How to wake up people to chemtrails

in #conspiracy7 years ago

I can remember my own process of realizing the magnitude of this crime on humanity.

I was already pretty deep in my awakening process, I was informed about the Fed, 9/11, the scam of "Democracy" (interestingly by Noam Chomsky of all places), the Freemasons, Frankfurt School, Tavistock Institute and so forth when I first came across a video on youtube about chemtrails.

At first I dismissed it as crazy conspiracy theory and DID NOT EVEN BOTHER TO LOOK AT THE SKY.

Only when I saw an interview given by a person I deeply respected in which he mentioned the validity of them I started to pay attention.
Still, I thought that this is just speculation and exaggeration.
The government can't be THAT bad, right?
MUST be something harmless.

Slowly I informed myself more and more, about air , water and soil samples for example. About what ACTUALLY is in them.

The picture emerged VERY slowly. I still was sceptical for a long time.
Maybe it is just harmless Geo - Engineering. Something necessary.

Then I started to look up into the sky and started to notice them. Not before.

The government is stupid and incompetent. Politicians are only corrupt but necessary. But they are essentially well meaning folks. That is the general assumption.

Only after a year of not watching television at all anymore when I started to feel the stomach turning sensation when I saw the talking heads on CNN and the blatant, obvious lies they spread, when I completely removed myself from the brainwash machine, it started to sink in...what if...

The final understanding occurred when I learned about the depopulation agenda by Kevin Galalae.

Now I have a pretty good idea of what they are intended for.
I don't know everything, probably I am missing something, but I know it can't be a good thing. That's for sure.

What I am trying to say:

It takes a while.
We have to be patient with people and keep presenting facts.
2 years ago I would have laughed myself out the door as complete moron with my "conspiracy theory"
Now I know.
It is a process. A painful one.
The crime is of such magnitude, the implications so painful that for a goodhearted human being they are out of his imagination.

We have to understand that most people are not only busy trying to make a living in this economy, they are also chemically sedated by toxins in their food, indoctrinated and
dumbed down since birth and brainwashed every single day they watch television.

We need to spread te word, but we have to pick people up where they are.
We have to awake them gently and with good information and facts.

Otherwise all we get is an empty stare, a condescending smile and a tinfoil hat.

It will take time. Hopefully not more than we have...


Yeah.... I would never flag this. But wouldn't upvote it either.

Instead... you can find established conspiracy theorists already on the platform. They have probably already posted the same information 5-10 times and just comment and interact on their posts. If you are new.... it can be tough.


I upvoted it and resteemed it then saw it obscured on timeline. It is a great article and the chemtrails are only a part surely of masking it. The establishment really doesn't like emotionally intelligent people. They move people which disrupts the programming. Very disappointed they masked this article.

Are you freaking kidding me? This is the post that got flagged? Well, one of my highest paying blog posts was about chemtrails, keep fighting brother. You are trying to save lives here for us and ouR grandchildren, THANKS SO MUCH

Thank you for your support my friend! We will not go down without a fight! I just have to be smarter about it I guess 🙂

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