WhaleShares Short Story Contest Series | Week #7

in #contest7 years ago

This is the Week #7 of the Whaleshares Short Story Contest series. I'm so happy because there were a lot of good entries last week. I hope the contestant and number of entry will be increased by time.

First of all, Congratulation for the winner of last week Short Story Contest. If you haven't check it, here it is:
The Winner of WhaleShares Short Story Contest Week #6

Contest Rules :

  • Write an Original ShortStory ( Plagiarism will be flagged and reported )

  • The Story contains no longer than 200 words

  • Write a ShortStory based on the topic that I will give every week

  • Only 1 entry per user

  • Submit your entry in the comment section below

  • The Winner will be decided by the number of valid and genuine upvotes received. So don't try to cheat with the bot upvotes or community upvotes ( I will check them manually).
    There will be 3 winners this time.
    -1st Winner will receive 5 SBD and 20 Whaleshares Token
    -2nd WInner Will receive 3 SBD and 10 Whaleshares Token
    -3rd Winner will receive 2 SBD and 5 Whaleshares Token

  • If you're wondering what's whaleshares, you can check this thread:
    Whaleshares Project | My Experience with Whaleshares Project

  • Upvote and ReSteem is appreciated to help me grow the contested interest.

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"Family first"

As Ann bumped into a stranger...
Ann:Excuse me please
Stranger:Excuse me please too ma’am...
Both were very polite to oneanother...

However, at home how we treat our loved ones is different from how we treat strangers...
While preparing dinner, her son stood still beside Ann. As she turned, without noticing anyone, she nearly knocked him down. Ann shouted at him to move out of the way. She never realized how harshly she spoke. As Ann retire to sleep, her inner voice spoke;
Voice: "While with a stranger, you used courtesy, but with family you love, you'r abusive. Look on the kitchen floor, find flowers by the door your son picked for you. He stood still not to spoil the surprise,you never saw the tears that filled his little eyes when you harshly scolded.
Ann felt ashamed &tears fell freely. She went by his bedside & woke him...
Ann: Are these the flowers you picked for me?
Son: Yes, found them while playing and picked them because am sure you will like them especially the beautiful pink ones. Ann became emotional...
Ann: Son, mummy loves you, sorry for yelling at you then...
Son: Ok mum, love you too...

@kenhudoy Thats 100% true!
Most of us dont find time or we even feel artificial or formal to show love or kindness to our family members but we do show love to outsiders.
But this is the great short story to make us feel to shower the love to family members open heartedly!

Thanks dear...keep steeming hot...sent an article on human breast milk for adults...find time and read...very helpful

this is a very great story. we must always learn to appreciate our loved ones more. majority of us are guilty. we respect strangers more than we good our loved ones. Great story @kenhudoy

Speechless I am I must confess. This is inspirational

thanks dear...

You are always welcome

Hello @kenhudoy

This is a short story but it is packed with morals.

Most parents fail to realize the Importance of encouraging their children, it is a major determinant when it comes to the level of self esteem the child will possess.

Nice Story Upvoted.


thanks dear... i appreciate your comment and response.. and i concur to it..

Short and lovely story, most importantly it teaches morals... Nice one

Cool story @kenhudoy I love it! May you win first prize with this one!

thanks dear .. hope so too

Really enjoyed the story specially being a mom, I can see how this could easily happen without being aware of the impact it makes on our little children. The message is even more powerful still and so very true. We must place those we love first when it comes to courtesy, patience and compassion.

thanks dear... i always appreciate all mums out there.... you guys are the best...

Hmmm - Good writeup

upvoted. Goodluck

thanks....did you read my last two blog posts...very informative.... take a look!

my submission

Story Title: GIFT

Ada was a pepper seller in the very busy Ukodo market. There was something that differentiated her from others in the trade. It was not because she had just finished from college, but her voice that sounds like that of a nightingale. She went for an audition and was rejected on the excuse that she could not harmonize well. Ada returned to the market in distress and wouldn’t be consoled by her mum. She stood motionless behind her table as her mum’s encouraging words led her to tears. When she opened her mouth and began to sing, her voice raised the adrenaline in everyone who heard her sing, coupled with the fact that she sang amidst tears. Among those who stood amused, was one who stood amazed! As Ada stopped the song abruptly, she noticed a man in front of her, separated by the table. “What is your name?” He asked. “Ada” she said. “This is an amazing voice”. He confessed. He works with Odix Muxic, the biggest music brand home and abroad. He told her that he is willing to sign her to their label. Few weeks later, she became the envy of everyone. Ada became an international singer.

wow...this story is quite inspirational...although short but i learnt that true talent count and no one can deny destiny...you really good...deserve to win...

thank you for this kind response. i greatly appreciate. just also read through your story, it is an amazing piece

Lovely one, my igbo name is Ada but i can't sing to save a life... Lol

hahahahaa... but there is something that certainly differentiates you from others right? everyone is awesomely unique. thanks a lot

I do love your story, for it contains in it so many lessons. to mention a few:

  • There is no better love than that of a mother.
  • What ever happens in life always remember that for every disappointment there is always an appointment ahead.
  • Nothing pays more than a natural talent.
    My upvote has been earned....

wow... @steve1122 i am really humbled by this comment. i greatly appreciate. this means a lot... i am really grateful

Hi Outhori5ed, I really loved the way you've written this piece.

thanks alot. glad you enjoyed the piece. thanks for the nice appraisal

this is a really great story. i felt emotional when she sang and cried

"Broken Reality"
I’ve been living there since my return, in the stories of civil wars, torture, rape and bombings. The ocean in front of me and the dead of night only takes me back to the old cobblestone streets of Aleppo and the little children selling fruits and bread in those dark alleys under the bridge. He is a memory, and not a story. Mehmet was the kind stranger who organized my exit, wrote a note for me in Arabic for my smuggler who helped me across the border into Turkey. Today I am alive in the land of the living while he breathes barely only in my restless mind.

My indebtedness to him haunts me in my sleep when I hear the despair, the fear and helplessness of millions of him dying inside and living outside those borders. How do I sleep in this silence that deafens me with the sirens of murder that is being committed every day? The world must believe this hollow city of crashed limbs, underground births and broken men does not exist. They are my reality’s horrors forgotten in tales of peace. They do not welcome my life nor the silence of sleep.

quite touchy @anavictoriakong
guess you were refering to syria in ur touchiung story
are you on steem chat...how do i reach u one on one...

Hi! Yes. This story east in reference to my time in Syria and it is the first time I have written about it, especially about Mehmet. I am sorry, I do not use Steem chat. I might join Discord in the future. I try to balance what little spare time I have to spend it studying or reading posts on Steemit. I would like to write more, and I intend on doing gradually as I find the extra time at night when I am unable to sleep. I do feel the need to express my memories through words....

ok dear... i try to read your posts but cant find current posts to read...mostly shared...

Hi, just wondering where the topic for this week can be found? Do I need to join Discord to find out the topic?

it's stated in the post above, the topic is "fiction" please put your attention when reading lol

Sorry! Totally bypassed it! Thanks!

Thank @walterz for the beautiful opportunity. I have been learning to write through this contest. Here's my entry.

Imaginary Nightmare

I woke up to see my body lying down lifeless on my bed. Touching my body in an amazement, there wasn't life in there, and everywhere was quiet, since everyone was gone to their houses, after my birthday party the previous night. So, I graduated from touching to shaking and then to screaming. Nothing happened and no one seemed to hear from the neighborhood.
In agony, I decided to reach out to neighbors. Trying to open the door, I noticed my hands passed through it unhindered and I ended up passing without opening. There was mixed feelings, some happiness that I'm no more limited by barriers, but worried that my body is lying lifeless. I just didn't know what to feel or think anymore. Still deep in thoughts, I arrived my neighbor, Uche's door in seconds: speed was another advantage.
My knockings wasn't heard, as my hand passed through the door each time I tried knocking. After much fruitless efforts, I stepped in to find him quarrelling with his wife, Ulomma. They didn't even notice my presence, so I started shouting " STOP! STOP! STOP!". None of them heard me. It was obvious I'm alone in a world full of relatives, neighbors and colleagues. If Uche and his wife couldn't hear me, it was enough experiment to know nobody will.
" Return to your house and stay beside your body", a thought whispered. That's how I woke up later to discover it was just a dream.


"What am I watching?"

"A replay," I heard a small voice say behind me. My visage hardened into ice as I realized what spoke, behind me... an orb. It happened again. A replay, but not of my life.

"Why are we watching the accident? Who are you?"
"My name is not your concern." Raising slightly in tone.

"Accident?" It paused. "There is no accident today."

The replay happened again, but much slower. The orb moved playfully as a toddler ran after it, through an intersection, THAT intersection. As my car sped down the road, swerving to miss him, just knocking the kid off his feet. As I was about to look away, a truck also swerving to miss my car... hits the child.

"This was NOT an accident?!"

"The man.... Driving the truck has murdered several men, and today he will be caught. The child, can be incarnated into a non-abusive family."

"What about me?"

"Today..." It started. "She had complications from surgery... You rushed to reach her bedside correct? You'll see her soon."

"But why?"

"Why," It paused, as if he began a thought. "Because it's my job. To complete the most, in the shortest amount of time."

Story Title: Death and Misery

Once upon a time, there was a small boy who was poor that people called him Misery. He lived in Mauritius and was an orphan.

One day Misery met a tired nomad. Seeing his pitiful state, Misery invited him in his straw-house and offered him all that he had to eat. Then Misery told him about his poverty and the difficulties he had faced in life. The man, touched by his generosity and words, said, "You are poor but generous. l'll give you a plot of ground that i have and you can do whatever you want with it."

Misery thanked him profusely and the next day itself, Misery started to plant trees. Those same trees afterwards gave the best fruits of Mauritius. Misery was very happy, thinking that he would sell them and earned money. But Alas! One day when Misery was going to pick the fruits, the children of the locality destroyed the fruits. Misery begged them not to do so, but they turned a deaf ear to him and their parents did want to pay for the loss incurred by Misery. As such, the latter was hopeless and sad.

But one day a strange man came to Misery's house, and the latter invited him to come inside and offered him what he had. Again, Misery told his sorrows to this man. The strange man did no say much, but listened to Misery carefully. Before going the man told him, "Listen carefully to what i am going to tell you and do not ask me anything. When the children will come, you will say, WILL BE GLUED!

I am telling you again do not ask me any questions. All that i can say is that they would not come gain. Remember these words also, WILL BE UNGLUED! You will know when to use them." And of course Misery did not ask any question. However, he told the man that he hoped to see him soon but the latter replied that he would not ever see him again, but that he would meet his brother some day. Then, the man went away.

Some days later, the children came again and Misery, without losing time, made use of the words "WILL BE GLUED" and the children started to stick to the trees and would not move at all. Even when the children's parents threatened and begged Misery, he did not budge. Axes, knives were useless. So the parents were forced to pay Misery until the last cent. Then the latter said, "WILL BE UNGLUED!"

As soon as these words were uttered, the children could move again. The parents took them and went home without returning.

Many years elapsed where Misery became a young man then an old man. Often, he thought about the strange man's brother and wondered whether he would meet him. But one day, the one whom he did not expect came to his house. He was also a strange man like his brother and was dressed in black. He told Misery that his brother asked him to come and told him that he had to take him with him because his time had come. Misery asked him about his identity and where he would take him. The man replied in a severe voice, " I am DEATH!" Misery said," Ok!

Give him time to prepare myself. You can pick up some fruits if you want, they are delicious."

As soon as death started picking the fruits Misery said, WILL BE GLUED!" Of course Death could not move and shouted,"Free me! But Misery ignored him. Death begged him and asked him what he could do for him. Then Misery said, "Promise me that you will never come to take me." Death could not argue any more and was compelled to accept. Then, Misery said, "WILL BE UNGLUED! Death could move again and did not come to take Misery again.

That is why until now every Mauritian knows Misery. He will continue to exit until Death exists, that is FOREVER.

Story Title: Nneka

Should I say that my whole life has been full of fictions that I don’t even know the part of my life to share here?

Well, I’ll tell you about “Nneka”. She used to be my crush, and I was so much beclouded by her beauty and nice shape. Mehn, this girl has an abundance of class and ass, and that would easily compromise any guy’s sense of reasoning.
But all that changed when she catwalked into my life. Should I blame fate for sending her my way? Well, I don’t know.
The very first day she came to my house, I didn’t hesitate to tell her to prepare something for us to eat. And that was a serious mistake I made. The beans she prepared (At least, it looks like beans), I don’t know how to explain it. But just know that the stones I discovered in my beans could start up a stone industry. That wasn’t all. I can’t even say which is saltier; the Dead Sea, or my food?
What finally broke my heart was when I saw her washing rice with detergent… Sweet Sammy!!! I shouted “ah don die”
