How to make a REAL Italian coffee (traditional way)

in #coffee7 years ago (edited)

Ok. I know is a strange post, BUT I think coffe is a must, and a lot of people who like espresso don't even know how to make it . Nowdays people just use automatic machines, and everything is done. But here in Italy is sacred to do coffe in the right way (personally Im not a huge coffee drinker), and I will show you the typical traditional way as I still do and a lot of people here in south of italy still do. Let's start. First of all you need a moka pot or better a "Caffetteria" as we call it like this:

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Few information about it by wikipedia:

The moka pot, is a stove-top or electric coffee maker that produces coffee by passing boiling water pressurized by steam through ground coffee. Named after the Yemenite city of Mocha, it was patented for the first time in Italy by the inventor Alfonso Bialetti in 1933.[1] Bialetti Industrie continues to produce the same model under the name "Moka Express".

Then you open it you take out the filter that contains ground coffe and in the bottom part called bottom chamber put water .

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P.s. you need to have a used caffettiera like mine as you can see under the water or coffe won't come out in the right way :P after this you take the coffe powder and you fill the filter like this.
Do not push the powder just let is be like in the photo


After put it on the stove low flame


wait few minutes as the coffe comes out. It's pretty quick if your caffettiera is small like mine this one is just for 2 people, there are different measures this one is the smallest. And then put it in your coffe cup and voila'! Serve with some happy biscuits for more happiness :D

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This is coffe! Not the American one! Sorry Americans but that's the truth!! No hard feelings eheh anyway I hope this may be usefull, but I think pretty much anyone knows how to make it so...I don't know, let me know what you think and if you try to make it. Have a Good day and God bless!