Are you Cold Emailing as a Freelancer? Check the Post Out

in #coldemails3 years ago (edited)

I love cold emailing as a freelancer, but there's a catch to it. 🤔

You definitely should cold-email people, but you also need to be self-aware of where you are in your journey.

What do I mean by that? Let's find out.

Let's say you've just started out. You are a newbie who has a couple of dummy projects plus one or two real ones in your portfolio.

If you start cold-emailing brands like Apple, Nike, Google, Starbucks on your first day and send ten emails each day to companies like these, you'd probably be disheartened pretty easily.

Here's what I suggest you do for a cold-outreach/email strategy as a newbie freelancer instead:

Apart from job boards- look for industry-related keywords on platforms like Linkedin & Twitter. Something like "hiring remote copywriters" in your search bar

Search for niche-based Facebook groups and especially lookout for people who have included a personal or professional email ID.

Now you're thinking, these two are client-finding methods, but how to approach them?

That's where cold emailing comes in.

You'd be surprised to know how many people actually don't bother to read the instructions.

You'd probably see 20-30 comments saying "interested" on a Linkedin or a Facebook job post where it's clearly mentioned that they need to send their details via a DM or an email ID.

They get rejected by recruiters right away because they don't even read the instructions properly.

This is your chance to cold-email people who are looking for someone like you. That's when cold emails really show the magic.

Once you start doing this every day, you'd see a drastic change in your cold email replies.

Having said that, maintain a 70-30 ratio if you were to send 10 cold emails every day.

70%- Targetted to the ones who are actually looking for someone

30%- Targetted to the companies you really want to work with

Reach out to the right people, but also never stop believing in getting a reply from your dream company.

You'll get there sooner if you start today. I promise ❤️

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