
My mother kept the home clean so it never stank of animals. Gave you like a responsibility having animals around you. I found one of my cats up in the local woods. The black cat just followed me around the woods and across the road from outside the woods. At first my mother would not let me keep the cat then I asked my auntie she said no. So I took the cat back home and asked my mother again so she said yes then named her Lucy. I remember going around to one of my mate`s house in his childhood. They had a messy home indoors dirty dishes everywhere no discipline the house stank of the dog and like where ever you looked to sit down it was covered in dogs hairs. When I got home out with the sellotape to pull all those dog hairs of my clothes and then for the wash as your clothes would stink of their dog.

My mom was the same way, if you had a pet, it was your responsibility , nothing worse than going to someone's house and getting enough pet hair on you that there's enough for another dog, I had a friend like that , her mother would ask me if I wanted a sandwich even though I'd be hungry enough to eat the butt hole out of a skunk, I'd be so grossed out that I had to swallow my spit, and the friend is just like her mom, and every Saturday in my house my parents called it "Susie Homemaker " day, clean room with the white glove inspection!

My mate who had that dirty messed up home whenever it was his birthday I would always make my excuses not to go. Give him a card at school and that would be it. I thought the food would be rank like probably layered with pieces of dog hair in or on it alongside the cake too. My mother kept the house totally clean from top to bottom. Our duty was to wash, dry and put away the dishes. Grate the cheese as well when needed to be. I used to think doing the dishes was a job in itself. Was bored of doing it but it paved a way for getting my pocket money each Saturday.

We have a buffet at work for Christmas and we'd all bring something , there's one girl who brings deviled eggs and there's always cat hair to be found , totally grosses me out, when I was growing up my Dad would put up a piece of paper with all of our names on it, with money under each of our names , every time any of us did anything bad, he'd take some away , and we'd get what's left on Saturday , my brother was bad all the time, and never had any money , so he always borrowed money from me, and he never even paid me back the sneak!

Over here especially in London in many workplaces they have banned the celebration of Christmas within the workplace. Even strict some places for not putting a Christmas Tree up so it doesn`t upset other faiths total madness thou. So they have to have their Christmas parties elsewhere yet other people from other faiths will still attend the Christmas party. Yet in the workplace they will still let people celebrate like Diwali. British devious system love to make the British people feel worthless like they are 3 cast citizens here.

Politics again, right? They want us to say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas just not to offend anybody , geez, they need yo give up all this malarkey I grew up saying Merry Christmas and I'm not going to stop just because someone overhears me in a store, sometimes people suck, well I say their ass is sucking wind! I can't stand people who make others feel second class they're the ones that suck! Humph, people looking down their noses at others are so stuck up, that if it rained they'd drown, pay no mind to people like that! I don't !

It reminds of me like when in 1746 the English banned Tartan in Scotland after the Battle of Culloden. It is just total madness but to many folk in this world are awake but fast asleep at the same time as well.

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