Staying Motivated During a Cosplay Build

in #creativity6 years ago

If you're a cosplayer you've probably been there: you're working on a cosplay and suddenly just don't feel like working on it anymore. Be it that you've seen something else you're more interested in, something has gone wrong with your build, or you just can't seem to get the motivation to keep working, everyone seems to go through this at some point.

I just want to talk about a few things I do to keep myself motivated during my long builds, and hopefully help others get through these moments as well.

Do test fits for everything (prototypes, WIPs, etc)


Cosplays can take a long time to complete and this can be disheartening. You've been pouring your heart and soul into your build yet it still looks like nothing.

To fix this try put on some things you've made so far. It can be anything from a prototype to a WIP, and once it's on take a look at how awesome your work will be once it's complete. I always love doing this and using my imagination to picture the finished product.

Reconnect with your character

preview (11).JPG

There's a reason you picked the cosplay you did; be it that you just liked the design, the character connects with you in some way, etc. If they're from a video game go play it again, if it's from a movie go watch it, if it's art go look at it again (and go look at other cosplays if there are any).

You chose the character, so go back and find the reason that made you do so once again to reignite your enthusiasm.

If you are planning to take the cosplay somewhere, look up cosplay videos/photos for there


There's always some type of media being recorded at conventions so be it photos or my personal favorite cosplay music videos (where they show a whole lot of cosplays with music), there's always a way to look at the previous years of a convention.

I haven't had the chance to go to many conventions yet but am planning to go to some big ones in the (hopefully) near future and am of course working on some builds for those that are taking a long time to finish (I have full time study keeping me busy).

To stay motivated I look up these cosplay music videos for the conventions I'd love to go attend and am planning to attend. Seeing all those amazing cosplays and knowing that sometime soonish I can be there with them is always really exciting for me.

Support each other


If you are struggling to keep motivated try talking about it to another cosplayer you know (or even a non-cosplaying friend/family member). Most cosplayers are very friendly and willing to help out others, and who knows, a little encouragement may be all you need to get back on track.

At the same time if you know someone who is struggling to be motivated make sure to give them the support they need as well.

I hope that these tips will be useful to some people and help you stay motivated during your builds! =D