How I Hedged This Ethereum Crash And Lost Nothing!

in #crypto7 years ago

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Still A Bears Market

Hey guys, I know it is not the best of days for us in the crypto world. Things just seem to keep trickling down into a creek of loss. Well, it does not have to be that way for all your coins. If you are into Ethereum and you are taking a lot of loss, you should try what I have been using. Since Ethereum dropped from $550 to $400 over the last week, I have lost 0. I will repeat that 0, and I have EVEN gained in dollar value. Let me tell you how I did it.


My Safe Haven

7 days ago I start reading about a project called Proof of Weak Hands and I thought it was a prank. The more I read, the more I saw it was no prank and it was the only thing REALLY making money in this crypto market. Since beginning to play Proof of Weak Hands I have lost no dollar value in Ethereum even with the massive drop. I am actually up $50-100$ usd and I bought in with Etherum at $550. Sounds to good to be true? Let me tell you how it works.


How Proof Of Weak Hands Works

Proof of Weak Hands use a token called P3D to play. You buy into P3D with Ethereum with a browser wallet called MetaMask. Once you buy the tokens you are in the game. You lose 10% on buy in, because that is the fee which is spread across all token holders. When you sell there is a 10% fee as well, which is spread across all token holders. So basically you lose about 20% out of the gate but it comes back quickly. It only took about 3 or 4 days for me to get back to even.

The game is ran by a smart contract, not people, and the contract has been verified secure by MANY in the field. Because it is decentralized there is no owner or operator to run off with your money. You earn weather people are selling or buying. Also the project is completely transparent and you can talk to many of the users and devs in the discord chat linked on the webpage .

Final Thoughts

Yes it is marketed as joke almost, and yes the project is full of memes, but do your own research because this is a serious player in crypto right now. I think we passed #Cryptokitties last night!!!! If you would like to learn more go check out the Proof of Weak Hands site or come chat in the discord!


Proof Of Weak Hands is real, the only way it can fail is if Vitalik Buterin hardforks!

Yeah I am stoked to be a part of this!

Sounds like a ponzi scheme #419

Well let's debate that. How do you feel it is a ponzi? If people sell off you make money so old investors provide for new as well as new for old. Not only that but there is no operator so it cannot be a ponzi. Go to the site, they do not promote this as a way to make lots of money, but as an experiment and joke really. Ponzis need a central operator and usually they are screaming invest invest invest.

I'm just saying, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. OK, so it's a pyramid scheme. What is the worst scenario? don't tell me you can't loose cause I can't believe that.

No anyone can lose in crypto hahah. I do not even want to fill your head with what "I think" I want people to look for themselves. I honestly bought in because I am a memehead and 4chan user and the project resonated with me. I thought it was scammy at first to. Read the smart contract, if you know solidity, and then you will see the only way to lose is if EVERYONE sells and the price of eth plummets. Even when people sell that 10% is spread across all tokens left, evenly. Also tokens are created on buy and burned on sell.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 63787.47
ETH 2643.68
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83