Popular Conversation Starters on Dating Sites

in #conversation4 years ago (edited)

There is nothing harder than starting a conversation with someone that you are trying to romance. If you say the wrong thing, then you send the wrong message and inadvertently put an end to what could have been a great relationship. Conversation experts on iwantdating.com! prepare a few things you can say instead “hello” on the dating site. Use these starters to get your date to open up while also making you stand out from the crowd.


What is Your Favorite Type of Food?
People underestimate how useful it is to learn something basic about someone like their food preferences. When you ask this question, you are opening yourself up to a whole world of dating possibilities. You might have the same favorite food, or you might live near a place that serves their favorite dish. Eventually, you can work that into the conversation and see if your potential date wants to meet up. At the very least, it’s a question that is unique enough that it will garner some attention.

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Do You Have a Pet?
People, especially the younger generations, love their pets more than any others. If you’re asking about their pet, it’s like asking about their family members. It gives you a very personal insight into their lifestyle. Most people are very happy to tell you about their pets and then ask you about your pets. Even if you and the person don’t connect on a great level, you’ll probably end up with some very nice pictures of their dog or cat!


One Word that Could Describe You?
This one is a little more difficult because it makes the reader think. That can be good or bad, though. Some people might just brush it off while others are going to put some real effort into it. The key is to have the one word to describe you ready before you ask. That way, you can make it appear effortless before you ask them. This one can lead to some funny answers, which can open up the conversations a little more as well!


Your Favorite Place to Relax
Asking someone about their favorite place to relax could result in some great answers that will give you insight into their life. If someone says that they just like to curl up in bed with a good book, you’ll know that they’re an individual that loves having space. If someone’s favorite place to relax is at a spa, then you can expect them to have a stressful job and some decent money. You can infer a lot about a person. More importantly, you can see how you would potentially fit into their personal relaxation.

The Last Joke that Made You Smile
A sense of humor is the gateway to a lot of people’s romantic interest. If you can home in on someone’s humor and replicate it, then you’re going to have a good time. In the worst case, you’ll find out that their humor is so far off what you think is funny that you’ll get valuable information about their personality. Either way, the insight you get here ins truly invaluable!


It’s possible to get people to open up to you in many ways as long as you’re willing to put in the effort. That’s why it’s necessary for you to listen to the responses you get from these inquiries instead of just using it as an opportunity to talk about yourself. People want to be heard by others, especially their dating partners. So, the next time you’re on a dating service, make sure that you ask some interesting questions, get answers, and ask even more questions to solidify the conversation and your interest!

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