in #crypto7 years ago

I want to say this : YOU EITHER BELIEVE CRYPTO IS THE FUTURE OR YOU DONT! and I know no one gives TWO FUCKS.... but the old corrupt, slimy, banker system that is in place now it's fucking dead ....let me ....repeat fucking dead. So you either believe what's in the white papers (read them over please) that this is a major trend reversal, and that with some Smart trading , there's a great possibility you will never see your entries this low again. This whole system this new crypto world.... that #*** speaks of its fucking for real the central banks don't know what the fuck to do !! There old manipulated print money,Fiat,fake, fucking Currency game is up.....the fucking game is over. And here's the part I know nobody fucking cares about! BUT IDK if you're worried that yesterday you had a 10 or 15% pullback in your portfolio put on your big boy fucking pants. During the crisis of 2008 I lost my fucking home after just having two newborns. That's the shit that the old, broken, fiat paper money system produces .. central bankers control, and manipulate everything . Into thousand and eight I was newly married! Just bought a home (65% Inflated by government policy) and had two children under the age of three. All these fucking slimy bankers ,mortgage agents, realtors and every fucking news channel was like ....it's all good ....prices always go up ...shit ....Hank Paulson said Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were solvent on global tv ....fucking solvent... fucking bullshit ....governments, central banks ,presidents ,prime minister's ,kings ,queens ,everyone in power they're fucked and there fucking screwing you and you're worried about a 10% pullback give me a fucking break. When this whole global monetary system/experiment fails/shutsdown and all that fiat paper currency you think is worth something :smiley:you will be spared.....check the deutsche mark and see what happened to that overnight.... You don't think it's coming to the euro, yen and the dollar give me a fucking break ! If you're getting out of crypto you better be getting into gold, silver and how about water , and land as I sit here on my family's desolate, private , tree farm of hundreds of black walnut and black cherry trees with American ginseng planted under the canopies !(HEDGE ON INFLATION ),a safe for chock-full of ammunition ,Gold ,silver ,platinum Playdium ,water filtrate systems ,water towers ,fishing poles , and fucking guns!!! I laugh at the ignorance of the people who believe that the governments can print trillions and trillions of dollars in euros and yen and dollars and the fucking people will continue to trust it!! Well, I call bullshit! LETS say you decide to start saving your paper currency AND the system fails... well you're left with what the Germans were left with when the deutsche mark went to zero literally overnight ....fucking toilet paper As an American I value the dollar as such.
So if we could possibly go back to the respectful team like approach that would be great!! Anyone who is unsatisfied please don't fucking sign up next month I'm tired of the bellyaching..
Like I said I know some guys aren't gonna like this, but I just don't give a fuck!! Go on the Internet, and some of you may already know, look up Doug Casey ,Porter Stansberry , & Bill Bonner !! STUDY THEIR WORK!! Checkmate!!IMG_5974.JPGIMG_5980.JPGIMG_6043.PNGIMG_6074.JPG


Thanks for posting and does anyone know of some interactive charts i can play with?

Thanks @ryan313 much appreciated

I'm sorry for what happened to you in 2008, and I love the honesty behind your words!

Cryptos are going to change a lot of things and hopefully in the long run we will live in a world where people are not going to see their life saving evaporated in 20 seconds.

Keep it up!

Thanks for your kind words to my fellow steemian 😃👍

Saw few of your posts and totally following your content from now on!

Great thanks👍📈

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