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RE: Starting a Coding Community on Steemit? #codeonsteemit

in #codeonsteemit7 years ago

We have a decent little community in the #steem-dev and #steemdev tags, and I tossed a forum together based on those tags over on chainBB. I've been tweaking the CSS to make code snippets look nice within the forums too ;)

As for code samples, this entire thing is in markdown, so you can simply use the triple backticks (`) to make blocks:

<p>a paragraph!</p>

Anything within those blocks won't render as HTML, but as code.


<p>This is awesome dude!</p> Thanks! Checked out your community! You have lots of knowledgeable expertise over there!
However I want to build more of strict "q and a" forum here on Steemit where intermediate programmers, like myself, and newbies can post questions, and receive help from Steemit experts. Also where experts can help each other as well.

I don't see why that wouldn't be possible via those existing tags, it's already used for that a decent amount. Feel free to start the new tag setup though, and if you gain some traction, I can always add another forum for it :)

Alright we should use the existing community #steemdev, and I will create #steemdevqna for a question and answer sub-forum similar to stackoverflow. Let me know!

Yes, like stackoverflow, for example, i want to create a question about Flexbox CSS, what hastag should i use?