币圈资讯 (2024-08-10)

in #cnnewscryptobtclifestyle2 months ago (edited)



在市场大涨扭转了本周早些时候的大幅下跌之后,比特币一度飙升至 62,000 美元以上,随后回落。此次上涨受到股市利好和比特币将反映过去市场周期的预期影响,而平仓空头头寸也助长了比特币的飙升。

Bitcoin surged over $62,000 briefly before retreating, following a broad market rally that reversed steep losses from earlier in the week.The rally was influenced by favorable stock market sentiment and expectations of bitcoin mirroring its past market cycles, with liquidated short positions contributing to the surge.

创始人 Michael Terpin 周五在一封电子邮件中告诉 CoinDesk:“现在日本央行已表示不会进一步提高利率,而 Jump Trading 将会耗尽可供出售的货币,就像几周前的德国一样,我认为价格不会低于 50,000 美元(除非出现快速下跌),甚至可能永远不会再跌破 50,000 美元。

"Now that the Bank of Japan has indicated they will not raise interest rates further — and Jump Trading will run out of coins to sell, just like Germany did a few weeks ago — I do not see the price going much below $50,000 (other than a quick wick), perhaps ever again,” Transform Ventures founder Michael Terpin told CoinDesk in an email Friday.


美国国税局 (IRS) 发布了加密货币经纪商和投资者用于报告某些交易收益的税务表单 1099-DA 的更新草案版本。
周五发布的 1099-DA 更新版本比美国国税局 4 月份提出的纳税申报表初稿更加精简。投资者填写钱包地址和交易 ID 的空间已被删除,这在表格首次公布时引发了严重的隐私问题。此外,表格中也不再要求填写相关交易的时间,只需填写日期即可。

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released an updated draft version of the tax form crypto brokers and investors will use to report proceeds from certain transactions, the 1099-DA.

The updated version of the 1099-DA released Friday is more streamlined than the first draft of the tax reporting form floated by the IRS in April. The spaces for investors to write in their wallet addresses and transaction IDs – which raised significant privacy concerns when the form was first unveiled – have been removed. There is also no longer a requirement to include the time of the relevant transactions, just the date.

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