Labour-Coin A True Medium of Exchange

in #crypto-currency8 years ago

Inventor: Abdun Nur
Labour-coin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic medium of labour exchange
Advantages of Agenesarchic Labour-Coins
1 – Labour-coin allows encrypted trading without external tracking or taxation.
2 – Labour-coin allows international exchange without banking fees, or currency exchange fees.
3 – Labour-coin allows advances of the medium of exchange through a surety peer-to-peer system, without banking monopoly or credit rating.
4 – Labour-coins allow saving without the risk of devaluation due to inflation, or currency manipulations.
5 – Labour-coin encourages and promotes “self-willed” agenesarchic structures of exchange free of usury, and promotes trust so forming a self-antifraud model through bonding.
6 – Labour-coin creates a global trading platform that is equal for all, free of regional suppression or inflation of values of exchange.
7 – Labour-coin allows an advance of labour-coins to be suspended for up to 5 years before repayment begins.
8 – Labour-coin allows escrow within the accounting system to protect both the buyer and the seller.
9 – Labour-coin allows multiple anarchic trading platforms, the three C’s – Community Platform, an individual exchange platform of goods and services comparable to Ebay – Collective Platform, a collective purchase platform removing the middle man system of exchange – Cooperative Platform, for the creation and access of cooperative trading, so removing the corporate system, as well as many other possibilities.
Terms defined:

Agenesarchic – agenes (in opposition to) archic (over arching – hierarchy)

“Self-willed” – of your own free will, the faculty of conscious and especially of deliberate action; the power of control of the mind over its own actions. Consensual!

“Anima” – is the inner consciousness that is turned toward the unconscious of the individual, this is substantive; anima is in direct contrast with persona, the constructed fiction of the person, which is the mask or façade presented to satisfy the demands of the situation or the environment.

Usury – Usury is a certain benefit, which is received for the use of the thing lent beyond the return in full of the thing lent. Exchange is reciprocal, labours are exchanged, usury is lending and demanding the returned in full of the thing lent, plus some of the labours of the borrower, which has no reciprocation of labour.

Surety – The foundation of community before feudalism was the surety, this functioned throughout community to establish trust and to encourage the development of trust, community is a trust-based system while hierarchy is a violence based system. Surety is a bilateral written agreement of reciprocal guarantee.

People live in poverty because other people, those who have control of resources, prevent them from living any other way, but that situation is only possible because the small number of parasites that hoard resources do so by separating people into isolated situations by stripping away all forms of community, without common unity you are at the mercy of the merciless, the paedophile class of soulless psychopaths that dominate hierarchies. Now if a way is created to form common unity you remove that block, which is the idea behind the labour coin concept. The search is on for financial contributions to pay coders, and to find coders to work on the open source, peer to peer platform that would allow people economic freedom, to at last return to common unity and trade through trust, which is earned and developed.
The exchange of “labour” is the foundation of all exchange; this is the true “self-willed” agenesarchic medium of exchange (this was originally called an anarchic system but that term has been discredited by the paedophile class and is now considered a negative and no longer a positive concept).
Whenever anything is exchanged “labour” is the only thing of intrinsic value, because an anima can only own that which they create themselves, everything else is only utilized, and so free. Labour is added and must be returned, so is not free, so belonging and exclusive to the exchange by its very nature.
In other words the only thing that is ever exchanged is your labours.
This means the true medium of exchange is “labour”.
A medium of exchange is a way to hold value when exchange with another is desired without a reciprocal equivalent, the equivalent can be either a store of labour such as silver, or an accounting system such as the one explained here.
Silver is not ideal as it must be obtained and stored, both difficult to achieve, also it maintains the present wealth inequity.
A true medium of exchange does not increase or decrease the original value, in so doing rewarding or robbing the holder of the medium, a labour-coin is a way to hold value without pragmatic loss or gain, so a true medium of exchange. This allows that exchange to be completed at any other time and with any other exchange.
The next “self-willed” agenesarchic principle of the hierarchically free model is reciprocation, all exchange must be reciprocal, a one sided exchange is usurious.
So in an equivalent exchange the labour given is equal to the labour received, however not all labours are equal in time expended, unskilled labour, semi-skilled labour, skilled labour and prodigious labour, change the ratio of exchange.
There is no set rate of exchange that is between the traders but for an example, a labourer could be paid ½ or ¾ of a labour coin an hour, while a wagon driver being semi-skilled could be paid 1 labour coins an hour, a skilled construction worker could be paid 2 labour coins an hour, a higher skilled surgeon could be paid 3 labour coins an hour, a genius who provided a unique service could demand 3 or 4 or more labour coins a hour, without the constraints and violence of hierarchy labour is worth what the traders are willing to accept and to give in exchange.
Fixing The Fiat Problem Of Inflation And Deflation
The commodities market has 5 top staple foods these prices alter slightly daily:


The GOI price of these five staples is posted online from the commodities market and this reflects the true un-manipulated fiat value because staple foods are fundamental elements.
So to establish a foundation of exchange for a labour coin for a fiat exchange:
The system takes the 5 staple grains (although a greater number of staples could be used to find the average), adds the tonne price, and finds the average:
Grain 27th Nov 2015 Nov 2014
Wheat 169 226
Maize 175 197
Rice 152 152 172
Soybeans 177 227
Barley 182 225
Total $855 $1047
Average $171 $209.4
This represents 10 labour coins:
1 labour coin then had a fiat value of $17.10 on 27th November 2015.
The local currency of the member would be reflected through the fiat exchange rates.
As fiat is exchanged for labour-coins dynamically the fiat price has absolutely no ability to alter the labour-coin system, the system would simply retain labour-coins that no one wanted to redeem for fiat within the accounts and they would be exchanged in perpetuity for goods and services, or destroyed on repayment.
This means fiat money in real terms has deflated from $20.94 in November 2014 for 1 labour coin to its present value.
The system can update the market value of fiat to labour-coin periodically, hourly, or daily.
Zero Balance

Zero balance check flow chart
Labour coin comes into existence through advance, and is then traded, when that advance is repaid interest and fee free, then the accounting system returns back to zero.
A labour coin can be bought with fiat as a trade, within a fiat trading platform, all traders can see the labour coins offered which show what currencies the trader wishes to acquire, and all traders can see the number of coins others are wanting to buy, members can offer to trade part of a buyers requirement, for example a member wishes to buy 50 labour coins, but another member only wishes to exchange 20 labour coins, the buyer can trade with several members to achieve the total number of coins he would like to acquire.
The other zero balance is in not having a single intrinsic element; the trades are between the peers and have no centralized holder. So when for example a coin is traded for fiat, the system simply pairs the traders, the one wanting to purchase a labour coin for fiat and one wishing to sell a labour coin for fiat, once paired the fiat from the buyer is transferred directly to the account of the seller. Labour coins exist exclusively within the bond members accounts; no coins or fiat exist at all within the system independent of an account holder. The system is not an account holder.
The system then always has a zero balance, as all labour coins can be traded for fiat, or for any other trade, or returned in repayment of the advance granted. Because the system trades in real time, the purchase price in fiat of the coins does not effect the selling price years later, if I buy now at $17.10 determined by the commodities market, and in 5 years the fiat has devalued and the same commodities now sell at $50, it is not an issue as it represents exactly the same value in real terms, it’s just a trade, but a trade where the medium of exchange, the labour coin, has not altered in value only the fiat representing that value has altered. The fiat price is fixed to the food staples cost in fiat, to hold the fiat at its true value, thereby allowing labour coin to always represent the same value in staples
When an account is terminated the labour-coins system blocks incoming trades only allowing out going trades, until the held labour coins have all been spent, once they have a zero balance the account automatically terminates completely, if the member has been forcibly terminated they would at this point be blocked from all future access to the system, with all access terminated.
If a members account is terminated through breaking their bond agreement for example, but they have advances in labour coins that need to be repaid, their surety would become liable, and it is the surety members that had stood guarantor for the terminated member who would then repay the system, for those guarantor members to recover their loses from the soul who was terminated, they would need to seek repayment directly with that individual outside of the labour coin system.
When labour-coins are exchanged for fiat, the fiat is deposited by the system into any bank account the bond members nominates.
When a labour-coin is bought, the fiat is not taken and the coin is not exchanged until the fiat has a place to go within the system. The system will indicate a trade is possible and the seller will agree to the trade, simultaneously the system will inform the buyer of all labour coin available, and the seller of all fiat offered in various currencies within a trading platform, either party may select a trade, once both parties have accepted the trade, the exchange is made and both elements are verified by the system to determine they are valid.
The fiat split is required to allow any fraction in trade, this is limited to 1000 parts, for example I want to sell 5.847 labour coins which represents at that time $100, another soul wants to buy 10 labour coins and is paying $171, the payment is split taking the 5.847 labour coins from that trade, and taking 4.152 labour coins from another trade. With a split any fraction can be accommodated for either labour coin remainder or fiat amount.
For large fiat trade, for example member 1 buys 10 labour-coins with $171 the system has member 2 who wishes to sell labour-coins for a purchase and requires $6000 and so is selling 350.877 labour coins, the seller would likely have to make several trades to trade all their coins, and this process of trading continues for the trader until all their coins have been traded.
Peer To Peer And Encryption
The data cloud holds a node for each account holder that is double key pair encrypted, the node holds all that account holders transaction information history from the creation of their account, only that node has this, it is not copied anywhere else only within their individual node, however that encrypted node is copied within the system but only the account holder can ever access that node.
To validate in real time the accuracy of an account two encrypted data chains, or if you prefer the term, ‘block chains’ exist, the first chain contains the labour coin advances, this means the account holder/s standing guarantor to which debtor account, the amount outstanding, the date and amount of the next due repayment by the borrower and the time interval between repayments; the second chain holds the labour coins held by every account holder within the account system node.
Using these two chains of data, they may be compared, as each must have exactly the same total, because only advanced labour coins exist, therefore the number of coins advanced as detailed within the advanced chain can be compared to the number of labour coin held within the accounting system node, this means a zero balance must always exist, and simply by matching the amount advanced with the amount within accounts this balance can be verified and maintained, and any fraud quickly identified and resolved.
Polycentric Accounting System
The labour coin platform may build and contain for example 1 million bond account members, however allow instant interaction between members without the entire system needing to be examined for each trade a polycentric model can be applied.
The two data chains one for advances and one for holdings is a nodal model, each accounting system node is limited to 1500 individual accounts, when 1501 accounts exist the data chains divide into two new nodes, the division is determined on location, which is specified by the regional area indicated within each member node account reference created when the node is created from the banking information provided. The division need not be equal, if 70% of account holders exist close to each other and 30% live further afield the division would be 70% – 30% as determined by the location of account holders.
As new members of the bond join the division model would concentrate account holders into more and more localised accounting system nodes, this would aid the local nature of trade and help to found friendships and connections within a local network.
Coins can only be traded within the bond, if fiat is needed you must find a bond member willing to trade it for your fiat on the fiat trading platform, if as a bond member you wanted to trade fiat for more labour coins then you would trade them on the fiat trading platform.
When a user logs in to their account they must enter a 13 digit private coded password, this opens a cloud storage box that holds the private key to their account, once opened, the sandbox downloads the members encrypted node data into the labour coin sandbox on their computer, the sand box then decrypts the data and creates the information available on their labour coin account platform privately on that users computer.
The system really is only interested in the balance of all accounts, it matters not to this model what transaction history each node has, that ONLY matters to the account holder and so that information is exclusively theirs.
Each trade alters the system block chains that determine the zero balance, the chains are used to verify then are adjusted with each verified trade to reflect the new balance information.
The Sand Box
The sand box works similarly to a common sandbox, creating an online environment in which code or content changes can be tested without affecting the original system, a sandbox prevents what it contains from escaping, an encryption sand box is the gate keeper to the users computer, processing all encrypted data, with all contained data held securely, preventing it from being shared once un-encrypted and processed within the sandbox. All data is released or blocked within a controlled environment, preventing anything escaping or entering without the consent of the system. Once logged out of the account the sand box is zero bombed requiring re-downloading at the next login by the labour coin platform.
Trades can only pass labour coins in one direction, it is an asymmetrical system, no one can take labour coins from any account holder, they can only be released by the account holder themselves.
This works for gaining labour coins also, working only in one direction, the coins must come into the account from an accountable source, always maintaining the zero balance, whether that source is payment for trade, or advance, this means if someone attempted to add labour coins to their account fraudulently the system would recognize the imbalance and freeze the account, and if verified terminating that members account, and blocking the bond holder, terminating their sureties and informing all sureties of the fraud, if they have outstanding advance the labour coins held honestly would be cancelled against that debt and the sureties would be required to repay any short fall, only through the arbitration system built into the platform could this be reversed.
Peers (members) make a small portion of their computer resources, such as processing power, disk storage or network bandwidth, directly available to other network participants, “without the need for central coordination by servers or stable hosts”.
The only requirements for a computer to join a peer-to-peer network are an Internet connection and common software.
Encryption is the process of encoding messages or information in such a way that only authorized parties can read it.
Hive Mind Security
As user uptake increases the greater the scale of the hive mind, each user having a copy of the system, so using the hive mind the system can be protected from attack, each element protection each connected element of the system.
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) is a danger, however as a global system for the data to be lost all users would have to suffer total failure, some members may like to safe guard all with the manufacture of a Faraday cage which is basically a box or container made of conductive metal or metal grids whereby the EMP current is induced in them rather than the circuits of the electronic devices, in combination with a power supply protected against surges of power, so the electronic are protected inside, members willing to participate in such a service would allow uninterrupted platform services. In general, a solar flare/CME (coronal mass ejections) is fairly weak but huge in size, that puts any national power grid in jeopardy but not ground based electronics that are not connected to the power grid, so EMP will not effect electronic equipment disconnected from all power sources, (although some wrongly claim otherwise), it would be likely the power surge from the grid that would be the greatest threat to computer systems, rather than the fairly weak CME’s, and for those systems disconnected or that used surge protection power connections the data would be held in tact, and for effected individuals once their hardware system is repaired or replaced the original data can be reintroduced into their system. (Nuclear weapons are a hoax, so that is not an issue.)
“Self-Willed” Agenesarchic Community; the Common Bond
Contrary to statist propaganda anarchy is not free of structure; it’s just free of hierarchy and centralisation.
A model without the constraints and violence of hierarchy is a model that holds all forms of hierarchy, most notably government authority, to be unnecessary and undesirable and advocates a local community based model, based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals.
Without the constraints and violence of hierarchy any agreement can be created between souls’s to allow the creation of a medium of exchange, a way to hold value when an exchange with another is desired without a reciprocal equivalent until a time an intrinsic trade is wanted.
This is not done through contract, all contracts are exclusively between legal fictions, this is a substantive trade created between living souls, without prejudice, this is why a binding unilateral agreement forms the basis of the system.
If a global labour-coin model were applied, then each member of a community would have to use the same bond agreement to join that collaboration. Again archaically that is a free choice.
For whichever labour-coin bond you wished to join the bonds would have to match so the methods and values would then also match. The need for more labour-coin bonds is unnecessary but people like to mess with things.
Without the constraints and violence of hierarchy you can use a substantive model, which precludes the use of contracts, as all contract is exclusively between constructed legal fictions, a soul uses a written witnessed binding agreement, sealed and reciprocal free of legal fictions of legal name, title or status, and most importantly “without prejudice”.
To trade fully with labour-coins the trader would have to be a bond member, this is easy to do, you simply autograph (not with a legal name) a bond agreement (a living soul does not sign as to sign literally means a ‘standard that one follows’, while an autograph, auto means ‘of or by oneself’ and graph means to ‘draw or write’) witnessed and sealed by two living souls, the witnesses observe the bond sealed by the one binding themselves to the agreement with the thumbprint and autograph (not using a legal name, so for example you maybe known as Bob and your father is George, and your grandfather is Toby, so you could autograph “Bob” and write after would, son of George grandson of Toby this could be extended further if you wished).
Because this is a “self-willed” agenesarchic model of exchange, anyone working for the State of any nation would be excluded from becoming a bond member, you cannot be a part of an agenesarchic model while promoting the constraints and violence of hierarchy.
Download the Agreement
The software would be a free download, to begin using the system, a bond would be created, this is a download of the agreement, which once printed out and read, is autographed and sealed with contactable witnesses and then scanned and digitally stored in the system, within a bond archive node.
Volunteer administrators within the system can contact the witnesses and verifies that they are who they say they are, and that they witnessed the bond and are honest and true. And they could request proofs of any claimed facts if doubt existed. Additionally existing bond members could also vouch for the honesty and good standing of the applicant.
Using Labour-Coins In The Real World Beyond The Internet
Fiat pool flow chartThe simplest way to exchange labour-coins in the physical world, at local shops and businesses, not with a desk or laptop but with a mobile phone connected to the Internet.
The seller wishing to sell through a labour-coin medium simply uses their account to enter the trade, entering the amount of labour-coins spent and bond number of the buyer, which identifies their account, the buyer opens their account online through their mobile the trade is made in the standard manner, now the seller has a no fees, no tracking by legal bodies and no taxation exchange.
No constructed legal fiction can be a bond member as it’s a substantive bond, therefore this excludes constructed legal fictions of corporation, trust, State etc., from participating within the system. Only a living anima can trade substantively.
All transactions are asymmetrical, only the buyer can transfer funds, at no point can a seller take funds independently, such as direct debit, standing orders or access of debit a second or more times independently of the buyer, only when the buyer transfers funds can a seller be paid.
With each real world transaction you can request a text message to confirm the buyer, the amount, and the location, as an added confirmation along with the password, or this could be a standard idea if thought desirable.
Binding Surety

Surety Network
To do more than exchange through the labour-coin system through trading for labour coins with fiat, goods or services, you must establish a surety; this allows the ability to gain advances in labour coins; in other words to receive a loan.
A binding surety is a limited “Hold Harmless Agreement” in which one party agrees to indemnify the other, to answer for any specified or unspecified liability within the limitations of a binding surety bilateral agreement.
The repayment of such liability is returned by the indemnified over time. The legal system commonly restricts these agreements, because the very essence of the legal system is to remove liability and rob, extort or avoid accountability, so they state “to the extent permitted by law”, this is not a constructive legal agreement, it’s a substantive agreement, one established on inherent power.
A substantive surety is a reciprocal agreement of one who at the request of another, and for the purpose of securing to him a benefit, becomes responsible for the performance by the latter of some act in favour of a third party.
A surety is defined as someone who, being liable to pay a debt or perform an obligation, is enabled, if it is enforced against him, to be indemnified by some other; while they ought themselves to have made payment or performed before their surety was compelled to do so in their stead.
An unrestricted reciprocal binding surety is an independent written, witnessed bilateral agreement between living anima’s, for each to stand surety for the other; meaning you are agreeing to take responsibility for your bondsmen and them for you in an equally reciprocated bond.
The unrestricted binding surety is a commitment of deep trust between the two parties, and is the security for the community, equitable trade, and relief of wrongs.
When unrestricted the agreement is extended so that in poverty and misfortune it’s your bondsmen that give support, it being as if your misfortune is their misfortune, it’s a protection for both you and all you interact with, but in the labour-coin system a limited surety is all that is required, a full surety does however give greater advantage within the labour-coin system, as it demonstrates greater trust, and the platform is a trust based system.
For trading in labour coins only a limited surety is required, however a full surety bond would allow greater levels of advance. A limited surety is one that is bonded only within the labour coin system, for advance guarantee, a full surety bond is one that is fully reciprocal for all circumstances of life.
In death if you leave unsettled debt or obligations that your remaining resources cannot settle, it is your binding sureties who stand the cost and establish settlement.
A surety bond can be made unrestricted or restricted to apply within the labour coin model; a restricted form would be limited only to prior liabilities accepted, meaning they would only be liable to repay the amount they have agreed to stand guarantor for.
The password to open an account must be safe guarded, this must be confirmed, proof supplied, before any account trading is undertaken, as dead accounts would prevent a return to a zero balance and hold labour coins in limbo; two options are available, make arrangements to have the access code to your account held securely until given to an heir, or the system holds the password within a key pair encryption, the key to open the code is sent by the account holder to a nominated bond member who the sender has had a discussion with them prior about their wishes, to deal with the account contents, whether assets or debts, and the closure of the account, which is automatic upon a zero balance. With proof of death a detached voluntary administrator would send the encrypted password to the nominated account holder.
Liability for Defaulting
Only the surety members who create the advance bond, and so accept responsibility for non-payment of the advance of those interest free labour-coins is liable within a surety group, if you have 5 sureties and only 3 agree the advance guarantee, then they are the ones the system requests to return that advance.
So if the one receiving the advance dies, refuses to repay or becomes unable to repay through misfortune, the surety then must honour the advance and repay it in full when each part payment becomes due. Other than death, the repayment by the original borrower to their surety is then between the surety members and them, but the original borrower ultimately, theoretically, repays the surety, however this failure to repay a surety by any individual does not impact on the labour coin system, as it becomes a private affair between the sureties.
Failure to pay any due return freezes the account of the one failing to honour their obligations, once those obligations have been met the account returns to normal.
A full bond of surety is 23, seen as a full community; this prevents the trivialisation or corruption of the surety, through the possibility of one anima member having hundreds of bonds.
Bonds can be created and examined within the system, the system gives each surety bond a unique reference number.
After an account stands unused for 5 years it is closed unless it’s in credit, all negative accounts are considered abandoned, the system must adjusts to return to a hypothetical zero balance, the zero balance must always remain an attainable possibility, however accounts could be closed off without any way to reopen them due to death for example, or a fraud, so default of advance could be outstanding with no possibility of recovery, within a zero balance these cannot be written off they must be accounted for, because each coin represents another’s labour and to steal another’s labour is not acceptable. The closed off accounts are terminated once enough donations have been accumulated and the coin advances are taken out of the system, the advanced coins exist within the system, the dead accounts only hold their debt, therefore bond members would be invited to donate labour coins to cancel out the coin debts of the dead accounts, if the system is perceived as indispensible to users, the assurance of a true zero balance is a secondary protection of the integrity of the zero balance system.
The Assurance Bond Required When An Advance Of Labour-Coins Is Created
The principle of collective or cooperative assurance is simple, it’s a shared burden or a shared risk; this differs from the corporate insurance system which is based upon principles of gambling and monopoly.
The risk involved in many activities in life can be devastating upon an individual, although the risk may be small in general, for the few it affects these unfortunate events can destroy businesses, homes, even families.
The collective assurance is a simple sharing of risk over a community concept.
The assurance bond is a multi-lateral bond, you are joining a collective; the bond can be to protect the individual and the community against loss, fraud and default beyond the surety system.
The assurance is only for those members that have an advance, if you use the system without an advance then you are no risk to altering the zero balance, the risk to the system of losing the zero balance is generated through advance, so they must take the responsibility of preventing that modification.
Extended Assurance Bond
The assurance bond can be extended to cover all frauds including those outside of the advance of labour-coins, an assurance just for trading, this is a choice, if you feel you wish to protect yourself from fraud, for example when you pay for goods and they are never received, or you pay for services that are never provided, then those choosing to be protected from frauds of this nature would share the burden, if for example a 1000 people joined the extended assurance and each month within that group 100 labour-coins were claimed and proven to be lost to fraud each member of the group would pay 0.1 labour-coins ($1.71), the method of assurance is to take a payment that is topped up annually, and when you wish to leave the bond the unused portion of the payment is returned to the bond member. So for example the extended assurance could require 10 labour-coins that would be topped up annually, assurance only cost what is claimed and proven in losses.
An arbitration system of volunteer peers within a particular assurance bond itself would determine if a claim was proven. All this could be coded as an assurance platform, which can be extended to car, medical, home, life, in fact whatever assurance people decide they wish to form a bond around.
Bond Templates
Bond writing templates are available on the platform to encourage the creation of agenesarchic community, from matrimonial bi-lateral agreements, to home or car assurance bonds, cooperative bonds, etc., the system archives digital scans of copies of physical agreements, assurance cooperatives, bonded cooperatives, etc. Any member can inspect these digital versions as they are within the common ledger. A search feature allows easy location of any bond, through bond account number of trader.
Establishing Trust In A Trust Based Surety System

Trustworthiness rating flow chart
A functioning society depends on trust. For example the very act of driving is an act of trust. We trust that the other drivers understand the rules of the road and will follow them. We trust them not to be drunk or wigged out on drugs. We trust them to stop at red lights, stay on the right side of the road and to not make U-turns on the interstate. When someone violates the collective trust, we’re stunned. Yet, we get right back into our cars and trust again. Trusting each other is the only way we’re going to get anything done.
Hierarchies are created when trust no longer exists, this lack of trust means our estimation of others is governed by fear, as fear is the foundation of hierarchy, this perceived lack of experience then leads to cynicism, because people do not have enough positive experiences of trusting, even though they do trust others most of the time, it’s just they do not perceive it.
Researchers set up two experimental conditions, one to mimic what happens in the real world and one to test an ideal world scenario
They recruited 120 participants to take part in a game of economic trust. Each person was given €7.50 and asked if they’d like to hand it to another person. If the other person made the same decision the pot would increase to €30. They were then asked to estimate whether the other person would opt to give them their half of the total winnings.

Real life condition: in this group participants were only told about the other person’s decision when they decided to trust them. The idea is that this condition simulates real life. You only find out if others are trustworthy when you decide to trust them. If you don’t trust someone you never find out whether or not they are trustworthy.

Ideal world condition: here participants were given feedback about the trustworthiness of other people whether or not they decided to trust them. This simulates an ideal-world condition where we all know from experience just how trustworthy people are (i.e. much more trustworthy than we think!)

Breaking Down Cynicism
Once again this study showed that people are remarkably cynical about strangers. Participants in this study thought that only 52 percent of the people they saw in the videos could be trusted to share their winnings. But the actual level of trustworthiness was a solid 80 percent. There’s the cynicism.
That cynicism was quickly broken down, though, by giving participants accurate feedback about others’ trustworthiness. People in the ideal world condition noticed that others could be trusted (they upped their estimate to 71 percent) and were also more trusting themselves, handing over the money 70.1 percent of the time.
People in the ideal world condition could even be seen shedding their cynicism as the study went on, becoming more trusting as they noticed that others were trustworthy. This suggests people aren’t inherently cynical; it’s just that we don’t get enough practice at trusting.
If you try trusting others you’ll find they frequently repay that trust, leading you to be more trusting.
So this demonstrates 80% is the base rate of trustworthiness in the general population.
When a surety is first established the new bondsmen must build trustworthiness within the system, this will take time, with each trade those they interact with leave feed back, and comments are weighed against trust when no surety is in place. Another area of trustworthiness is through donations, those who donate freely build their trustworthiness rating as well.
When someone first gains a surety they have a set amount they may give in advance to others, or take in advance from others. Trustworthiness in the system increases the set amount upon achieving certain mile stones.
Trust is built through several aspects of interaction:

When advanced, labour-coins repayments are on time and in full, this is most important to the system in allowing increases in the set advance allocated.
When trading, as a seller the ratings of your buyers, which reflect aspects of the trades.
Negative and positive feed back from members in the bond with ratings for interactions within forum, or real life.

As the trustworthy assessment progresses, the amount available for advance or standing as guarantor is slowly increased; if of course their trustworthiness increases; if the trustworthiness doesn’t increase but goes down, then when the rating becomes a negative the ability to gain advance or give guarantor is lost, you have in effect a dead surety that can only trade and not give or gain advance, a dead surety would also be indicated to traders.
The first point of trust is at the first entry into the system, the bond details and the bank account details must match for the first labour-coin purchase, if the details are not the same, the money for the coin is returned and the bond blocked from the community. If the details match then this establishes the first point of trust.

A bond member must be a reasoning empath, if someone works for the state, has a criminal record for fraud, theft, or crimes demonstrating they cannot be trusted, is a landlord, banker, psychopath, Ashkenazi, Israeli citizen, Wahhabi, Zionist, agent of the Vatican, Free-Mason, or paedophile, any or all of these would render an individual unable to join the bond.

Before a surety can be created the new bond member must trade for a period to assess their nature, a period of probation.

The details on the bond must match the details of the bank account for first trade.

The members rate the new member and it is the ratings that determine trustworthiness.

Members can block users and must state a reason why with evidence if possible.

All bond members are identified through thumb print so they cannot join twice, also if blocked they cannot join again with their thumb print.

A basic questionnaire can be used to exclude the Statist (Questions 1 – 2 present the concept. ‘Do you support submission or consent?’ If you support submission you are a statist.):

Do you give vaccination full support and believe those who refuse to be vaccinated should be forced vaccinated by the State? – Yes means excluded.

Do you give NATO or the American Military Industrial Complex representatives and their allies your full support to attack other countries with impunity, as they did with Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria, or the State you live in, if outside these allied nations would have your full support to do likewise? – Yes means excluded.

(Questions 3 – 4 present the concept of mental incompetence and hierarchical indoctrination.)

Do you believe all these things are true, the 911 attack in New York in 2001 was committed by Muslims hijacking airliners, simply because they hated the freedoms of Americans, that the subsequent fire caused three building to collapse into their own footprint, and that Afghanistan and Iraq were responsible? – Yes means exclusion.

Do you believe the “royal family” or “The Head of State” is superior to you and all others? – Yes means exclusion.

(Questions 5 – 6 present the concept of being usurious; usury is the foundation of the methods of extortion imposed through hierarchy.)

Do you believe all these things as true, your money should make money, that banks have a right to charge interest and corporations must be given the same rights as a person but with limited accountability? – Yes means exclusion.

Do you believe someone with billions of dollars, pounds or whatever fiat they hoard, has earned that amount of money, and it is important to have billionaires as their wealth inexorably trickles down to the impoverished masses? – Yes means exclusion.

Trust in Trade
In trade the confidence in which you would enter a written agreement, that required trust, is weighed against the number of binding sureties held by either party, the binding surety reveals the confidence others have in the individuals trustworthiness.
A surety size is accessible information for any account holder by any other account holder, this means a seller or buyer can see the size of the surety of the other party, this is a simple indicator of the trustworthiness of the parties involved.
A secondary trustworthiness indicator is incorporated into the platform. A Trustworthiness number is displayed and an untrustworthiness number below it. One indicates how many trades have been completed where both parties were happy with the agreement made, and the other indicates how many trades have been completed where the one traded with felt robbed, tricked or let down through the trade. Additionally traders can have reviews, accessible by any bond member, added to their accounts by others, expressing either good or bad assessments to explain why that bondsmen is good to trade with or why to avoid trading with them.
The advantages of trustworthiness in exchange are great, it gives the other party confidence to trade, it demonstrates community, and allows an advance of labour system to be created.
Within an advance of labour-coins the advance is created through the agreement of the individuals that have made a binding surety with the one seeking an advance.
The Zero Bomb

double ledger pair key encryption
A zero bomb zeros out all data in the sandbox, on log out, and if the environment is breached.
The ledger data is not stored on the users computer when they’re not logged in to their account. When a user logs in to their account they must enter a private personal password, once accepted by the cloud, the accounts node is downloaded into the labour coin software platform from the cloud, the sand box then accesses 3 public keys and 3 private keys, the blockchain data within the cloud is encoded using their 2 blockchain public keys and sent to their sand box.
When decoded and checked for a zero balance, the node information is used to open their account on line.
Time Delay
Each user has a permanent account number, if password to access the account is entered wrongly it imposes a time-delay between pass-code entries, this time period doubles with each failed attempt, with a countdown displayed until another attempt is allowed, so 60 seconds is the first countdown then 2 minutes, then 4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512 and so on. Once the correct pass-code is entered the mechanism is reset and starts again at 60 seconds on a wrong attempt.
Externally all data is encrypted, as it’s processed through the sandbox it’s unencrypted and checked, both blockchain ledgers are processed through and checked for a zero balance.
Every sender transaction is encrypted using the recipients public key and the same transaction is also encoded using either the recipients trading public ledger key or the recipients advance public ledger key.
Virtual Escrow

Escrow flow chart
The normal escrow is a contract, deed, bond, or other written agreement deposited with a third person, by whom it is to be delivered to the grantee or promise on the fulfilment of some condition.
Virtual escrow is a simple way to do the same thing, that is to hold the payment independently from both the purchaser and supplier until the buyer has received their goods, this gives certainty to the seller, and certainty to the buyer.
The system provides an option to pay through escrow, this simply places the full payment intend for a nominated supplier into a virtual escrow within the payers own account, this means the system simply makes the amount unavailable to anyone until the payer releases the payment, or the goods are delivered and accepted, and payment is automatically released linked to a proof of autographed delivery.
If the payer cancels the order within the trading platforms of the labour-coin system, the supplier can claim losses if the goods were custom-made, the cost of the labour and materials invested in that order is due to completed work up to the point of cancellation, if a stock item then they can cancel without penalty, up until the point of shipping, after which they would be liable for the cost of shipping and return.
If the goods are traded through a bonded cooperative then the loss incurred for the cancellation of a custom-made order, can be reimbursed, if in the future another buyer is found for part or all of that cancelled order, once that order is completed the amount the supplier has recovered would be returned to the one who cancelled the original order.
The escrow can be applied to trades with corporate entities externally to the bond, however you are then at the mercy of the corporation you trade with, the release of the escrow would be at proof of autographed delivery, and if cancelled would be at the mercy of the corporate policies they trade under.
Arbitration Of Disputes

Arbitration of Disputes flow chart
Arbitration of disputes is important to maintain harmony within the community, a wrong must be addressed and relief established otherwise ill will could be created, and the victimisation of others could be committed.
Advance of Labour-Coins

advances through surety flow chart
In the usury banking system you must ask the bank to grant an interest bearing loan, based upon your credit rating and tangible assets, while in the surety model you must seek the agreement of your particular surety bondsmen to stand as guarantor of the advance.
The repayment of the advance can be postponed at the creation of the advance, and ONLY at the creation of the advance within the originating bond agreement, as once the agreement is established the commitment is in place, this can only be done through the consent of the guaranteeing advance surety, for a maximum period of up to 5 years.
The reason this must be an agreement with the surety, is that, for that period any surety member who stand guarantee for that advance, have their ability to guarantee advances for others frozen.
Each surety has a fixed allocated sum they may give out in advance, if for example they advance half that allocated amount to someone with a 5 year deferred repayment, then for that period they would have that proportion of the allocated advancing tied up.
When bond members want an advance of labour they seek it from their surety bondsmen directly, as it’s the surety that must guarantee the exchange, and it’s the surety that must create the advance through the system on behalf of the borrower by standing guarantor.
Once the surety have agreed to the advance of labour-coins and create the advance through the system simply by standing surety for it, the labour-coins are added to the account of the borrower, as the borrower repays the advance the labour-coins are removed from the accounting system. In other words, a coin is created for advance and destroyed on repayment. At the same time that amount of repayment the guarantors have advanced is returned, meaning the limited allocated amount they may give out in advance is returned at each part repayment.
The size of advance is limited to the agreement of the surety bondsmen individually, and the limit each bondsman can provide within the system, this is determined by how many non-repeating bondsmen they have themselves, and the trust rating each surety bondsmen had earned within the system.
So for example if one surety bondmen, who has no other surety bondsmen, grants an advance to another, where that bondsmen is the only surety, his limit is 500 labour-coins, if he consents to stand surety for that advance, then as the borrower repays the loan his power to grant an advance is slowly return with each payment. If for example the borrower has repaid 350 labour-coins after a year, then the system would recognise that the grantor had the ability to advance 350 labour-coins, this ability would be a real time reference of the repayments of the advance.
If a surety bondsmen has 2 surety bondsmen and they are the only bondmen the borrower has, then they can advance 500 labour-coins ($8,550), and for each additional bondsmen they have, they increases their ability to advance by 100 labour-coins ($1,710), so someone with a full community of surety of 23 sureties could advance 2700 labour-coins as the only consenting surety to another, in fiat Nov 2015 where 1 labour-coin is equal to $17.10 this would be $46,170.
This means if the borrower had 23 surety bonds and each of those bondmen had 23 surety bonds with non-repeating surety bondsmen, the potential for advance if all consented would be around 62,100 labour-coins, just over $1 million, this would if you earned 1 labour coin an hour and worked every week for 40 hours, take around 30 years to repay. Such a strong surety would of course be rare.
If the surety of your surety were asked on your behalf by your surety to consent part of their advancing capability, then an even larger advance could be created, the system functions on consent and guarantee, through the consent and bond of guarantors, but no surety bondsman can repeat in advance.
New Car from the corporate system with fiat, advance example
Step 1
If you wanted to buy a new car, costing $15,000 which represents around 877 labour coins, you ask your sureties if they are willing to guarantee your advance, when they agree and transfer the advance to you, and you accept the advance with the repayment agreement attached, you then have 877 labour coins.
Step 2
You place your labour coins in the fiat exchange pool, as the coins are traded across the platform the fiat is sent directly to your bank account.
Step 3.
When all your labour coins have been traded for fiat, you can then purchase your new car with fiat.
New house from a none bond member in fiat, advance example
Step 1
If you wanted to buy a house, costing $150,000 which represents around 8770 labour coins, you ask your sureties if they are willing to guarantee your advance, if that sum is available and when they agree and transfer the advance to you, and you accept the advance with the repayment agreement attached, you then have 8770 labour coins.
Step 2
You place your labour coins in the fiat exchange pool, as the coins are traded across the platform the fiat is sent directly to your bank account.
Step 3.
When all your labour coins have been traded for fiat, you can then purchase your house with fiat.
If the seller is part of the labour coin bond you maybe able to trade labour coins directly for your car or house, or whatever you wish to trade.
Breaking the Surety with the Intent of Fraud
What stops two people joining the bond, making a surety between them, loading up on advances, converting them to fiat and abandoning the system, so keeping the labours of others as their own?

The new bond member would have to trade normally within the system and build trustworthiness ratings; this would take a minimum period of a few months before they could seek advances from any surety they had established.

They would have a witnessed, sealed and autographed agreement that could be pursued. But that is a difficult path.

To reduce the risk of fraud at the outset, certain people are excluded from the bond, psychopaths, bankers, State workers, landlords, any from the group identified as Ashkenazi, Zionists, free masons, Israeli citizens, convicted confidence men, fraudsters and thieves, etc. For the prevention of the use of labour-coins for unsavoury practices, pedophiles, murderers, rapists, and State sovereigns and their families are also excluded from the bond. 

All consenting sureties of an advance would be alerted that a repayment was due 4 hours before the deadline and then every hour thereafter, the warning is there to allow the sureties to address this situation before the system suspends their trading accounts. The defaulter and all consenting sureties would have their accounts suspended at the point a repayment is in default, so they could not add or subtract from their account until the default was addressed, because you are held to your word, you have made a commitment and to fail that commitment is to break your word, which is the only true bond an anima member has.
If all pressure fails to secure the repayment of the interest free advance, then the accounts of those concerned would be terminated and they would be excluded from the bond permanently, and the zero balance of the system would be achieved through the assurance bond, or member donations.
Creating Diverse Assurance Cooperatives Platform
The peer to peer “system” itself doesn’t have the power to grant loans, create assurance cooperatives etc. this is done by the anima members using the system, the platform is simply the facilitator of the processes.
There are several platforms that need to be developed to utilise labour-coins fully:
The Three “C’s”
The Community Platform:
The community trading platform is a peer to peer version of Ebay for individual exchange of goods and services.
The Collective Platform:
The collective trading allowing individuals to join together to buy directly from large manufacturers, excluding the need for middlemen, and paying direct manufacturer prices.
The Cooperative Platform:
The cooperative trade allows members to establish cooperative and trade their wares, it allows the development of unique product development and manufacture, and removes the monopolies and restrictions of the corporate State.
The Substantive Bond Platform:
For example all assurance cooperatives are created by the cooperatives collective members requiring the service of the respective assurance, car, home, life, health, whatever; these cooperatives nominate a voluntary administrator/s of their cooperative bond ideally with a high surety, who only function in administration, and charges a small service fee for any time they expend in providing such services for that collective at a pre-agreed rate.
The Donations Platform:
Donation platform can be used for any project development, from the development of polycentric agenesarchic community, the open source creation of suppressed technologies, the establishment of pragmatic universities based in real science not institutional pseudo-science, to the crowd funding of a book, movie or software.
Individuals can create donation accounts within their own bond account, to fund whatever they wish, writing a book, building a school, educating their child, whatever idea that would attract others to donate.
Within the trading platform a donations section allows anyone to post a project seeking donations.
With the consent of their surety one or more members of the bond can use part, or all of their allocated amount they are able to seek in advance, and attach it to a donation account, and as actual donations arrive the advance is repaid, this allows them to have the funding straight away, but it carries a risk, if the donations do not materialise the repayment has to be paid by the original donators.
The group nominates a donation account, and the advances of many can be deposited into that one account, if for example 100 anima’s contributed to a donation account for a project, not as donators but as advances of the donations allow the project to begin straight away, then huge amounts of resources could be available.
The Death of Fiat
With the death of fiat the labour-coin system would be freed from fiat constraint, a constraint imposed by fiat lovers, without this constraint the labour-coin could be traded and advanced with increased trade, and free all from the economic slavery of the Ashkenazi usury systems imposed globally.
Additional Elements That Can Be Created With Labour-Coin
1 – Peer to peer library, E-books, movies, television programs, radio broadcasts, software and associated elements such as encyclopaedia, dictionaries, lexicons, archives etc.
2 – Peer to Peer Facebook Type Forum Messenger
3 – Peer to Peer Website Creation Platform Free Of Fees And Censorship
4 – Peer To Peer Universal Arbitration Of All Wrongs, Holding All To Account And Relief.