How to Avoid Emotional Arguments and Explosions
It seems everyone is a bit on edge and this can really stress a relationship. So how do you avoid emotional arguments and explosions?
Sometimes the best medicine is to just talk it out. Unfortunately, not everyone has the best communication skills. And, we all could use some tips on communicating in a heated debate. After all, we still want to remain friends and in some cases out of the dog house.
How to Avoid Emotional Arguments and Explosions
Sometimes we are so focused on being right, we forget their are other sides to an issue. When a heated argument arises, we lose control of our emotions. And people seem to have less tolerance and patience as a whole, which creates unnecessary misunderstandings and results in outbursts. To cool down, we need to recognize when we are about to lose control and focus on the ways we react.
While it may seem counter-intuitive in the moment of anger, but turning your focus inwards, you will immediately raise awareness about your feelings and the state of emotion you are in.
Speak Softly and Gently Towards a Solution
During an argument, it is important not to speak with a loud, aggressive or sarcastic tone. Instead, speak with a calm voice with the intention of finding a solution to work things out. A loud voice tends to worsen the situation. When one starts to raise its voice, the other follows suit to be even louder.
In the end, nobody wins and may turn into a screaming contest which damages the relationship and communication further. Hence learn to handle your tone and manner with gentleness. Always reflect if your approach will be part of the problem or part of the solution.
Avoid Bringing Out Issues from the Past
People tend to bring out old similar issues in the argument and start pinpointing faults in the other. Perhaps the current issue reminds you of something in the past you have not resolved within. However, it is crucial that you do not bring old matters to the present argument because it shows the unwillingness to forgive the present slight and this could only adds fuel to the current burning fire.
While it may be difficult to push back these feelings, by doing so you can focus on resolving the current issue. It can help save a relationship or communication breakdown.
Agree to Disagree
Occasionally, it may be unlikely you or the other person can reach an agreement. You simply have to agree to disagree and part with the debate. Learn to set a compromise to resolve your quarrel.
At the end of the day, remember that it’s far more important to be happy than to be right. This way, you’ll have a blissful relationship and better communication arrangement with another. In conclusion, these steps are a good start in learning how to avoid emotional arguments and explosions.
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