology are twin brothers born from the same root. Not only will anger bring about strong physiological changes, but the hormones it produces are more complex than any emotions and are toxic. After getting angry, the blood flow of the heart doubles, the liver is bigger than usual, the immune system goes on strike for 6 hours, the alveoli continue to expand, gastrointestinal dysfunction, breast lumps, skin stains...the harm is extremely great.

Zhong Aimin, the guard before Song Meiling's death, believes that the secret of the "old lady"'s longevity is "to keep your breath", and it comes out when you want to lose your temper. The elderly have troubles, they must control their emotions, and they must not hold them in their hearts. Finding a suitable way to vent them is the way to longevity.

The elderly suppress their emotions, leading to depression and various diseases. And if they are in a depressed state for a long time, the elderly will also suffer from immune system disorders, autonomic disorders, endocrine disorders, etc., laying hidden dangers for many diseases.

7 walk

Walking is recognized by the World Health Organization as the "best sport in the world" and is highly recommended by heart associations and experts in many countries. It has now become the most popular health exercise in the world.

The World Health Organization has pointed out that walking is one of the best sports in the world. It is simple and easy to perform and has a good effect on strengthening the body. It is not too late to start this exercise regardless of men, women or children.

Studies have shown that people who walk for more than 30 minutes a day, no matter how high their body fat content is, their chances of longevity are four times higher than others.

Hong Zhaoguang, chief health education expert of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, pointed out that for most people, walking is the easiest and most convenient way to prevent heart disease.

Senior fitness coach Fu Qiang pointed out: "Walking can make bones more reasonably support the body weight, thereby reducing the loss of minerals in the bones, preventing and improving osteoporosis."

8 foot bath

To eat a lamb every day, it is better to soak your feet before going to bed. Soak your feet in spring to keep the sun off; in summer, soak your feet to dehumidify and remove heat; in autumn, soak your feet to moisturize your lungs; soak your feet in winter to hide essence and warm your kidneys.

Soaking feet is suitable for men and women, young and old. Soaking feet for middle-aged and elderly people can prevent various vascular diseases, diabetes, adjust blood lipids, blood pressure, etc., men soak feet to nourish the kidneys, women soak feet for beauty and anti-aging, and children's feet can promote metabolism. Rheumatism, spleen and stomach diseases, insomnia, headaches, colds and other systemic diseases, paraplegia, brain injury, stroke, lumbar disc herniation, kidney disease, diabetes and other serious diseases, rehabilitation after serious illnesses, etc. are all within the treatment range of foot bath .

Soak your feet at nine o'clock in the evening

Soaking your feet at 9 o'clock in the evening has the best effect. Soaking your feet at this time can relax your kidneys to the greatest extent. It is best to use a wooden basin or an enamel basin. The water temperature is around 40°C.

It is best to cover the ankle with the foot bath. If you can continuously massage the Yongquan acupoint and press the Taichong acupoint on the back of the big toe while you are soaking your feet, it will also help lower blood pressure.


9 comb hair

There are many acupuncture points on the head, which can be massaged and stimulated by combing, and can calm the liver, quench the wind, invigorate the mind, relieve pain and improve eyesight. Combing with two fingers in the morning and evening until the scalp is red and hot, it can clear the blood flow of the head, improve the brain's thinking and memory ability, promote the nutrition of the hair roots, reduce hair loss, and eliminate brain fatigue. The first thing the Empress Dowager Cixi wakes up every day is to let the eunuch massage her while combing her hair, so that she will still be full of beautiful hair in her sixtieth year, and she will remain old.

Full hair comb

Experts suggest that you should comb your hair all the way, regardless of whether you comb the middle or both sides, from the hairline of the forehead to the root of the neck. Each part should be combed at least 50 times to be effective, and the upper limit of combing times is based on how comfortable you feel.

The best time to comb your hair is to wake up in the morning and before going to bed, and the best combs are horn combs, jade combs, and wooden combs.

10 sleeping

Sleep is the number one supplement, and the simplest and most effective way to keep healthy is to sleep. Good sleep can eliminate body fatigue, so that brain nerves, endocrine, material metabolism, cardiovascular activities, digestive functions, respiratory functions, etc. can be rested, promote the growth and development of body tissues and self-repair, enhance immune function, and improve resistance to diseases , Which is essential for health preservation.

Early to bed and early to rise

Experts recommend taking a break every night (9 o'clock to 11 o'clock). Traditional Chinese medicine believes that when yin qi is high, sleep soundly (sleeping), and yang qi is high (waking up). The child time is when the yang qi is weakest and the yin qi is strongest. Sleeping at this time can nourish yin the most and the quality of sleep is the best. "Sleep like a bow" can reduce the force of the earth's center on the human body, making people feel relaxed and comfortable. Since the human heart is mostly on the left side of the body, lying on the right side can reduce the pressure on the heart.

It is best to get up at 6 o'clock in the morning to help develop Yang Qi. If you go to bed late the night before, it is best to start before 7 o'clock. Have a nap for half an hour at noon.

It turns out that there are ten best "longevity medicines" in the world, which can help us be healthy, less sick, and live longer than a hundred years. Most importantly, they are all free! Knowing more than three, all make a lot of money. Such a good thing, be sure to forward it to everyone~

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