How i made $1 000 000 in cryptocurrencies in 2018

in #crypto6 years ago


As a professional trader (I bought my first bitcoins at the end of December 2017).
I often follow my guts to make money in this new market.
I don't believe in all these articles like "The Top 10 Mistakes Crypto Newcomers Make" or "7 Crypto trading tips and common mistakes". I repeat it's my instinct that drives me to make money ... a whole bunch of money.
Fortunately for you, I’m going to share some of my secrets so you can be as successful and rich as me.
Enjoy !

1 - Save time and money


Everyone has heard of DYOR (Do your own research) but seriously ?? Who do you think I am ? Do you really think that I will read 50-page whitepapers with highly complicated technical stuff. That I have the time to check whether the team is reliable and competent or not ? Whether the project has some use case in real life ? No, I trust my guts as always. To give you an example, if I like the name I’ll buy it.
I love Dogecoin because it has a cute logo and I found out that it came from a meme. My take is that everyone will think that it's funny, so everyone will buy it. Therefore, the value will skyrocket very soon.

2 - DFMO (Don’t F****ing Miss Out)


This is my own version of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). My philosophy is that if a coin has seen its value climb by 20% in the past 24h, it is the signal that it will probably explode in the next few days! So DFMO! Chances are that its value will continue to rise again and again and that it will make you a rich man (or a woman or any other, I don't want to offend anyone) !

3 - Always listen to influencers


All these youtubers or famous people are a gold mine. They are experts. They certainly have secret information about projects that we don’t have and they share all their knowledge freely through videos or articles to educate us. These are honest people who are not, as many people think, paid to promote ICOs or other projects. The only proof you need is that they say in their video that they are not sponsored. As a humble expert, I’m following influencers like Trevor James or McAfee because they have tons of subscribers.
Indeed, from time to time, some of them promote scams like Bitconneeeeeeect but hey, sh*t happens.

4 - Bring your shovel out


I love to say that I am a miner but I don’t want to bother to have all these huge and loud machines that make you feel like you’re living in a sauna. Names like ASIIS 911, Nidia GPX 69 or whatever sound too fancy and geeky to me. I'm only mining with my smartphone and my tablet. It is pretty easy and simple. I think this is a perfect way to make some extra cash for people in need.

5 - Private pre-ICOs, what a marvel


I’ve been blessed in my career. Because I’ve met caring people who have offered me the opportunity to invest in what are called private pre ICO. It means that I get to invest before everyone else and save money.
I took part in several of them. But I won’t give away their names because you would think that I’m a shiller. I was contacted directly by people I did not know, from Facebook and Telegram. They pitched me some incredible projects and I didn’t hesitate a single second. The procedure to make this kind of investment is very simple, just send the amount you want to the address they sent you. As of now, I haven’t heard anything from them and I wonder how they will send me the tokens because I didn’t give them my wallet address. But I’m not worried, they are experts and they probably know what they are doing.

6 - Giveaway : such an easy way to get some free money


This is Elon Musk ??? Really ?

There are so many famous people on Twitter who graciously donate crypto tokens via giveaways. You just need to send them a small amount of bitcoin and get 10 times more in return! Personally, I don’t have participate in those.I don’t need their free money because I’m a proud man.

7 - Incredible opportunities on Facebook


Thank you Scott

To discover a whole different world, just join Facebook groups specializing in cryptocurrency.
You will be spoiled with those new trading bots, all those mining techniques so that you can make quick and easy money.

8 - Trader with x100 leverage

For those who know Bitmex, I’m trading with x100 leverage.
For those who never heard about leverage, the concept is pretty simple. Let’s say you long $100 worth of Bitcoin. If you leverage x100, you actually long $10 000. So you can potentially become rich 100 times faster if you are optimistic and lucky enough.

9 - A safe place to store your coins


All these paranoid people who advise you to use offline wallets to prevent being hacked, they make me laugh so hard. I store everything on trading platforms and I’ve never had a problem.
So yes, there was the MtGox case, but it was a long time ago. In 2018 there were only 4 platforms that were hacked for just $ 800,000,000. Yes when said like that, it seems huge, but the crypto market is currently $223 000 000 000 (For those who can’t read the numbers: 800 million and 223 billion)

10 - Be connected 24/7


I look at the price of coins on coinmarketcap at least ten times per hour. Sometimes I get up at night to do it. Do you really think it's easy to be a real successful trader ? I'm doing it for a simple reason: I'm convinced that if we spend enough time looking at the price, it will eventually rise.

These are some useful tricks that I wanted to share with you so that you’ll eventually become like me, a successful, wealthy and humble crypto trader. It will not be an easy road but if you follow my recommendations, I’m sure that you will succeed my friend and we will all drive our Lambos together.












For those who took this article as anything else than a joke ... I unfortunately can’t do much for you, but I still have to write the following disclaimer to avoid further issues :

These are by no means financial advice and above all, do not do what’s been stated above.

My goal is to make fun of new investors coming in and thinking they can make tons of money overnight. But don’t get me wrong because we all have been through these situations.
Yes, I did FOMO.
Yes, I listened to youtubers without doing much of my own research.
Yes, I traded with x100 leverage on Bitmex.
Yes, I kept looking at coinmarketcap 30 times a day ...
But these are necessary mistakes in order to learn. Whoever has never FOMO’d throws me a Bitcoin to the following address ... nope, I’m not giving a random wallet.
All this to say that it is important to know where we’re getting into before investing.
Anything that seems too good to be true is indeed a f*cking scam. Do your own research (the famous DYOR we see all the time), read articles, educate yourself. You may end up rich (I hope you will) through cryptocurrencies but it will not happen overnight.
There is only one rule to apply to all games involving money: only invest what you are willing to lose.

Leave a thumb up? A like? Or whatever it's called on Steemit if you enjoyed this little moment of relaxation in this depressing bear market.
Subscribe to read real articles about cryptocurrency. (Yes, I only wrote 2 of them for the moment and it’s in french !!!)


Well... bitcoin looks like it is going down in flames... thank the gods I have Free Dogecoin

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