When Obama was elected a second time, at least to me, it signaled a turn for the worse in terms of historical significance. I tend not to look at current events as much as I do to matching events of today with history. What is taking place today in the US has happened in other places of the world. Events that led up to the civil war, 1930's Germany, 1950's China, and on and on. Let's face it, Democrats appeal to the worst side of humanity from telling us what we want to hear, to encouraging violence by not standing against it.
one thing is different from all the events you mentioned that took place in the past.
the advance of technology....
technolgy has advanced more in the last ten years than it has in ALL of history up to then.
and the rate of increased changed is approaching exponential.
I agree. Thanks to our advancements our rush to foolishness is greatly enhanced. You would think this is a conspiracy to dumb down kids in public schools, rewrite history books to provide history the way you wish it had been instead of the way it was, and then hope that history doesn't repeat itself. But it does...every time. It's not a conspiracy in my opinion. If you think about things from an emotional point of view and a desire to shield people from the ugly hurtful truth you end up doing what they are doing.
I'm more and more convinced that Obama stole the election.
Hence the extreme resistance of the liberals to remove ways to cheat.