Why you need to participate in company token sale

in #contentsprotocol6 years ago

Content Protocol is going to make a difference in the content industry. This is after carrying out a thorough investigation regarding the same and reported that content providers, authors, and consumers were facing a lot of challenges here and there. This actually affected this industry at large thus devaluing the industry.  This platform is also implementing the use of smart contracts that will be fulfilled through the utilization of its own designed CPT tokens.  This will enhance security, transparency, and quality. 

Token distribution

 This ecosystem is planning to allocate 5% of its token to advisors, 30% will be set aside for its token sale, 15% will be allocated to Biz-Development platform investment, 15% will be set aside for Biz-Dev Contents & Content Provider, 15% will be set aside for company and team, 7% will be reserved, another 7% will be set aside for copyright management, 5% will be allocated to community building and lastly 2% will be set aside for old user distribution and bounty.

Token Allocation

Community Building = 5%

Advisor = 4%

Copyright Management = 7%

Reserved = 7%

Company & Team = 15%

Biz-Dev (Platform Investment) = 15%

Biz-Dev (Contents & Content Provider) = 15%

Token Sale = 30%

Old User Distribution & Bounty = 2%

Why you require to participate in the company’s token sale

As it is well known, ContentProtocol is a business model that has well-defined goals and objectives. There is no doubt that it has a bright future due to some of its future plans.  This is an existing platform with functional services and products hence it is likely to attract as many users as possible from across the world. The platform also offers business support to all its third-party participants from other countries hence there is no hesitation that it is going to be popular very soon. This means that its token sale will attract as many investors from across the world. 

Through your contribution, you will be able to interact with these investors, share ideas and experiences and finally acquire some new knowledge that can help you take your business to the next level. This is one of the most necessary reasons why you need to participate actively in this activity.

During ICO, tokens are normally offered at a lower price. That is why it is advisable that you acquire as many tokens as possible during this time. It is worth mentioning that while the project becomes more popular and penetrating to other countries; the ecosystem will experience increased demand for its CPT tokens. This is definitely going to increase its value in the marketplace thus enabling the investors to make good profits.

It is during company token sale that you will know a lot of details regarding some of the projects that are funded by your money. That is why token holders are highly advised to become part and parcel of this occasion.

 Partners Of  Contents Protocol

It is also most important to mention that the company has different types of tokes such as CPT and CP power. This is the time to learn more about the tokens and how they can be used to enhance your experience within this platform. 

In those above, it is evident that active participation in the company’s token sale is very important to all the users within this ecosystem as discussed above. 

Advisors Of Contents Protocol :

Contents Protocol  Team Member: 

Follow The Below Link For More Information About  The Contents Protocol Project : 

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