Positive Vibes

in #community4 years ago


We all have people in our lives who inspire us and motivate us. People that lift us up and carry us through some of the darkest moments of our lives. Simply by reaching out and asking if we are okay gives us the opportunity to be heard.

By just asking this simple question " Are You Okay", you feel yourself open up and with that comes the relief to have someone acknowledge your pain, your suffering and to hold space for you to let some of it go.

I am quite a private person ( I know that might be quiet hard to image, considering I actually share so much of my life on here). But off screen, I have always liked to retreat into myself when I am suffering. That is my way, it has been for a very long time.

In the last two years I have done just that, but there has been someone that has always checked in on me and who has helped me more than she will ever know, well until now that is.


This person is someone that I have never met, yet I can honestly say that I would trust them with my life and that means a lot coming from me,(especially as I was anti technology for so long and used to give out to others when they spend too much time in front of a screen). This person is like a sister to me and I have so much love and respect for her and for all that she does.

I am talking about @riverflows, someone who really needs no introduction on here, but just in case you have been sleeping under a rock, this Wonder Woman is the creator and force behind @naturalmedicine. A community that is all about supporting and empowering one another. Something I am very passion about.

I met Rivers pretty early on the steemit platform, as we both joined within months of one another. We bonded over truck living as she spend many years living in one with her husband and I continue to live in one with my girls.

On top of that both of us have been called brother a number of times on here, me because of Truck in my name and her because there is a land rover in her profile picture, cos of course anything to do with motors must mean male right!

But more than that, we just seemed to get one another, to be able to really identify with one another. We are both very much free spirits, who feel deeply connected to the earth. We are also both fiercely independent and ready to take on any job that needs to be done, we are warrior sisters at heart.


I mean seriously, how good does this look! one of @riverflows amazing creations.

On top of that, I am also a huge fan of everything she does, from the way she weaves her stories, to the amazing food that she creates. Plus the Nat Med community that she ran single-handedly for so long, because she is so passionate about that and our need to take back control of our own health.

This post is my way of saying thank you, @riverflows,for all those times you have reached out to me privately, knowing exactly what to say and how to say it. Helping me navigate my way when I found myself as a single mum and then again when I lost my sister.

Thank you for holding space for me, when I needed to rant and let off steam at all hours of the night for me, but what would have been day time for you. Because those where the moments when I felt so alone and so vulnerable and knowing that you were there really helped me get through it all.


Thank you for making me laugh when I really needed it,for sharing music with me and for sending me that amazing book, how excited I was to get that present in the post.

I know that you are going through a tough time right now, being so far away from home, during these crazy times, so I wanted to do something for you, which will hopefully make you smile and let you know how loved and appreciated you are.

Thank you for being who you are and for doing so much for me and for this community.

I want to finish with a excerpt from one of @riverflows posts,What if I Ran With the Wild Horses?, which really shows how wonderfully creative and beautifully wild this woman is.

What if instead of staying still and panting for air, of saying I can't run anymore because I'm all out of what I need to feed my lungs, I let the air in gently, bridled it? What if I trusted that a saddled breath could take me anywhere, and instead of hiding, I ran with the wild horses, the brumbies in the high country where the terrain is difficult, but the view is extraordinary? What if I squeezed my thighs tight against warm and heaving sides, slick with sweat, and felt the wind in my hair as we travelled upward upward, the world falling away beneath us, the sky above and the light white and illuminating the valley below until I had no need to shout 'I am', because I had become that that I was?

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