Three kinds of luck./三种运气

in #cn8 years ago

Even in ancient times, in China it was believed that a person manages three types of luck: heaven, earth and human.

Udacha- Heaven is our destiny, is that a higher power is destined for us. "Karma" This concept is very similar to the concept. Provide some influence on that is predetermined for us from the moment of birth, we are not in force. This type of fortune occupies approximately one third of the total./即使在古代,在中国有人认为,一个人管理着三种类型的运气:天,地,人。Udacha-天堂是我们的命运,是一个更高的力量注定我们。“噶”这个概念是非常类似于概念。提供了一定的影响力上被预定为我们从出生的那一刻,我们是不是有效。这种类型的财富中占有约三分之一的总的。

The next kind of luck - a human - it includes all of our deeds and actions, and that creates our behavior. In it, we can have an impact, this is achieved by a change in his attitude towards people and the world in a better way, ignore the negative thoughts and change their minds. Human luck as well as celestial occupies approximately one third of the total./接下来的那种运气 - 人 - 它包括所有我们的行为和行动,和创造我们的行为。在这里面,我们可以有一定的影响,这是由他对人的态度的变化和世界以更好的方式来实现,忽视了负面的想法,改变他们的想法。人的运气,以及天体占据约三分之一的总的。

The latter type of luck - the earth - it depends on how we are able to blend in with the world around us. So, how harmoniously our environment, also depends on a third of the total luck. Feng Shui is engaged in this kind of luck./后一种类型的运气 - 地球 - 这取决于我们如何能够与我们周围的世界融为一体。因此,如何协调我们的环境,还取决于运气总额的三分之一。风水是从事这种运气。

If you are interested in the question of why to use this doctrine, the answer is obvious - if your heaven luck is poor, just with the help of feng shui, you can correct this situation for the better, but what if, if it is favorable to you, that this science will help you to strengthen and enlarge it./如果你有兴趣在为什么要使用这一学说的问题,答案是显而易见的 - 如果你的运气天堂差,只是风水的帮助下,你可以纠正这种情况向好,但如果,如果是优惠给您,这科学可以帮助你强化和放大。

Thus, it becomes clear that people who practice feng shui, begin to notice a very noticeable change in their life, they enrich themselves and become very successful. Others are people who perform all the advice of Feng Shui, immediately begin to wait, when wealth will fall on their heads, but unfortunately faced with only minor changes for the better. They begin to treat this doctrine with some disbelief and think that praise other people, just deception and exaggeration. But if they carefully studied the basics of Feng Shui, you would remember that earthly success is only 30% of your luck. Therefore, if you are more than prepared for the plight, the practice of Feng Shui is very ease your fate, however, we should not forget that the heavenly luck is impossible to influence.

In order to apply Feng Shui, you do not need to believe and worship. This is science, not religion, some in tune with the sound - a technique with which you have the opportunity to change your surroundings so that the person had the ability to connect to all sorts of favorable energies that surround us, and use these energies for their own benefit./因此,它变得清晰,谁搞风水的人,开始注意到在他们的生活中非常显着的变化,他们充实自我,变得非常成功。其他是谁执行风水所有的建议人,立即开始等待,当财富将落在他们的头上,可惜面对只为更好的微小变化。他们开始把这一学说与一些怀疑,以为赞美别人,只是弄虚作假和浮夸。不过,如果他们仔细研究风水的基本知识,你会记得,地上的成功就是你的运气的只有30%。因此,如果你比的困境准备了,风水的做法很缓解你的命运,但是,我们不应该忘记,天上的运气是不可能的影响。为了应用风水,你不需要去相信和崇拜。这是科学,不是宗教,有的在与声音调 - 与你必须改变你周围的环境,这样的人有连接到各种我们周围的有利能量,并用这些能量为自己的利益的能力的机会的技术。


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Lots of heaven luck for my STEEM please :-)

The answer to your plight of Heaven rests Within The "Root" of the Sound!

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