WOW! A must-watch video on government and doctor corruption over coronavirus.
This video is absolutely JAW-DROPPING.
Sit Down Speech - Dr. Simone Gold
#coronavirus #covid19 #covid1984 #taxationistheft #libertarian #corona #endthelockdowns #endtheshutdowns #endthelockdown #endtheshutdown
Nuremberg 2.0 is coming...
Thank you!
This is a recent video by Clif High about the collapse that is upon us. He thinks that something is about to happen between July 23-27th because the power elite are freaking out about the possibility of another 1789 type of crack up boom leading to guillotine like French style collapse. Maybe a false flag.
ICYMI: my most recent blog post about why this is happening:
You can find me on Twitter @cryptonadafomo.