Say NO to Communitarianism.
Up until a few weeks ago, if you had asked me what “Communitarianism” was, I would’ve shrugged my shoulders. If pressed, I would have said it’s another one of those political “-isms" like socialism and communism but closer to collectivism and far away from my favorite, anarchy.
I have however seen the word appear much more often lately and so I thought I’d try to figure out exactly what it meant, besides more oligarchy-imposed bullshit.
As it turns out, it was indeed yet another form of oligarchy-imposed bullshit, but a specific and sneaky type of oligarchy-imposed bullshit - one that’s designed to get the ordinary likes of you and I to let down our guard of judgment and individuality for the good of some vaguely defined sort of “we’re all in this together” COMMUNITY bullshit, so that we basically go along with whatever the oligarchy-imposed bullshit tells us to do… just like we have for the last year... but Communitarianism comes with a very honed sales pitch featuring a bunch of high-profile “deep-state”-types like Clinton and Obama, etc. just to make sure that people are a little dazzled and intimidated and thus less likely to challenge the dumbfuck groupthink that goes along with it.. (though for me, that kind of tactic works fully in reverse.)
So, as to the video here, it’s from some friends over at the "Book of Ours” - a YouTube channel. They made this one way the hell back in July 2020 - which was way before I had gotten a good whiff of the word, communitarianism. In any case, they did a very thorough job on this, so that when you’re done, you WILL KNOW what communitarianism is, why you should care and why you should be very WARY of it and NOT fall into docile acceptance of it or any such propaganda that trickles down on us from existing power hierarchies that love to use control and intimidation tactics to cow us into submission. This is key to their agenda in 2021... always more and more submission - until we have been beaten into an undifferentiated mass of dehumanized genderless chemical cow parts.
As you may or may not know, we are at present in the midst of a humongous and horrific social experiment wherein almost everything that we once took for granted as people can no longer be taken for granted and if our “golden” goose is to escape this dystopian brimstone showdown even slightly uncooked, we’re gonna have to WIN our sovereignty back or TAKE it back by way of somehow elevating those unique spiritual and intellectual aspects of ourselves that make us fully HUMAN BEINGS.
As I have said many times before, the war is ON! Call it WORLD WAR III, if you like, because it IS!... but however you label it, what we are talking about here is a war on every HUMAN in order to see whether or not we will surrender to the forces of the MACHINE!
Along the way, we will be asked to “unhuman” ourselves - to BETRAY the good, the true and the beautiful in us by giving in to hatred and to fear, to judgement, to soulless fascism and to ALL manner of oligarchy-imposed bullshit that’s here right now and drilling its way into us at ever-accelerating speeds.
I recommend you watch the video, because it will help you to understand just what we’re up against in 2021.
Basically, it’s not all that different from what we have been up against all year, except now that we FAILED on COVID, and we FAILED on FEAR and we FAILED miserably on PROPAGANDA, so that now we’re in the middle of a MASSIVE FAIL on the GENE THERAPY INJECTION SCAM, it’s time for the oligarch bullshit to go next-level as it unleashes new rounds of narrative diversion that builds on the earlier Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) bullshit, by cross-weaving that with this fresh and feel-good communitarian bullshit, whose only virtue lays in its ability to further divide us along NEW DOTTED LINES that further prevent us from actually engaging with each other at true PHYSICAL, INTUITIVE & ENERGETIC levels, which in case you forgot is how humans have lived and thrived for MILLIONS of years... at least until “Davos Covid & the Global Great Resetters” arrived ONE fucking year ago and told us to FORGET all the old ways… and instead to “… dream of electric sheep” as Philip K. Dick might say… and to embrace our TRANSHUMANIST FUTURE of limitless potential, full of all the same false promises that the Devil has always used and excelled at selling gullible mankind.
Please don’t fall for it again! If the MACHINE wins this time, there will be no second chance for us. So please, in the brief time we have left to us in this war, stand up and say NO! … not jut NO! - but FUCK NO!!