Introducing Myself

in #crypto7 years ago

Hello Everyone, I am new to the community and am very excited about the amount of potential this community has. With so many means of communication today, so many ways to express ourselves and reach out to the world; It has become easier and easier for business savvy people to 'monetize' that interaction. They dont necessarily 'prey' on the public, they arent 'cheating' anyone either, they are just benefiting from an open channel. By using these various methods of communication, expression, learning, teaching, ranting & raving we are giving away our rights to compensation for these actions. By joining Steemit we as a collective can take back control, make it so that we ARE compensated for all of those methods, actions and interactions.
So, who am I? I am Roberto Pasos. I go by the tag CorozalCryptoMan because my father is from Belize. I would love to say that I am from Belize too but I only lived there for about three years and dont feel like I can make that claim. My father comes from the Corozal, a state in Belize. I do have so many wonderful memories of those years. I was around six or seven and the beach, the ruins, the fresh EVERYTHING and the many many wonderful people were just Amazing! The Crypto part of my tag is because that is my main focus this year (and hopefully many years to come) as I believe we are witnessing the next "_____" revolution. I think the name is still not set but its the next big one, thats for sure. This isnt just a craze or fad. This will become a defining part of our lives. Like the telephone, the automobile, internet, FB, get the picture. Blockchain and Crypto (interchangeable in many ways) is the next it. I want to embrace it, i want to participate in it...I want to PROFIT from it!! lol. the man part of my name, well, that requires no explanation. heheheh. Anyways, i look forward to meeting more of you, following more of you, up voting you and look forward to the same. Cheers!