Calling for Advice on Great Crypto blogs to follow...
Call for Advice
so all you fine amazing folks, I'm an Aussie Mum, brand new to the idea of #Crypto and the new technology developing around it. I'm loving it. I'm searching for fantastic blogs to follow that offer quality information. (Not just people that think they know everything that just re-post a hashed up version of someone else's research.)
who do you all follow in here that offer quality posts, some aimed at newbies, and some that are aimed at teaching skills involved in this great and exciting area?
Who are you most passionate about following and offer quality, interesting, funny advice?
How do i sort the uneducated advice out from the genuinely talented people?

Coin Advice
Market analysis
Great videos and so forth
and so on.
How Did i Find out About Crypto?
well.... we have a mums group. we talk about #mumlife stuff. Sorry guys. We talk about poo and toddler tantrums, pregnancy and brestfeeding and generally bitch about the world while drinking wine or coffee. Or bitch that we are preganant and can't drink wine or coffee. STOP before you guys exit... read the rest... lol... anyway one of the girls was talking about some coin or another and it got me thinking about the life behind Bitcoin.
"What!", i said.
There is a WHOLE WORLD Behind Bitcoin?
A whole new technology...
I'm drowning in my little world of AMAZING information its just such a massive area full of exciting possibilities. I'm actually not just here because i'm looking for a new Bitcoin... Though OMG that would be Amazeballs!!! --> Sidenote is that just an Aussie slang word "Amazeballs" or is it a worldwide thing. totes not sure.
I'm interested in a new field of technology that this might just offer. sure i sew girly dresses. But i'm also interested in computer code and gaming. Cooking and market trends.
I work as a nurse in the intensive care unit... so i stare at squiggly lines all day and coming home now to stare at squiddly lines all evening.
lol so i'm sure market graphs are not all that different StandsBackWaitingForTheVerbalCircusToEnsue
anyway, legitimately would love some advice, some great blogs and bloggers to follow. Naturally I have done lots of research hours and hours of the stuff. But looking for new things to learn and new people to meet.