Tips for beginning copywriters

in #copywriter8 years ago

Why I advise newbies to do with copywriting? (writing for money). Because, first, this work is well paid, and secondly, the copywriter learns to write beautiful, literate and optimized articles. This skill will be useful not only when you create your blog or website, but also later in life.

In this post I'd like to talk about how you usually behave novice copywriters, and how they need to behave. Those who behaved properly, they can skip a few paragraphs of these tips towards the end there is interesting information for them.

So, he becomes a copywriter. And why is not important. This aspiring copywriter has read what, how and to whom to write (if not, he reads!) and now comes to seek orders. Usually beginners do one of two things: work for free or work for cheap.

  1. By "free" I meant the work for the review. Newcomers love to go to the forums and offer to write something for the review. The motives are usually the following: to create a portfolio and find clients klyunuvshie reviews. They write for the feedback, most naturally write so that, except for free their texts not to sell. But this is not important, the important thing is whether it is necessary to write for the review.

First, if a copywriter writes well, but has no orders, and you can write one article for another opinion. BUT if there's any choice, you should not do this.

Secondly, reviews are different. As practice shows, the hunt for freebies..eemm..not the most appropriate people (no brain -> no money -> want freebies). Opinion of such “customer” does not mean much. And what is the cost of a “Napisano quickly and harasho“.

Third, fans of freebies can pounce and pile a bunch of free work. Copywriter (if not stupid) to refuse it, and the riders he was immediately accused of cheating. Why the copywriter (no fool) should clearly specify the conditions.

Fourth, IMHO, the copywriters who are willing to work for opinion, not worthy of the attention of normal customers.

  1. To work cheap. It's better than free, but to rate their work also need to be able to. In fact, even the text obtained after sleep the keyboard does not have to cost a penny. But the cubs somehow don't think so. Some see the prices that offer customers-the riders, others just dumping, hoping to somehow sell. I think that competition improve the quality is always better than lowering prices. The quality of not only text, but also of the service: speed, performance, range of services. You can write quickly, and a lot of, for example, is free to optimize for the keywords.

So, go ahead. The copywriter realized that writing for free is not worth it, and cheap too. What is facing this copywriter? He has no orders. In such a situation, it can do the following:

  1. To revise its principles on free and cheap articles.
  2. To wait orders.
  3. Wait for orders and writing articles.
    Guess which option is correct ;)

The copywriter now need to write articles on his favorite topic and try to sell the finished product. To sell on exchanges of articles and forums packages of articles on one subject. There are several advantages: increased mastery and increased well-being.

Briefly what you have to remember, if you write in the free market:

Do not write long articles. Less letters – less price – quickly buy.
The more popular the topic, the faster you will buy.
Than devicetree Subpart, the faster you will buy.
Invent original descriptions and titles for articles.
Write cycles articles. Bought liked bought. The main thing to like.
Place on several exchanges and forums. Somewhere Yes buy.
Then the copywriter, you receive experience and orders. Some customers appear after purchase free articles, some by themselves over time. Just do not think that they are really "themselves". You need to constantly look for them – to respond to orders.

There are orders piling up money..but at some point it becomes too little. Write more laziness/no time/no strength/no orders. So you need to raise prices.

  1. If the experience really appeared and the article are rather qualitative, it can not be afraid that you will not cope with the requirements of the more expensive orders. Besides, increase in 5-10 times is not necessary and not worth it.

  2. Afraid of losing regular customers? Warn them in advance about the price increase. Half will go? To them and the road. A Holy place is never empty, besides fewer orders+more price = same money+less effort.

  3. If the influx of customers is with a forum update threads on the first page of the topic. Customers, of course, you got it, but flipping a bunch of pages they will not. And will only argue that first prices are lower than the more you'll get.

  4. If the level of your articles really grown, you get disgusted looking at my first portfolio. Change it.

  5. If you work at the exchange and after the price change was quite small orders go to the exchange.

From time to time to raise the price. Of course, enough will never be, but, unfortunately, there is a threshold, which more difficult to sell. Rather easy, but only a few.

Now, about those losers who were lucky enough to find new orders at the new price on the stock exchange (see paragraph 5). With exchange you need to leave in any case. The reason is simple – on the loose more money. Well, more and more harmful customers, and hence higher skills, again more money.

To leave the time has come, if prices have to increase not, and “will” are rumors that there are paying more. Many people are afraid not to find orders that are afraid of deceptions, something else. BUT nobody forces to immediately stop the exchange. You can gently test the waters outside of the exchange. Slowly begin to seek orders on forums or freelance sites.

At last you just need to answer the orders. But with the forums more difficult. First, look around on the forum. Chat with other members, see how others offer services on which proposals respond to customers (IMPORTANT: do not look at threads with work for reviews).

In General, you just need to place your offer. Place subject to the rules that you learned from others. To place in the time of day when the forum has the highest activity.

Well, here's all the tips. Write and sell. Later thought about becoming a realtor..but that's another story.






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