A Contest In Honor of my 4000 Follower Milestone... Remember When I Hit 1000 Followers in 23 Days?

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

UPDATE: Contest is now closed for new submissions.

Thank you so much for your submissions! I am so honored to see so many stellar Steemians who wish to grow and learn and give back to the community! You gut have made me so proud! I didn't think I could be prouder of my fellow Steemitzens, but you all have completely blown me away <3

It is very difficult choosing just one. I am going to take a couple days to really dive deep in hopes I make a solid decision. I will be doing this again! This is so amazing, you are all amazing, I feel sad I can only choose one, but I will be mentoring on a regular basis. That is how amazing you all are <3

Thank you again so very much for your entries!

I'm giving back to my cherished community with a profitable, valuable, and unique opportunity. The contest you've been asking for is finally here!

I write a lot of posts with helpful advice on how to succeed on Steemit and am asked the question, "How do I get followers and upvotes?" a lot. The first thing I wish to share is that is the wrong question to ask :) A better question is: "How do I improve my approach and content so I provide value to the community?"

I have been studying and honing marketing and writing techniques for the web for quite a few years before discovering Steemit. As an author, I learned how to advertise and promote my work to increase readership and sales. As a consultant, I learned the importance of giving something for nothing to rise above my competitors. Working as a copywriter showed me that it's not necessarily what you say- it's how you say it. And during my webmaster years I ran several high performing websites and grew their linked social media accounts.

So when I joined Steemit in June 2017, I had most of the tools and know-how on what to do, what works, and what doesn't. And having been here for seven months now I am well-versed in Steemit etiquette. I am by no means an expert, but I have a great working knowledge and strive to be better and learn more each day.

I started on Steemit with zero investment. I built from absolute scratch, and when I posted my 100 follower milestone after being here for three days, many community members said I'm a Steemit natural.

And when I hit 1000 followers in only 23 days, I was told it's almost unseen on Steemit!

I want you to do the same!

Steemit has been amazing to me. I am honored to be a part of such a caring and supportive community.

So how do you get followers and upvotes?

I'm going to show you how!

Two of the books that got me started :)

I am going to mentor a minnow! The winner of this unique opportunity will have a personal mentorship with me: one on one attention for 30 days. You will learn the techniques I used to grow on Steemit and you will put them to action. I will show you the basics of internet marketing, Steemit Do's and Don'ts, how to format posts to make them aesthetically pleasing, building your "tribe", attracting readers, getting involved in community groups, and making the community a better place.

You will learn SEO, rank, keywords, optimal paragraph size, how to know what to write, catering to your audience, and how to build your brand. Basically, everything you need to know to grow and advance, and succeed on Steemit, as well as any other internet platform.

  • Even if you cannot enter this contest, please tell me what you would like to see more of from me. I am here for you! Please share what topics you would like me to cover more of as we settle into a brand new year :)


  • This contest runs one week: from today's posting to Tuesday January 23, 2018 at Midnight PST.

  • You must be a minnow to enter.

  • You must be dedicated to Steemit for the long haul. The winner will be someone who believes in the Steemit platform and long term potentials, is dedicated to immersing themselves into the community and providing value to their fellow Steemitzens, and is committed to the continual advancement of themselves as a person, as a Steemian, and as a representative of this rapidly growing community.

  • You must have time to dedicate. At least two hours a day for 30 days, starting one or two days after the contest ends. If you cannot make this time commitment, please do not enter into this contest. I will host more of these in the future so please only enter this contest if you can keep the time commitment. You will be learning from me in private chat and then creating, formatting and publishing one post per day for 30 days. And you will be joining and interacting with community groups, considering my feedback on each day's post, and commenting on other peoples posts. Every day. Consider the time commitment, including time you will be spending each day on your own to research information for your blog post then write and edit it, find relevant and legal images, etc, before you enter.

  • Resteem this post. We are a community of like minds, and we are all here to succeed. We are better when we help our fellow citizens! We stand strong as a group- that is what is propelling Steemit as a force to be reckoned with, the future of the web! Yes, your chance of winning this particular mentorship may be a bit less by sharing this post, however by giving this more visibility you are not only being a generous role model, you are helping this idea spread far and wide. I would like to see more mentorships like this from more Steemit power users. Spread the Steemit Love!

  • In the comments of this post, tell me why you deserve this mentorship. What will you do with what you have learned? Be creative and compelling, treat this like a mini interview- why should I choose you over the others? What will you be blogging about and why? How will you be an asset to the community? I am the sole judge, so impress me!

  • I reserve the right to pause the mentorship due to extenuating outside circumstances or to stop the mentorship at any time at my discretion. If you are plagiarizing, not being kind or attacking other users, engaging in illegal or immoral behavior, not taking part in the teachings, or for any reason that would make you less than a model representative of Steemit.com I reserve the right to stop the mentorship and transfer it to someone else. I am giving my time, my experience, and my assistance, and I expect a high level of professionalism and dedication.

Take your time on this! The contest runs for one week so polish your entry before posting it in the comment section. And be sure to cover everything so there are no loose ends :)

I look forward to your entries! Good Luck!

Enter the 🏡 Home is Where the Heart is 💓 photo contest for SBD Prize!! 📸

Images via Pexels

Thank you for your support, I love you guys ♡


With Love, Positivity and Good Mojo Light,
May Your Days Be Always Happy and Bright!


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Black and White Photography



No Kibble Left Behind


If you found this post after day 7 please consider upvoting a recent article ♡


I remember when you arrived babe and was blown away by your intro post.
Since then you've been an absolute class act, it's clearly evident that you're extremely talented.
Anyone would be lucky to have one on one mentoring with you.
Keep it up @arbitrarykitten you're one of the stars of Steemit.

Thank you my friend! That means so much to me :)

What a great and noble way to "celebrate" your achievement – by passing on the tricks of the trade.

All the best to you and the lucky minnow. After it's competed, I'd love to hear a "before" and "after" report on the progress made during the 30-day "mentor venture."

Great idea! I am going to do it! Thanks for the suggestion :)

To be totally honest joining Steem has been a lifesaver for me. My life recently took a major turn with the unexpected and sudden death of my husband of 36 years. It’s great to have a welcoming place where I can share my passions and my heart and really get to know people who are doing the same.

One of my passions has always been writing and now I pretty much have all day to devote myself to this task. I’m just getting started here and haven’t had a chance to write about all of my varied interests and experiences but definitely plan on delving into such topics as personal growth, spirituality, holistic health, homeschooling, permaculture, nonprofit management, poetry and dealing with loss.

I’ve been doing my best to learn the logistics of this format but it’s definitely a little daunting. Having a mentor like you with the knowledge, experience, focus, dedication, sucess, and most importantly the passion to help would be totally awesome.

I definitely have the time, talent and devotion to make it worth your while. I’ve always been a teacher’s pet and I promise I won’t let you down.

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. But it's healing to write and it's good to see you using this medium <3. I also teach trauma and grief writing... It's truly helpful on a deep level. And there is no more supportive or encouraging community than right here :)

Lovely meeting you, and good luck :)

I just noticed I used the word “definitely” way to many times in my post. I’m also not sure if it’s proper etiquette to reply to my own reply. LOL!

I like to throw my name into the pot as well.
It is funny that you used "deserve" - to convince you that I, we, the ones applying deserve your attention. This opens a big topic about self-esteem and philosophy and all of that. But that is now what you want us to discuss here.

I absolutely would love to work with you (see how I sidestepped the deserve part :).
Yes, I am a minnow, and yes, I can, am willing and do spend at least 2 hours on this platform - because I do believe that this platform can give many the financial freedom we want. Even if that means that we can stop worrying about making ends meet.
For the most part, I am self-taught in this online adventure and have spent many hours on steemit trying to understand the platform and learning formatting and such.
While I usually figure out how to get the result I want, I feel that there are better and faster ways but I don't know them.
I also have spent quite a bit of time and energy to build community and feel that I am fairly successful with making people feel welcome and happy about being on steemit, but haven't quite managed to be that successful myself if that makes sense.
I know enough to know that I don't know enough to make this really work for me and to guide others to be equally successful.
I love what you do and if I get so lucky as to win that time with you, I would be very happy and honored.

I certainly was not meaning anything negative by using the word deserve. You know me, I'm all about the positive :) I actually had just finished composing a 2500 word scholarship entry for my MFA, telling them why I "deserved" to be schooled with their prestigious university, lol. Guess it just stuck- and I was not really thinking along that line whatsoever.

I apologize if it was offensive, I would never want for that to be an outcome.

I appreciate your entry my dear, and wish you luck <3

Not offensive at all. It just has become a heavy word - if that makes sense. There is all of that talk about deserving this and that all around us - or not deserving and I have a difficult relationship with the idea of better than - instead of equally good but different. This is just my own pain-body speaking. I, me, I (lol) have a hard time saying about myself that I am better or more deserving than someone else if that makes sense at all. I think I am a bit tired - that is all.
I know that your heart is full of love and I didn't mean to say anything about your intent at all.

HOpe you get into the program!!

I would love to win this contest because,

  1. I'm a minnow
  2. I want to give more to the steemit platform with my writings but i hardly get enough readers on my post so its a bit discouraging.
  3. I want to be better for myself, that is learning from the best to develop myself.
  4. I have a lot of minnows basically looking up to me, i want to be able to help them grow as a steemian too
  5. I want to learn from the best which is you.

I hope i win this contest ....

Hello @deeclown! What topics do you write about?

Thank you, by the way :)

I write about random stuff, but i do well when writing stories fiction and non-fiction.

Ok, very cool. Thank you for your entry, lovely meeting you, and good luck!

An amazing and generous offer ~ thanks.

What an incredible and successful journey you are on; congratulations.

I sure could learn a lot from you...

I am an artist/writer/lightworker with a message of hope, love and respect for folks but, for longer than I care to remember, I have struggled to connect with a truly engaged audience.

Committed beyond committed I feel that I have been banging my head against the proverbial brickwall for long enough.

I would love for you to be my mentor so as, in some small way, I can add true value to others.

small heart round.jpg

With Love.


It certainly can feel like that sometimes.

Thank you so much for your entry, and good luck <3

Hello! My name is Sarah. I signed up for Steem back in August 2017 and made a few posts and played around in the muck for a bit before I got discouraged. I returned to Steem this year and I've made a personal commitment to stick with Steem for a whole year to see what I can grow here.

I believe I would make a good fit as your apprentice :) because I'm most certainly one of the minnow-est-y of the minnows. I have A LOT of room for growth on this platform. Very important, of course, is the time commitment, which I am able to make. I'm currently, how do we say...unemployed. I worked as a telecommute legal writer and the firm I was employed with crumbled due to bankruptcy. My husband is a traveling nurse so the transient nature of his job makes it difficult for me to grab traditional employment. All that preamble about my work/home situation seemed relevant to the issue of time commitment and isn't meant to be an over-share.

This year with so much "free time" on my hands I'm finally delving into starting a business. I'd like to jump into media. I'm working on a fictional podcast and my husband and I are starting a podcast on the topics of love, dating, marriage, and sex because it seems like those issues are SO prevalent in our broader social conversations. I've been doing a lot of fiction writing. I submitted my first short story to a magazine and am working on others.

Here on Steem I'd love to build an audience for my fiction writing. I would say the bulk of my posts are about fiction or are featuring my photography. After that are blog posts about my personal life and travel experiences. I've also dabbled in movie and TV reviews and one longer piece discussing a popular short story.

I hope this is sufficient information for you to make an informed decision on the merits of my "application" as it were.


Perfect amount of information! Thank you so much Sarah :)

And good luck!

1000 followers in 23 days caught my eyes instantly😱.

That's a milestone very few can achieve. Yes, definitely yes.... I would love to get into this mentorship scheme.

First off, I think an introduction is in order. I'm Paul Gamsam and I am 47.... My reputation not my age, I'm still a young man😀.
I joined steemit last month and I've been having a great time ever since and I believe a mentor like you will be great game changer for me here on steemit.

I believe in steemit, greatly. And even though the markets may rock and sway, I still fix my gaze on the future of this platform
I believe this mentorship will be for the best benefit of the community if I get selected. I am a die hard steemit fan and I believe in helping others, especially minnows like me.
Most of my posts have been about using steemit, steemit tools and newbies can use this tools to make blogging on steemit enjoyable. Just one month on steemit may seem like a short time for me learn about all these and even start teaching others about them, buy I've done my homework......extensively. I've read, researched and learned about all these even before my account was approved on steemit.

The knowledge I'll be getting from you I believe will help me to help others literally. It will help me build my blog and a follower base that will benefit greatly from my blog.

Currently, as stated above I write about using steemit and steemit tools. I also write some short stories and poems intermittently to my blog somewhat interesting. I don't know if it's quite right to diversify my niche, I hope to learn that from you.
I also hope to continue to write about steemit and all other crypto driven platforms as a whole.

I really look forward to learning from you after I get selected that is.

I went through your blog and permit me to say ..... It's AMAZING.

About time commitment, I believe I give 2 hours daily already to steemit and I don't think that will be a problem when the training process starts.

Awesome! It's wonderful to meet you Paul!

Thank you for your entry! And good luck!!!

Thank you☺

@arbitrarykitten: Congratulations!! Great idea too!
That's what I call a #Steemit contest! I just stepped over your post by coincidence ;) when I wanted to look for my 200 followers post in the #contest thread - well, I couldn't find it anymore ^^ Therefore I might need your advice. Probably you know better ;)
I'm creating a small #Steemian #community where I live, so I'm already dedicating most of my time to it. You can read more about it in my article "I have a dream" from 3 days ago. But all the writing & formatting takes me ages. Also I've been way more active reading, studying, connecting than creating own content. So maybe you can help me change this soooon !? :) #Steem #ToTheMoon 🚀

#resteemed & #upvoted

How serendipitous! Well wonderful meeting you! Oh, what are your blog topics?

It's a pleasure for me! Basically I wanna create a mixture of #blog & #vlog using also #Dtube or #DLive. So far I'm only on #Dsound, but the idea is to put it all together. For example from February on we're making a weekly Steemit #Afterwork event series with #jam & #DJ show and the photos, videos, audio streams we wanna put online afterwards. In the end it should all be presented in a blog format. Ideally we have our own hashtags to keep track. The concept is also that all the helpers, artists, etc. will only get rewarded in #Steem & #SBD. You can read more about it in the before mentioned post. As you can see in my thread I wanna support new Steemians to have an easier start as I had :) So from Day 1 I'm already sharing whatever I found worthy to make their lives easier & make it a better experience for all of us 👍

so here are my topics..

#madlips :D .. just happened to be that way while writing freely

Madlips, I love it, and it was meant to be!

Sweet, thank you for this. And Good Luck!!!

Looks my I can't fulfil all the criteria. Basically, I am spending more than 2 hours in steemit but not at the same time. I am at work and my desktop is open for steemit. I am at home and my laptop or cell phone is open for steemit. But if I need to do something one a particular time, It might not be possible.
By the good luck of the contestant.

Not at a particular time. What you mentioned sounds perfect. I am a single mother and a rescue home operator and I work the same way you do- computer is open but I must step away all the time because, well, someone is bound to need me ;)

Please enter! I just want to make sure you have about two hours a day to commit to your growth, it does not have to be all in a row :)

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