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RE: 9/11 - Results From An Informal Steemit Survey -Does Steemit Believe The US Government Was Involved?

There is one big anaomly in the 'demolition theory - the total lack of debris. - dustification occurred, which is not a result of demolition explosive - and metallic heat damage with more combustible products (newpapers,), next to charred metal parts, left untouched..There are many inconsistencies.
Have you ever seen the dr judy woods presentation ?, re- high energy weapons, and effects?
She is a prof in engineering, I believe


I've heard about some of her stuff and as far as I remember her theory of high energy weapons doesn't make any sense in regard to known laws of physics. Nano-thermite were use or a even more powerful chemical reaction was use to meltdown those steel beams at strategic places all over the building.

Energy weapons whatever that mean doesn't make any sense in term of the energy necessary to accomplish what we have witnessed.

Because air is not a good conductor of energy and it has taken tremendous amount of energy to achieve the collapse we have seen which would never be possible with energy weapons (whatever that mean again). It would defy basics laws of physics.

Even the local fire fighters reported seeing MOLTEN METAL. How the hell is that possible if the official story is true? It isn't.

Don't dismiss what Dr Woods says.
The truth is she was once a temporary insider on some deep state government research projects, though is legally prevented from saying so or admitting this if asked.
You mention traditional physics, which indeed needs to be demarcated as the departure point for likely relevant points to the controlled destruction of the Twin Towers.
The point is, the US governent has literally so much secret technology which is radically departed from traditional physics, a hundred years and more advanced from the latest civilian recognised technology.

But there were also nuclear bombs built underneath the Twin Towers, WTC7 and other WTC towers when they were erected originally. This information was once part of an old, public interest documentary about the WTC (early to mid 70s film?), which has disappeared since 9/11. The nuclear bombs were set up deep underground there most of a half century before 9/11, and maintained over the years since. They had their own secret, off-limits access and maintenace underground railway between the nuclear bombs under a number of the towers.

The purpose of deep undergound nuclear was to make really susbtantial nuclear bombs, whose initial effect (noise, vibration) would be very much hidden when detonated with dense, inbuilt containing material above them. Yet within some time period after detonation, the energy has to escape and it does this into what is connected physically above. A kind of unstoppable conduction of energy. It turns the concrete into dust and quickly eliminates the strength of the steel, making it like a completely inferior material. So we see concrete dustified and steel able to be pulverised mostly also, into small and tiny bits. I believe even steel dust also - a brand new earthly phenomenon. While paper, telephones, computer keyboards are not touched by the kind of energy shockwave.

I do also think there is very likely to be something to Dr Woods' directed energy theories. This was a case of everything being used. The nuclear solution may have been the most major part, I suggest, but possibly too crude to rely on alone, in the most part. There had to be so much more going on.

9/11 saw the very most perfect pre-planned controlled demolitions which have ever taken place on this planet. So perfect were these demolitions that you can even suppose that no more perfectly effected controlled demolitions may probably ever occur again on the face of this earth throughout all time (until technology increasing gravitational pull is let loose)! That's actually not quite hyperbole, I think, but a simple, reasonably obvious statement to me at this point in the 21st Century.

The thermate also was probably scores of years more advanced than anything civilian technicians know of. (No doubt from the evidence thermate was used.) Again - it needed to be a case of using everything relevant available.

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