1300 USD (7500+ STEEM at current rates) Harmony.One

in #contest5 years ago (edited)


Blockchain Platform Linear Scale


In this new era of internet negotiations and all this blockchain marketing and token exchange, the Harmony blockchain enters this system with a project, which is confirmed to demonstrate safety and efficiency, emphasizing Fragmentation Technology This blockchain is developed at a linear scale level, allowing negotiations to be carried out per second, this being an extremely fast and unprecedented time, giving you the ease of ascending to the magnitude of using the network.

This decentralization system used by Harmony is managed at levels of excellence and they are clearly updated, this method shows the changes that disintegration technology presents in an unsurpassed way.

In the middle of this year 2019, the Harmony platform made its Mainnet launch as the first fully fragmented POS block chain. At the time of its launch, it had 600 nodes, becoming one of the 15 most important decentralized networks of the moment, one of its main innovative attractions is its Harmony Phase 2, which aims to add 4 fragments with 400 nodes each, giving a total of 1600 nodes, this includes an exchange of tokens to the native One token, presenting a complete stakeout contract and in turn the token transactions.

Harmony work staff.

The human staff working in Harmony is made up of a set of professionals, trained in the areas of business and engineering, mobilized by an enthusiasm to find ways to promote this world on a larger scale and offer excellent service to its users. Each member of this team gives its best to project this industry to another level, and thus be able to revolutionize the market through its academic and technological knowledge, to maintain Harmony's standards by demonstrating that this platform came to position itself among the best of its gender.
Blockchain technology that manages Harmony.

The post-fragmented structure, is comprised between speed and precise consensus, Harmony is the best example of maintaining a balanced system in this hectic market and high demand traffic.

comparison table with other leading POS block chains.

Companies looking to join Harmony.

At this moment the market is going on a very fast rise and the platforms that are better prepared and that provide high performance are those that can be kept active in the industry, and in the scalability part it is a factor that sooner or later each The company must face, and what better way to do it to maintain a team prepared for any obstacle that arises as the chain rises.

Animoca and Harmony Association.

This association announced by Binance, establishes that (DEFI) has become a case of the most common that occur in the Ethereum network, this is based on cryptocurrency loans, which implies a series of requirements in the transaction performance part. Ethereum is currently facing difficulties in the scalability part, since in the network speed part of the network, it does not respond to the requirements of such demand and fails to maintain a stable position, and knowing that as the industry system continues in full rise this will require more effort and dedication.

Binance DEFI Report.

The Harmony platform reaches this market to develop with an efficiency that can meet all the needs that the DEFI industry requires in a safe way. With Harmony's fragmentation, it can scale linearly as growth occurs, ensuring a backup of its infrastructure and it does not block them in any way and can continue their trajectory.

Harmony evolution.

This blockchain is constituted by a series of fragmentation that has developed a significant amount of progress, amid the different current challenges in the industry as such, Harmony is inclined to solve problems by implementing 10x innovations at a layer level in instead of looking for improvements of 10%. These Harmony protocol achievements are as follows:

  1. Full scalability.
  • Fragmented harmony and processing such as maintaining network records.
  • This implies that storage requirements are less limiting.
  1. Safe fragment.
  • Harmony's Beacon chain uses a DRG (distributed random generation) phase.
  • This is verifiable, unpredictable, scalable and finally impossible.
  1. Fast and efficient consensus.
  • The harmony is POS and this is more energy efficient than the alternatives offered by POW.
  1. Adaptive threshold POS.
  • The staking requirements are coupled based on the total staking volumes so that:
    _ Interested parties entering with a malicious clue cannot concentrate on individual fragments.
    _ The threshold is low enough to allow the intervention of the children who are interested.
  1. Scalable network infrastructure.
  • Harmony can provide blocks quickly within its fragments or in the network.
  • Cross-fragment negotiations are logarithmically scaled with the number of fragments.
  • Each new fragment gives you 1, 10, 100 ,. With a result of more transactions instead of 5, 10, 15.
  1. Consistent cross transactions.
  • The cross exchange of fragments is made through direct communication.
  • Atomic obstruction provides references to ensure the consistency of the cross fragment.


Fragmentation is the phase of dividing the computational responsibilities of a database into much smaller segments (called fragments), which individually perform their function, reducing a total burden on the computing part.

This represents, that instead of posing large computational tasks, these are divided and fragmented, creating a system that is easier to process.

Fragment of Harmony.

This platform has raised its system based on industrial and academic developments; Through the Zilliqa network, this industry decided to learn to fragment, based on academic documentation, understanding that the fragmentation of the state is the solution that remedies the storage bottleneck of the Zilliqa protocol and prior to this attack vector to corrupt fragments individual over time.

Harmony learned from the industry and assimilated that the academy in the development of its own scheme of a secure fragmentation and a linial escalation; The latter mentioned represents a revolutionary technological support that promises to catapult this platform to a full state of fluids.


In Harmony there are two types of chains: one is the beacon chain and the other is the multiple chains of fragments. The beacon chain is an identity record derived from a random generator. While the fragments on the other hand, store lockchain states separately and these process transactions. All this is based on a POS system where a minimum number of votes is the security level against those malicious users. votes are accumulated based on the amount of Harmony ONE that exists at that time, generating a more fluid system and complying with all the parameters established for elite operation causing a high impact on the market.

Fortuitous and controlled fragmentation process.

In this type of fragmentation that Harmony and its allies apply in this marked that it is much more reliable to create a random system; and for nothing you should travel on an error path, such as configurations that include fragmentation schemes based on location and being centrally controlled, resulting in a system with little security and more risk. Therefore, a random number is used to determine the fragmentation obligations of each node. This must maintain an insensitive, verifiable, unpredictable and scalable status; projecting an effective system and a degree of security and stability at the time of being executed.

Periods (Times: fragmentation time intervals).

On this platform; a period or epoch establishes a time interval in which the fragmentation conditions are established and determined, when a phase ends and a new one begins, these fragmentation conditions vary according to each epoch, creating an effect to provide a complete complete security backup and much stronger in the network, thus consolidating this fragmentation which is very important at this point in the process.

Tranca fragmentation test (Stake).

This allows each player to cast a vote, keeping malicious punters on the margin at less than 1/3 of the voting shares in any fragment. This platform has developed a system that adapts and guarantees network security. Harmony has developed strategic calculations in the system by creating a tolerance for certain failures of less than 1/4 of the entire network assuming they are bad; This involves preparing for the worst in a scenario that arose at any time.

Today, competitors such as Cosm, the TOP1 validators, have a range of 50% of all the tokens wagered, while EOS achieves 21 seats in the committee, which yields a highly centralized result.

Harmony adopts EPOS, this is a device that chooses the validators who have a better qualification as a result of the participatory position as a committee. This means that every time or time (1 day), the 1600 main bettors will receive the 1600 seats (4 fragments x 400 seats) and these will become the validators of all the fragments. Once each time changes; The new bet range will define the validators for the next period.

There are several experts in the field and in this industry who endorse and certify that the project presented by the Harmony platform is positioned among the first and certify and best in the current competitive market; providing information regarding the work that this high-performance platform has been executing; We can mention some of the geniuses of this industry such as: Gawin Wood (Parity Technologies), Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum), Alex Skidanov (Near protocol), Zki Manian (Tendermint), these characters in faith that Harmony has made a management entrepreneurial and with a view to projecting big in the not too distant future.
For extensive information visit: https://twitter.com/harmonyprotocol/status/160065335011106816


Harmony's effort to provide a systematically quality service refers in this part, that the fragments must be restarted from scratch every time an era is finished, thus reducing the computational requirements, taking into account the number of participants who choose to maintain their stay in the network for the next round of consensus; When an era ends, the validators who eliminate their participation at this time are expelled from the network. Receiving new shares and winning votes for the next era; and the new actions received will be randomly assigned to other fragments that have more voting actions than the median of the entire network; at that time a constant number of shares will be redistributed to the fragments that are less than the median with all the shares that have the right to vote.

Beacon chain.

Given that this is one of the components that makes the difference in Harmony from other platforms in the market; breaking barriers within what is the protocol being this one of the two types of chain, and the other that are the multiple chains of fragmentation of network transaction processing. The so-called beacon chain refers to transactions as the standard fragment chains, but in turn, it performs two other key functions in this part:

1- Produces random numbers that influence the validators are assigned to each fragment.
2- Approve the bets of the punters they request and these become validators.

This system requires malicious participants to corrupt both the chain of fragments going to the beacon chain, these malicious participants are forced to do so so that other nodes can be influenced to believe that the new fake block is one that meets all requirements that are required at random and this beacon chain is responsible for readjusting everything. This central chain also has a very particular characteristic, which reduces the computational load that each fragment presents, if it had to communicate with the other fragments independently; This avoids delays and a long wait.

Fragment of status in the Harmony blockchain.

In this network, each string of fragments is individually maintained to maintain its statement of account; Each user can keep multiple balances contributed as voting actions to various fragments. These balances can be transferred through fragments upon user requests through cross-fragment transactions. These smart contracts are manipulated in a different way by staying within the fragment in which it was created. When we enter the applications part, this requires greater performance than a fragment can normally handle, Harmony created a decentralized application development through which it creates multiple requests of the same smart contract in different fragments assigned to a subset of traffic to each of those who are interested and accept the conditions. These requests share the same state, but it has the advantage that they can communicate with each other through the fragments.

Pangea: An experimental blockchain area turned into a collective triumph.

When we refer to Pangea, we enter an experimental area where thousands of people socialize in the Harmony network, certifying the limitations of our technology, and so they can enjoy much more, and at the same time they earn and are rewarded. Pangea, is created empirically as a form of proof; This account has its own currency and keeps its accounting in a practical and dynamic way.

This is the first real-time experiment that shows a high probability of a participation in development in the Harmony network; according to the statistics at the time of its launch in the first 24 hours, it yielded the following result: (138 nodes in operation - 1283 subscriptions - 77 countries - 356 keys downloaded).

For more information on these results and process you can check it here:
Source: https://twitter.com/harmonyprotocol/status/1160385546515931137
Objectives implemented by Pangea:

  • This recognizes and gives access to community participants who help strengthen the Harmony network and at the same time are willing to make an extra effort by acquiring leadership roles in our community of validators.

-Structure and address a series of nodes prepared to jump to the main network, through the collective elaboration of knowledge and skills.

  • Update the Harmony core protocol and these approve the next milestones; rethinking smart contracts and reorganizing all external ones on the network.

If you want to learn more about Pangea and know more about its experimental area:
Source: https://docs.harmony.one/pangea/

If you are interested in more information related to the Harmony network, here are other means where you can visit



I want to receive my reward in STEEM


Hey Garlam - Head of Marketing at Harmony here - really love the article and was wondering if you'd be open to more work as one of our writers!

Message me on telegram - @garlamw (and yes it is the real me - check my twitter to verify my telegram id - https://twitter.com/GarlamWon)

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