
rad - great to see the CCC team continuing to work hard and coming up with awesome ideas :)

Thanks man. If you have any ideas, feel free to run them by us. We are open to community suggestions.

Not sure on the calculation, but im wondering what the daily return would be on a staked 50k for example. Is that something @eonwarped would know?

I wouldn’t have a clue. That would be a hard one to estimate with the ever changing amount of people’s staked amounts. I am not a coder, but I am sure something can be written for it.

Great news and a big thank you to @eonwarped, our hero:)

So is there a different wallet we'd need?

No, you don't need anything new. As long as you have staked CCC, it is automatic.

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how creative are we? it depends on the ability of each of our self-confidence, if based on strong intentions and determination, a high sense of desire will be realized through the process.
Creativity is a dynamic activity in us that involves mental processes in the conscious and subconscious. When we say, the subconscious is unable to do so consciously we become unable to do. Conversely, when we show our ability to do something consciously, self-esteem will grow in the subconscious and appear again in an attitude of confidence.

These are pretty good news and I am staking as much as I can from this. CCC team gives me all the motives that this will be something great, so investing as this time is like catching the train in time.

Awesome, thanks for the update Wes.

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