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RE: Community - What is it Good For?

in #community7 years ago (edited)

Indeed, there is a benefit to community. It is the way humans have survived this long, all pulling together for the benefit of each other.

The loss of this sense of community is very sad, and the hole left in it's place is pretty big. People can feel lonely and abandoned even in the midst of a densely populated city center. Unfortunately, this often leads to overcompensation. The voluntary, helpful ecosystem, is replaced by harmful government programs. While the motivations behind these programs may be great in theory, in practice, they only isolate the helpee from the helper.

The helper is forcefully removed from his means against his will and without his consent. The helpee receives this assistance automatically, with very little human interaction. Neither party gets to experience the connection that this kind of assistance brings. It breeds mutual contempt, indignation and entitlement.

So, it is very important to recognize the beauty of these relationships, especially when things happen the way they should, and everyone involved feels uplifted in the end. It is the way we were created. (or evolved if you rather.)


I have to stop voting now. Actually, I had to stop voting yesterday, but.. I'm addicted! Anyway your comment is right on the money.

I thank whatever gods may be that no gummint agency has yet been empowered to replace neighbors helping push neighbors trucks. I think if that happens, I will get a bicycle, or a little red wagon, or anything I can push all by myself (without attracting too much empathy from the neighbors).

I do think a lot of the problem is how we are densely packed into cities, as @deirdyweirdy noted. Many studies (famously lemmings) have shown that the stress of high densities causes bizarre and dangerous behaviours in every species studied.

Your comments are perhaps the strongest advocacy for voluntarism I have heard. Frederic Bastiat and Lysander Spooner, whom I have had foisted on me of late, both make far more technical, but no more persuasive, arguments towards that end.

Thanks for your insight!

Wow, thank you for that! I do have some voluntaryist tendencies that might show from time to time.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience!

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