It's official, I'm done with Starbucks. DONE!

in #coffee8 years ago


I wanted to grab some coffee before hitting the road back home tonight. We had just spent the day with family and I needed a little pick me up. I let my wife convince me to go to Starbucks... long story short... what a mistake! This is the last time I'm am let down by their diluted excuse for a coffee drink. You can barely taste a hint of coffee in their overpriced crappy drinks. This is not the first time I have been let down by Starbucks but I can assure you it will be the last! I officially am boycotting them.

I have recently found an iced coffee drink that I thoroughly enjoy from none other than Dunkin Donuts. Cheaper, better tasting, larger, and with more than just minimal amounts of coffee. I would highly recommend Dunkin's iced caramel macchiato if you haven't tried it yet.

Let's take the market share away from this overrated company that offers overpriced, subpar coffee drinks. I pledge: never again Starbucks... never again!



Very true... at 1/4 the price

7/11 or a good gas station is your best bet!

Yeah. Went there against my better judgement... what a crock!