Most Important Video Ever! Please make this viral.

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

This is a video from Benjamin Fulford. It was created in March 2018 but has been suppressed by the search engines. For those of you who don't know who Fulford is, please do some short research for yourself, but basically, he used to be a reporter for Forbe's magazine and now he is trying to help save our planet from destruction. This video is one of the most important video's you will ever see, (if you have half a brain). After 15 years of researching what is going on behind the scenes in America to find out why our country has deteriorated so badly, I can tell you that what Fulford is saying is absolutely true. Our country has been hijacked by crooked banksters, and we are all debt slaves that are controlled by money. Any half-way smart person who has used the internet to do some serious research (instead of watching funny cat video's) can tell you that we have been dumbed down and duped and if this continues, we will pay dearly, even with our very lives. I hope you take this video seriously, because, your life may very well depend on it. Nuff said. Here is the link for the video.


I never take Benjamin Fulford seriously but what he says makes you think and for me a little chuckle.....

Clickbait.....I guess you never watched the video because it is a digital female voice talking.

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