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RE: ColorChallenge: SaturdayIndigo - "Sympiosis" [7MinuteFreeWrite]

We are always quick to put labels on things, and what is unfortunate is that labels are hard to remove. Did you want understand instead of understood in the second to last paragraph?


Yes, you're on point there, man! Great sentiment. Hmm I don't think so, but I never really got to edit this one, given the 7-minute restriction. I didn't want to go back and edit after the allotted time. I'm often to caught up in nitpicking things, that it's rare I just leave something so raw. I think that's what's different about this series from most of my writing.

Thanks for taking the time to read, man. I appreciate you being caught up with the series and for sharing your thoughts all the way! I have just scheduled the last installment to post a few hours from now. I hope the ending doesn't disappoint :S

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