The Grand Decision That Started It All

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)


Yesterday, I talked about the conspiracy that is behind all conspiracies being the fact that there is a group of elites that control almost everything on this planet. Now, I want to remind you that, since the elite work in secret, you have to use critical thinking and common sense and reasoning, to figure out what they might have done and what they intend to do in the future. So, using all my resources, (my reasoning, discernment, research, critical thinking, and intuition) here is what I think happened way back in the days when Kings were fighting each other to make there kingdoms bigger and become wealthier. I think probably one day, a very smart King was thinking critically, and he thought to himself, why are we (the Kings of the world) fighting each other, when we could just tax our own citizens for a lot more money and rob them instead of killing each other and destroying our kingdoms. We could also trade with each other for the goods and services we need instead of stealing from each other.

He probably then sent messages, to all the other kings to see if they would be in agreement with his proposal. This may not have happened overnight, but it seems feasible, that this may have happened, since this activity did at least slow way down and eventually did stop, at least in that form.

Now at this point, I would like to ask some questions for us all to think about. Who decided that Kings are royalty, and should have privilege over mere peasants? Where did the idea or Royalty come from? When these Kings died, who got their money and property? When Rome fell, from it's own internal problems, who took all the wealth and where did they start their new kingdom? Why do we as a society, or as the human race, allow ourselves to be controlled by money, religion, and politics? Are you aware, that money, religion, and politics are all invented forms of control to manage the masses? Are you starting to see how a small group of elite, ultra wealthy people, have taken over our planet, and made us all miserable?

If not, then let me suggest some reading material for you. Some of these books you can now get online or read online for free or for a small fee. The Biggest Secret by David Icke. Look at these on amazon for a good description of the content and read what others said about them. Confessions Of An Economic Hitman by John Perkins. War Is A Racket by Smedley Butler. The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin. This is just a small sample of the books that are out there to get you started. Don't believe a word I am saying? Do your own research. I promise you won't be able to debunk this information. It's real.

I know I am jumping all around here and that is not a professional way to write. Hell, I told you I am not a professional writer. I do have a purpose in skipping around though. I want to peak your interest. I want you to understand how important this information is, and why. So, let me tell you what is in it for you.

According to many sources I have researched, there was a fund set up after world war 2, that was supposed to be divided up among the nations of the world after 50 years. This fund is now worth Quadrillions or dollars. Yes, not Trillions but the next number about that, which is Quadrillion. It was supposed to be a fund for peace and prosperity for all people, but it was hijacked by the elite, and used to create wars and profits. You see, if you can destroy a country for whatever reason, there is big money in contracting to rebuild it. Literally trillions in some cases, but always Billions. The arms trade is a Trillion dollar industry. Do you see how we are all being played? Wake up!!! If you create a terrorist group, through secret funding, and then blow up a couple of big buildings in a place like New York City, and then blame it on those terrorists, you can pass a bill called the patriot act and you can then spy on everyone and make them think it is for their own protection. It's called problem, reaction, solution, and it's just one of the many clever tactics the illuminati use, to manipulate our reality. They also have a way they can use mind control to create a killer that will do either an assassination or a mass shooting, and then not even remember what happened after they do it. I have seen the evidence of how it all works. You can't make this stuff up.

Here is another brilliant tactic they use, especially in the military. They did this when they created the atom bomb. They hire a bunch of smart engineers and technical people, the brightest people they can find and they give these people one part of the puzzle to work on and don't tell them why they are doing what they are doing or how it fits into the big picture. In other words, these people are working on one small piece of a project, and they don't even know what the project is. They only find out things on a need to know basis. Only the people at the very top, know the big picture. This is true in all their corrupt industries and corporations. Are you starting to get a clearer picture of how important this information is? Do you think you can always protect your family and loved one's knowing how these people operate. No, it is impossible, and will remain so until we stop them. And I am not talking about using violence against these people. They have a lot better weapons than we do. What I am advocating is things like spending our money very wisely on only what we really need and not continuing to fund these big corporations that are poisoning our food and water, and our planet. They are destroying it, and we are enabling them. Yes, we have to take full responsibility, because they just hold the carrot in front of us and we are the one's chasing the carrot. I truly hope you are enjoying this series. I don't know what I will talk about tomorrow or whenever I do my next post, but there is a lot more you should know. Stay tuned.


You are only seeing a veil. There are secret societies that these elites are in that they control and manipulate to do their dirty works.

I am curious on who you think these families are besides the Rothschild.......

I try not to name these people, because I cannot prove conclusively they are involved. There are lots of books that name them. Check out David Icke's book "The Biggest Secret" for more info.

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