What is BTSR
What is BTSR
BTSR is a digital token distributed to users willing to help support and maintain BitTeaser, a decentralised advertising network. Ownership of BTSR includes but is not limited to a monthly buyback option based on income from BitTeaser activities, as well as the possibility of realising additional income from trading the BTSR token on supporting exchanges – the first of which is the decentralised exchange platform OpenLedger, also known as the DEX. BitTeaser is a fast-growing advertising network that operates in a similar way to Google Adwords. Revenue is generated based on services providing advertising space for websites, companies and products. The use of blockchain and cryptocurrency technology makes BitTeaser’s advertising solutions completely straightforward and anonymous. BitTeaser’s advertising platform has the ambitious plan of capturing and absorbing the advertising market for the numerous present and future crypto projects with a total market capitalisation of some $10 billion and growing. BTSR is a very easy way to invest in advertising. You do not need to have technical, financial, or analytical knowledge or skills. All you need is your own account on OpenLedger to store your purchased BTSR, allowing you to monitor any value changes of the token easily, as well as trading on this platform or other exchanges – whether your investment is short- or long-term. The issuer of the BTSR token is CCEDK ApS, the only bitcoin and crypto exchange in Denmark, and BTSR has been created as a follow-up to the successful launch of the OBITS project which was introduced in November 2015. OBITS is considered the market maker and backbone of all future projects introduced by CCEDK, and will therefore always remain active in all subsequent activities. CCEDK ApS was founded back in March 2014 and the exchange itself was introduced in May same year. It is registered in Denmark, part of the EU, and operates under Denmark’s legal framework. Since then it has been the company’s vision and passion to present innovative crypto-based solutions to the world. ApS was founded back in March 2014 and the exchange itself was introduced in May same year. It is registered in Denmark, part of the EU, and operates under Denmark’s legal framework. Since then it has been the company’s vision and passion to present innovative crypto-based solutions to the world.
Where can I buy BTSR?
You can buy BTSR right here on the BTSR website. The amount of tokens ordered and paid for will be sent to your account, just as for any exchange platform supporting BTSR trading. Buy with Crypto. It is possible to buy on site and on the base of its addresses provided with all major crypto currencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Peercoin (PPC), Dogecoin (DOGE), OBITS, NuBits (NBT), NuShares (NSR), BitShares (BTS), BitUSD, BitEUR and BitCNY. And with below mentioned currencies sending e-mail to ronny@ccedk.com with subject line: buy with “your crypto” Ethereum (ETH), DASH, Ripple (XRP), Emercoin (EMC), MUSE, BlockShares (BKS), Maidsafecoin (MAD), Stellar (XLM), Factom (FCT), Nextcoin (NXT) NEM (XEM), Synereo (AMP), Counterparty (XCP), Tether (USDT), Decred (DCR), Siacoin (SC). Buy with Fiat. It is possible to buy on site with both US dollar (USD), Euro (EUR) and Chinese Yuan Renminbi (CNY).
How will I make a profit or ROI after my BTSR token purchase?
When buying BTSR tokens you are executing a smart contract. In this contract you, as owner of the BTSR tokens, agree to the stated schedule as well as the conditions published on the internet and on this website. The buyback of BTSR will take place on the OpenLedger platform in the designated markets and with the agreed split in currencies, and on the basis of the declared 70% of profits from the results of BitTeaser’s advertising platform. The split is 25% each of BTC, ETH, BTS and OPEN.USD (easily converted to USD for withdrawal).Monthly profits for BitTeaser are automatically calculated and displayed in real time on this site and on the BitTeaser website. BTSR tokens purchased at each buyback will be burnt and removed from the total supply. As the number of remaining BTSR tokens are reduced, the price of remaining tokens will naturally increase.
How does this work?
Let’s have a look at the examples below:
Example #1: Alice places a sell order for 100 BTSR at 0.33 USD per BTSR. Her sell order is the cheapest on buyback day, so CCEDK will buy Alice’s 100 BTSR for 33 USD on the basis of obtained profits. Tokens bought in this way will be burned (destroyed), thereby increasing the price of remaining BTSR tokens.
Example #2: Bob has bought 100 BTSR for 0.15 USD/BTSR (total 15 USD). He decides to sell 10% of his holdings on buyback day at a price of 1.50 USD/BTSR (total 15 USD). According to the stated rules, all orders are bought back on the basis of generated profits. In this example, if Bob’s sell order is met, he stands to keep 90% of his initial BTSR holdings, fully paying for the original cost of the remaining tokens.
I can’t believe it’s so easy and attractive – show me some numbers, please!
Primary BTSR Split of total supply of 53 million BTSR:
- - 10% of BTSR will be reserved for the future Board of Directors (BoD) and will be issued separately for every agreement of minimum 2%. This could include anyone who decided to buy BTSR on the basis of certain special conditions.
- - 20% of BTSR are issued initially and made available to the public via its presale period and crowdsale.
- - 30% of total amount will be reserved for the BitTeaser team members (developers, managers, designers).
- - 40% of total is reserved as performance based rewards to all parties buying services on BitTeaser or helping to increase total revenue of the Bitteaser blockchain advertising network. Any amounts from this part will be issued in chunks on a monthly basis.
Important note: Only 70% of BitTeaser profits will be used for the monthly buyback. (Investors should understand that we are not selling a project with regular profits; we are, however, aiming to accelerate development by means of additional sources of funds.) We strongly believe in the approach of the BitTeaser advertising platform and its value based BTSR tokens.
Profit distribution from advertising platform BitTeaser (70% of generated profits):
- - 80% of designated revenues will be used for buyback of BTSR tokens
- - 20% of designated revenues will be used for the payment of monthly dividends or buyback of OBITS, because OBITS is the ‘mother’ of all present as well as future issued tokens from CCEDK, including BTRS tokens
Public launch of BTSR:
- - On March 11th 2016 we launch to the public the crowdsale of the token BTSR. The crowdsale is expected to run until the day of first scheduled day of buyback May 2nd.2016
New revenue stream to OBITS token:
- - 10% from crowdsale and presale will be added to OBITS revenue stream adding value to OBITS for future sharedrop and/or buyback
- Buyback Dates:
- - First buyback: 1st May 2016.
- - Subsequent buybacks: will occur monthly
More detailed and specific information can be found in this PDF file (coming soon)
Is it working?!
Yes, it is!
The example above is a hypothetical case and simply shows the principle of buyback. However, there is a real-life parallel in the OBITS buyback experience that took place in early February, with the burning of tokens as final proof of success:
- More than $5,000 was involved in the buyback.
- Price growth of OBITS on buyback day was more than 40%
- Initial OBITS price at launch was $0.045 (4.5 cents)
- OBITS price at the end of buyback was $0.105 (10.5 cents)
- Current OBITS price is around $0.075-0.085 (7.5-8.5 cents)
These are real statistics and the results of the first buyback. *All prices in USD are converted to the equivalent to BTS on a buyback day. In the above case, someone who had initially spent $100 on OBITS would receive more than $225 ($125 of profit) in just 3 months
It means, that 'Alice', having spent 100$ at the very beginning of introduction of OBITS, could reach more than 225$ (125$ of clean profits) in just 3 months.
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Great article