Silly Elites, Crimes are Crimes

in #corruption8 years ago

The latest attacks on America are coming fast and furious from the elites that have ruled DC and TV for years. Not only are these people the sorest of losers, but they are completely dishonest.

Now I will make myself clear, I did not vote in the past election. Some say this robs me of any right to speak on government or politicians, but I refute that this makes me more "bipartisan" when doing so. I see major flaws in the system that has hijacked our freedoms in America, and I don't hear anybody running for office truly willing to fight for true freedom, so I won't support anybody. The lesser of two evils is still evil, and I contest that if the majority refuses to participate in the anti-liberty scheme laid before us, and call the system out as illegitimate we can actually make true changes, but I digress. That is not the conversation to have at this time.

Trump won the election. Love him or hate him he won. Many pieces of evidence have come out proving Hillary belongs in prison for crimes against humanity. Wikileaks released tons of emails that point to these very crimes, and her sole reasoning was to become POTUS.

Since the election they have changed the narrative. Rather than reporting on the suspicious "#pizzagate" emails and independent journalism that continues, or the Libya Tick Tock emails proving that was Hillary's war, they attack investigators as "fake news", and try to tie anyone that wishes justice served and truth revealed as Russian operatives. Suddenly the world is full of Lee Harvey Oswalds.

Not only is this tactic intellectually dishonest and petty, but it shows the establishment for what it is. These people hate us, and believe we are incapable of responsible decisions in every aspect of life. The UK's Supreme Court is challenging Brexit, the MSM is attacking the American people's vote, and anybody who questions them is "carrying water for the Kremlin". It is my understanding that evidence is evidence no matter where that evidence comes from. It is also my understanding that the constitution prohibits different justice for those in government. Media needs to do their job, quit being indifferent to crimes committed by those you've historically bent over for, and, as per the constitution, give the American people the information that shows the guilt of those that have made a career raping us from the stage of DC. It's time for the populace to stand up and tell the politicians sworn to represent us, "Silly elites, Crimes are crimes!!!"

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