We Absolutely Must Do Our Part To Change The World.

in #conspiracy7 years ago

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Good evening, everyone. I hope you are enjoying this series of talks on conspiracy theories. So far we have talked a little about what you can do to change things, but I would like to go further into that at this time. Are you aware that people all over the world are taking matters into their own hands and doing unconventional things like starting their own food forests, starting eco-communities, building off the grid houses with solar and wind power and their own water collection system? People are tired of the old system, and they are doing something about it. You can search for video's about this on YouTube by typing in "off grid community" and off grid living" respectively. There is also a whole city built in Florida, where people do not use money to live. I know that sounds weird, and at first when I heard about living without money, I was very skeptical, however, after being homeless for 10 days and then being unemployed for over 3 years and living off of little money, my life is so much simpler now, and I have learned other ways to get the things I need and I am not a debt slave anymore and I don't have a job I hate anymore. But enough about me.

One of the things I encourage everyone to do is to become informed themselves by reading alternative news media sites for themselves (as opposed to watching the lame stream media lies on tell a vision) and I wanted to share some of my best sources of information with you. Now, before I do that though, I want to caution you, that even the alternative media outlets can sometimes be compromised, because they sometimes let just anyone post stories (free speech) so you have to learn to use discernment on some of these sites. Over the years I have come to trust only a handful of people on the internet who have impeccable integrity, so I will talk about them first. I will list the persons name and tell a little about them, then give their web address.

First is David Wilcock. David has been exposing the cabal (or illuminati) online for a long time. He has written several books that are listed on his website which is divinecosmos.com David Icke. David is an ex sports caster from England who has been exposing the illuminati for longer than just about anyone else. He has written several books that are listed on his website at davidicke.com Jeff Rense. Jeff is one of the original conspiracy guys. His website is the top conspiracy site, but, beware, others are allowed to post stuff and some information may not be accurate. His site is rense.com And last but not least, is Raye Allan Smith. Her website is rumormillnews.com Raye's husband was in the CIA and she started this site to expose corruption. There are lots of whistlblowers that use her site to post information, but it has also been infiltrated by enemy agents, so beware.

The most trusted information I have found is on David Wilcock's site (divinecosmos.com) David is one hell of an awesome researcher, and he has a lot of whistleblowers that he is in contact with. These sites will help you get the education you never got while attending school. Feel free to ask me any questions via Steemit through these posts. I am happy to answer. That's all for now. Have a great weekend. I will try to post tomorrow again.

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