Confessions of a Closet Conspiracy Theorist

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)


I jumped down the rabbit hole, took the red pill and Kansas went bye bye for me, over twenty years ago. I dived into a world of false flags, government coverups and a webs of deceit at the heart of everything we are taught to believe.

We live in a world that is becoming increasingly polarised and where people make snap judgements based on emotive responses to click-bait on social media and opinions are quickly formed and easily entrenched, based on the flimsiest of evidence.

All too frequently, things are seen in black and white, assumption replaces research and minds close, when exposed to something that challenges personal narrative. Take the phrase 'Conspiracy Theorist', it immediately conjures up images of tin foil hats, flat earth theories and paranoid crazies hiding in their basements.

Nothing can be further from the truth, in fact.....1514657792818462705872201132647.jpg
(Image source:

This is Why I'm a Closet Conspiracy Theorist.
Even the description 'Truther' has taken on the same connotations and been relegated to the perceived lunatic fringe, to be mocked and ridiculed rather than looked at through the eyes of critical thinking. The theories that are proven to be true, gain little or no exposure in the mainstream media, are quickly forgotten, and relegated to mere myth in the public imagination.

As modern science knocks on the door of perceived reality and pushes the boundaries of laws of physics, we are increasingly challenged to revisit our pre established paradigms and explore the world around us with fresh eyes and renewed curiosity.

Not all Conspiracy Theories Are Created Equal
Although I'm loathe to dismiss anything completely out of hand, (after all millions of people around the world, have an unshakeable faith in something ephemeral, we cannot, currently, prove or disprove scientifically), I do feel the need to approach the world of conspiracy with a degree of discernment.

Take, for example 9/11. Everyone has heard the cries that it was an 'inside job' and the arguments still heatedly continue to this day.


I'm not going to go into details about all the conflicting evidence and discussions about this particular event, suffices to say, that a surprisingly large number of people, don't accept the official narrative and it certainly deserves further research and a closer look. It has been proven beyond doubt that governments are not above perpetrating attacks on their own citizens in order to gain public approval for war, it's called a 'False Flag Event'.

Don't accept my word for it, research this subject for yourself, 'take the red pill and see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.' I'm not saying that the government was directly responsible for 9/11, but there are certainly questions that arise, when all the evidence is weighed as a whole, (and I'm not talking about micro focussing on one particular debate such as thermite).

Whatever your feelings are, about the 'truth' of that fateful day, the conclusions are far from black and white and it's likely to be a debate that rages for decades to come.

This is something I would place under the heading of 'probable'. There is an evidence trail to follow, that can be either verified or disproven, allowing us to reach a conclusion that can, at least, have a basis in fact.


The other kinds of conspiracy theory are the ones that I see as 'plausible.' In this category, I include such things as claims of alien abduction. There is large amount of anecdotal evidence from eye witness testimony, reports from hypnotherapy clinicians and a number of, alleged, surgically retrieved implants from the experiencers. The sheer volume of cases being reported, certainly suggests the possibility, that the phenomenon could, indeed, be real, but there isn't enough verifiable, physical evidence with which to reach a definitive conclusion.

Until such time evidence comes to light, that can quantifiably prove the veracity of these claims, it will remain an interesting topic for discussion, but fail to be accepted by the public, as something to be taken seriously. Personally, I tend to believe in the phenomenon, but it's just a belief and I wouldn't argue the point without more evidence, and certainly wouldn't jump to the conclusion that is was aliens.

Finally, there are those theories, which I would place into the category of 'improbable.' These include subjects that I feel, currently, belong more in the realm of spirituality and religion, rather than the search for political and scientific proof of things that are deliberately hidden from the public at large.

Take the search for extraterrestrial life. There are the giants like SETI and NASA, accepted by public as credible sources of information as they explore the cosmos, looking for life and scientific knowledge of the universe.

There is also a large community, that believes in a cover-up of alien visitation, and has been pushing for disclosure, for decades. The most famous of these, is MUFON, and armed with high level whistleblowers, declassified documents and, literally, thousands of eye witness reports and images, they are gaining ground. Not to mention, the explosive article in the New York Times, just before Christmas, that announced the Pentagon's admission of a secret department, dedicated to the study of UFOs, including video footage from the camera of a military jet.

This brings me to the 'improbable'. Hitchens said "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" and there are certainly some extraordinary claims in the world of conspiracy. There's a storm within the UFO community at the moment, regarding the assertions of a 'self proclaimed' whistleblower called Corey Goode who claims to have been in a government secret space program. Interestingly enough, he's not the first person to bring this subject up, the problem,however lies in the fact, that there is not a single part of his story that can be verified.
Over time, he gained a large following from the more, 'new age' side of the community, rather than those interested in the more serious research. His highly controversial claims definitely fall into the category of the improbable and digging a little deeper, uncovers claims of plagiarism and sensationalism.

The subject of UFOs is one that deserves a closer look, rather than dismissing out of hand, but it is also a minefield of conflicting information and new age beliefs, which sit alongside the more scientific approach to the investigation. Be prepared to bring some critical thinking to the table, if you're planning on looking further into this subject.15154259715843000144584902179291.jpg

The world of Conspiracy Theories is a complex and diverse, variety of subjects that range from the outlandish to the alarming. There is real truth to be uncovered, that can change your perception of the world forever and shake the foundations of accepted belief. In a time when mainstream media is proving to be biased and untruthful, and the corruption within our politics is no longer something that can be swept under the carpet by propaganda and secrecy, it is more important than ever to educate ourselves, even if that means opening our minds to subjects we may find uncomfortable.

It's not all tin foil hats and shape shifting reptilians. We live in a world that is fundamentally broken and the deeper we dig, the more the realisation dawns, as to just how much we've been deceived. There are so many conspiracies, that each one is a post in itself, certainly in the case of the more 'probable' theories. It's something I shall certainly be exploring further, over the coming months.

What are your thoughts on this subject? Let me know in the comments below and share the things you, yourself have discovered, that don't fit the mainstream narrative.


(But Only If You Want To)

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Some interesting points here. Some very exciting as well. I have to always think there is more life then just earth.

However the endless conspire of say things like Micheal Jackson still alive, or the world is Flat, no trip to the moon etc.... becomes a little to much for me.

Thank you

I couldn't agree more. Flat earth and Michael Jackson type theories, detract from the serious research and serve only to make the entire field ridiculous. One could almost wonder if they are written by government shills, seeking to undermine the genuine theorists. 😜

so true and very well said !!!

Thank you

Healthy skepticism is a good thing. I'm a very skeptical person. Especially when it comes down to accepting the "official story" on any breaking event. Not that I always believe that I'm immediately being lied to, or that the "Illuminati" is responsible. Only that people always have an agenda. And conspiracies do exist. If they didn't, we wouldn't need fraud investigators...

But it seems like most people don't want to question anything, and that's just as dangerous as accepting everything as a "conspiracy theory". Many of my friends like to poke fun when I question an official narrative, and they blow it off with the usual, "Uh Oh, here comes "Conspiracy Joe" again". And it's all done in jest, but that's the reason I finally just started to convince them that I believe in every conspiracy ever, no matter how ridiculous...

Wanna talk about the moon landing? It was faked!
Flat Earth? Oh, you betcha...
Hitler suicide? Naw, he was living in Venezuela until 1973.

Of course I don't believe any of these. But it's a hell of a lot of fun to try to convince my friends that I do... The point is, I'd rather be labeled a "crazy conspiracy theorist" by my peers and still look at everything through a critical lens, than be accepted as "normal" and simply accept everything at face value...

Lol. I know what you mean. My friends joke about my tin foil hat, and like you, I occasionally play up to it for the fun of it. Seriously though, you're absolutely right, healthy skepticism is important in today's world. One thing's for sure, I think 2018 is going to be very interesting.

Great article. Have you ever had any real life converts? Red pilled someone, and have it take? I can absolutely get people to consider a conspiracy or two.. but no one ever seems to make the jump to questioning MORE. Given all the conspiracy theories that are now conspiracy facts, you'd think more people would get it by now.

Hell, the word "conspiracy theory" has a conspiracy associated with it! It's been demonized, on purpose. At one time, it was taken to mean "a group of people planning to commit a crime." There did not used to be "craziness" associated with it. This changed after the JFK assassination.

Hahaha. One or two converts, but mostly, people don't want to know. They don't want to be taken outside their comfort zones. Interesting you brought up JFK, have you had chance to look into the declassified documents, that were recently released?

I did not read them myself though I have read some of the things others have found, on some other boards. Seems like a lot of the interesting stuff was not released, or was blacked out. I am not surprised that no smoking gun was released, as some of the actors at the time are obviously still around and maintain power.

Its certainly interesting and still leaves a lot unanswered. It's one I'll be looking into further, but it seems there was indeed a second shooter.

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so much to learn here..

Hey! Have I mentioned you are a beautiful writer? Guess I just did

LOL. You're so funny @morgangreat. Thank you so much, it's always nice to receive such a lovely compliment.

Thanks dearest. When are we going to see a photo of you?

Good lord, no-one wants that. I've definitely got a face for blogging. 😆. But to satisfy curiosity, there is one on my profile.

haha i'd check that now ma'am

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