History of Feng Shui./风水史。

in #cn8 years ago

Feng shui - the science, art, technique and technology, based on a set of principles that express the Chinese idea of the universe. This name is obtained from the ancient art of "A Treatise on the graves" because initially, about 5 thousand. Years ago, Feng Shui was considered the art of building tombs./风水 - 科学,艺术,技术和工艺的基础上,一组表达宇宙的中国人的头脑原则。因为一开始,约5万人。几年前,风水被认为是墓葬建筑的艺术这个名称是由“在坟墓一篇论文”的古老艺术得到。

Zhu Xi scholar of the Middle Ages said: "We are firmly on individuals, thus separating one from the other, but life gives them one breath. My spirit is one with the spirit of my ancestors. " For this reason, the master Geomancer always examines how natural forces and influence the spirits of ancestors who were buried in the area./朱熹学者中世纪说:“我们坚决对个人,从而分离从另一个,但生活给他们一口气。我的精神是一家拥有我的祖先的精神。“ 出于这个原因,主卜师总是探讨如何自然的力量和影响谁被埋葬在该地区祖先的灵魂。

The technique of Feng Shui emerged on the basis of intuition and feelings of people who notice anything unusual that happens to them after that, it developed into a pretty serious for Chinese science. Millennium experience geomancy study of the principles of harmony and cosmic space energy flow helped to create methods and techniques, which can not only affect human health, and climate of their habitats, as well as the ability to attract good luck into the house./出现直觉的基础上风水的技术和谁发现任何异常,经过了发生在他们身上的人的感受,它发展成为一个相当严重的中国科学。和谐并帮助创造的方法和技巧宇宙空间的能量流的原则,这不仅会影响人体健康,它们的栖息地气候,以及吸引好运进屋的能力千年经验风水研究。

They share their secrets only a few of the masters. Most of them are carefully kept these secrets, and remain a secret relationship between teacher and student. This behavior is displayed in many movies, which reflect the Chinese tradition. It will take several years before the teacher decides to uncover the secrets of his craft to his pupil or relative./他们分享自己的秘密,只有少数的主人。他们中的大多数都妥善保管这些秘密,并保持教师和学生之间的秘密关系。这种行为显示在多部电影,反映了中国人的传统。这将需要数年之前,老师决定揭露他的手艺的秘密他的学生或亲戚。

As for China itself, the authentic Feng Shui was a real treasure favorites. The first ruler of the Ming Dynasty - Zhou Yuanzhang, after he became emperor, he gave the order to destroy all of feng shui masters, and distributed throughout the country fake book. After he came to power, the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, he began construction of a new northern capital - Beijing, which is known today as the Forbidden City. During the construction we used the most fake books that have been released under the leadership of the governor. Soon after the construction of palaces and buildings, all of them burned to the ground./至于中国本身而言,正宗风水是一个真正的宝藏收藏夹。明朝的第一位统治者 - 周朱元璋,在他成为皇帝,他下令销毁所有风水大师,并在全国各地的假书分发。之后,他上台后,明朝的第三个皇帝,他又开始了新的资本北部建设 - 北京,这是今天被称为紫禁城。施工期间,我们使用的是已在省长的领导下发布的最假的书籍。宫殿和建筑物的建造后不久,所有的人都被夷为平地。


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