American Deep State Politics

in #covid194 years ago

We are on the cusp of another presidential election. It’s been the proverbial twilight zone of American politics since the last election in 2016. We have Donald Trump running his populist campaign in contrast to Joe Biden having his progressive campaign. Plus we still have Covid-19 running full Wuhan as the backdrop to the lockdowns and face masks.

With Covid-19 being a depopulation agenda using the Corona virus as a bioweapon while the fear campaign is based on over inflated death counts. The lockdowns being used as population control plus destroying the economy to hurt President Trump’s reelection campaign. The face masks have no medical virus prevention capabilities yet are used to mind control the population. The social distancing has no medical value in preventing the virus spread yet is used in public control. It’s harder for people to assemble and complain about the government while being six feet apart.

The ‘peaceful’ riots in the major urban cities in America are being used to destabilize the country. Having protesters riot, burn, and loot across the urban landscape is meant to impede President Trump’s reelection efforts. His Deep State opponents are using the controlled riots to say it’s not safe in Donald Trump’s America. Burning the homes, businesses, and jobs of black Americans is said to be progressive yet when the Klu Klux Klan does it people complain.

With Joe Biden having health issues like Alzheimer’s plus the enhanced medical treatment used to keep him going. You have Kamala Harris being groomed to replace him at a moment’s notice (even before election day if necessary). The Democratic Party is using mail-in ballot fraud to steal the election even with its small chance of success. The various Deep State factions fighting Trump’s Alliance ran out of proverbial hail Mary passes long ago. They do not care since they fearfully feel they literally have nothing left to lose. This will go into the history books as one strange election.

Population Control - W. Carl Burger - 1950.jpg

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