Round 1 About to End, We Are Voting!

in #community6 years ago

Even with all of the nonsense from this week our share sales are on track to break 1,000 shares again in the first round. This is our target before moving to the next account so this is AMAZING considering nobody could use the blockchain this week.

The sales will end when this post pays out in 1 Day and 15 hours from the time I'm posting now.

Current sales are 550 delegated shares and 401 owned shares for a total of 951 Shares!

We only need to sell 49 more shares and we will have reached our goal and be able to move onto @minnowbuilder3 for the next sales.

Voting will stay live...

Voting can stay live assuming 2 things.

  • First VP must stay over 80% which I don't see as an issue due to us not having any redfish that are being supported right now so we are recovering very quickly. We will be adding them in around a week once VP has recharged up to the mid 90% range.
  • Second SteemAuto needs to stay live. As they are good now assuming no new patches knock out the service we should be good. But we do rely on steemauto currently.

In case you missed it

The Minnow Builder program is a community effort to help redfish become minnows while at the same time allowing the supporter who purchase shares to receive a daily upvote for their support. It's the ultimate win-win to help promote account growth for redfish and our amazing supporters!

Read the FAQ and @minnowbuilder2 Share Sale Post before asking questions. After reading if you have a question please fire away.


We need programs like this more now (with hf20) than ever before.
New users will be limited in what they can do and will loose hart quickly. If they can get on a program like this then they will see progression and a community built around making each other better.
When this program is fully operational we can have 60 redfish at different levels of support. That means we can buils a community that has the VP to support itself and grow.

@buildingpies is an account controled by @andrewharland

So after the redfish turn minnow are different redfish added?

Yes once this is fully operational there will be 6 minnowbuilder accounts each supporting different level redfish. They will progress from one level to the next as their owned SP increases.

From there we already have plans to continue this and start building dolphins too. Just need to get the minnowbuilder accounts up and running first.

Long term thinking is critical when understanding a project like this. We aren't turning anyone minnow overnight...nor would we even want to as that would set very unrealistic expectations of what steemit is. But by setting up 6 levels it allows people to see progress and have a new goal to show for.

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