The Moon landing vs Interstellar

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Let me start by telling you that I am convinced that we did not go to the moon with the Apollo project, simply because the facts do not add up. The entire story is ludicrous.
No, not at first sight. At first sight it seems to make sense, but when you start looking at the details and the ‘evidence’, the whole story quickly falls apart.

There are plenty youtubers who devoted a lot of time investigating this and presenting their results, so that is not what I am going to do here.
I just want to show you a trick that is used. And this trick is presented to you in the movie “Interstellar”, but watching that movie, you probably didn’t realize it.

Let’s first have a look at the magnificent display of immense power during the take off of the Saturn V rocket, by far the most powerful machine man had ever made up until that date.
Here is just a picture, but search youtube for more video’s so you will have this image fresh again in your mind.

Apollo 001.jpg

Int 001.jpg

There is an enormous power required to escape from Earth’s gravitational force. We all know that, because we experience that force every day. It is something that we are familiar with. The launch of the Saturn V is subject to laws of nature as we know them, not only because we could go there and see it for ourselves, but also because it is near to us, it is on this planet that we all know.

Now when it comes to the Moon, that is far from us, so our daily experiences do no longer matter much. The Moon’s gravitational force is about 1/6th of that of the Earth, so it is easier to escape from. How much easier? Well, it seems that a combined fart of the three astronauts suffices. Imagine the training required to accomplish that.

Apollo 002.jpg

Compare this to the movie. When they had to leave a planet with 130% Earth’s gravitational force, they pull it off in a small kind of flying car. If that were possible, why the huge three stage rocket to escape from Earth?

Int 002.jpg

Interstellar then goes a few steps further, since laws that we know do no longer apply, why not a fly-by a black hole? This gravitational pull will rip atoms apart, while most men will lose consciousness before 13G is reached, but hey, this is far away, so anything can happen.

As I said, the whole Apollo story quickly falls apart when you examine the details. For some reason NASA is not yet ready to give up on this story. What I believe has happened is that they launched the flat-Earth theory and attached that to the fake-moon-landing story in order to discredit the latter. The flat-Earth theory is even more absurd and for anyone with half a brain extremely easy to disprove, so by linking these stories together a situation is created where when someone mentions "fake moon landing" people immediately think of flattards and disregard whatever has been said.

Just my conspiracy thoughts.... ;)


I say bigger ship + higher gravity = bigger explosion. Makes sense to me. I dont see what a scene from interstellar proves.

It shows the further away, the less we care about laws of nature.

It only seems to make sense at first sight, but it doesn't. Why the bigger ship if it could be done with a much smaller ship? Also it is not just "A is bigger and therefore B should be bigger", it is the enormous difference in power for a relatively small difference in gravity.

Theres more than just gravity to take into consideration. Earth also has a denser atmosphere, while the moon is practically a vacuum. Its like how trying to run under water takes way more force than running on land.

I can kind of see what you're saying about caring less about the laws of nature further away. We know a lot about black holes from observation and calculations, but nobody has ever passed through one and lived to tell the story.. Also, whatever spacecraft they invent doesn't have to function in reality, so they dont have to take physics into consideration. A movie like Interstellar allows creative license to make up whatever science-(fiction) works with the story. Its not a documentary.

Actually, black holes are an excellent example of this.

Black holes are a scientific thought experiment designed to fix the problem of their not being enough gravity to make a galaxy work. We have never actually seen one. And we only assume that since gravity is in affect here, it is the effect for the galaxy.

And then, this astronomer lady found out that the entire galaxy rotates as if all the stars were stuck to a plate. The outer stars rotate the same amount of degrees per time unit as the inner stars. And so, to explain this phenomena, they came up with dark matter. (remember the story of the dragon in the garage?)

So, black holes and dark matter are used to explain something far away, because we just assume gravity is what makes everything go round. Why haven't we dropped that assumption and looked for something much better at explaining the phenomena: such a large and small galactic force?

There is also no new galactic force required, though it is true that there may be forces at work on this scale that we do not have knowledge of.
You should look up the electric universe (see links in @jschindler's comment below, or just google it). They provide very elegant proofs for many things that baffle mainstream scientists.

Yep, I know the electric universe model. But it still doesn't explain how the entire galaxy rotates as one.

To me there are three pares of push-pull forces

  • Large and small nuclear forces (teeny tiny)
  • Large and small electric forces (man sized)
  • Large and small galactic forces (great huge)

I can agree with you, ive done some research myself, these moon landings are really sceptical, it looks like they filmed it in a swimming pool

I tend to agree. If we went to the moon, why are we still driving cars and taking mess in pill form!

Ya the moon landing to me seems hard to prove or disprove. The evidence is lacking for a definite conclusion either way. I do agree/believe the flat earth "theory" was in fact started to keep the idiots occupied, as well as to discredit other real "truthers" out there. Damn if it isn't working too! lol Anyways the same could be said for black holes, especially since the Electric Universe theory pretty much does away with these. Good source of info: Thunderboltsproject
Great post BTW!

Forgot to mention, I didn't really want to get into the details in this post, but to disprove the moon landings is a piece of cake. (in the sense that it is easy. But it is a lot of work to collect enough evidence and present it in a way that will convince people) Many youtubers have collected a wealth of evidence some of which is really hilarious when you start to realize what you have actually believed (I was a moon lander believer for many years). The whole story is entirely impossible for tons of reasons. Since I see there still are many believers here, I may consider doing a post on this. But to prepare such a post takes a lot of preparation. Don't hold your breath! ;)

I remember looking into it back in the late 90's, which was way WAY before I had even heard of the T.E.U. theory(I was Still spoon fed the Einstein/gravity garbage then). I remember seeing lots of weird pictures/videos with the odd flag waving, potential photoshop evidence with all the '+' s, not to mention issues with radiation from the sun, "primitive" computing power on the lander, etc. all of which made me doubt the "official" story. Lol, I actually remember being called a conspiracy theorist when I was in middle school! And I really didn't even know what it meant then... Funny how lots of stuff that may have sounded crazy at one time turns out to actually be true!
Anyways, I only said that we "could" have gone is because i'm sure the military by the 50's or 60's (using tesla tech) had already figured out the logistics behind travelling through space, to the moon as well as other planets.
You have a link to some of those videos? Would love to check it out until you or @builderofcastles does another post over it... ;)

I don't have any links handy, but there really is a lot. Some of better quality than others, but there is enough to get through the weekend. :) Just search "moon landing" with or without the "fake" keyword, or "did we go to the moon".
The first question that rose in my mind was "what is that gold foil on the landing gear for?". What protection could gold foil possibly provide? No one has even attempted to answer that.
The only thing I once heard was "to make the project look really difficult and expensive".

I wanted to mention the electric universe in a reply to @builderofcastles above. I think I'll still do so in a minute.
As a Tesla researcher I am very much aware of this electric universe theory and its most elegant explanations.

Yes, so why did the Apollo mission need this huge canister of rocket fuel to get off of earth? And then, why didn't they need something 1/6th the size to get off the moon?

It is not logical to assume the same ratio (1/6 gravity ==> 1/6 fuel), but what we see in this 'supposed evidence' is more like a 1:1000 ratio. Also, if you download the engine details (from the moon lander) you'll find that there is just enough fuel to reach Mach 6, which is the velocity of the lunar orbiter. There is no fuel for manoeuvring or anything else. With that they managed to reunite with this tiny orbiter in a sea of space. That is an absolute miracle! Especially considering the computer power they had access to. They managed to pull off this miracle several times!
Oh, I remember now, with this post I didn't want to go into the details. I just wanted to show how people don't care about laws of nature for things that happen far away.

Yep, things like supposedly no atmosphere and lifting less than half of the payload and 1/6 the gravity, that's still a lot of rocket fuel and there was literally no where to store it in the lander.

My current theory is that we did go to the moon. And because of EVERYTHING, they couldn't show us that footage, so they filmed it on a set. And they knew this before the first rocket was launched.

  • The moon is only 2000 to 3000 miles away.
  • It is a large titanium and glass structure.
  • They used alien technology to go there.
  • There are alien bases on the moon.
    and this is just the stuff I can guess at.

Those are quite extraordinary claims that would require quite extraordinary evidence. I still have to see the first thread of evidence for any of those claims.
But let's not do that here, it would take us too far off-topic. ;)
You should post an article on it! :o

Damn, just saw this after I replied to @mage00000! But this actually sounds more along the lines of what I believe these days.
Edit: Not sure about composition or distance but basically everything else.

Perhaps you can do a post on it. I am really curious as to why some people believe this. Not just the distance and composition of the moon, but also whether we actually did go there at all and the existence of aliens and alien tech. I know there are many video's about aliens and their tech, but I have never seen it first hand (first eye).
About Tesla tech, the government has searched in all the wrong places and all of Tesla's theories are -in a way- accessible to all of us. That is what makes me believe that they did never find it. Though, they may have re-invented parts of it.
Getting off-topic again....

Would I be unpolite if I say "bullshit"?

Nice post on the moon landings not being real. You are correct. Keep digging, for you will then find that the entire space program under NASA and all other country driven space program are a hoax / fake. It doesn't matter whether it is Russia, China, India, Japan, ESA, Iran and all others.

The current ISS, Space Shuttle of old, and satellites are all bogus as we are led to believe. You just have to look at them all one by one in detail. This all has many other far reaching implications as to how we are "managed" here on Earth.

Do your own research, and come to your own conclusions. One must uncover this all for oneself, for being told something like this, makes it all seem more incredulous.

"Space may be the final frontier, but it's made in a Hollywood basement."
- Red Hot Chili Peppers, "Californication" song, 1999

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