NEM (XEM), which stands for New Economy Movement, is a decentralised cryptocurrency launched in March 2015. Inspired by the Nxt project, it was written from scratch in Java. The most interesting features of the cryptocurrency include its proof-of-importance (POI) algorithm (with the level of importance determined by how many coins a wallet stores and the number of transactions made to and from the wallet), an integrated P2P-secure multi-signature account and encrypted messaging system, and an Eigentrust++ reputation system which evaluates the quality of each client's contribution to maintain the network. NEM uses a client–server model where the NIS (NEM Infrastructure Server) runs independent of the NCC (NEM Community Client); the client is designed to run locally, in a web browser. Original announcement 6,130 satoshi
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XEM has that 10X factor, which you will have to when you wear this shirt in public. You will get the attention of others HODLing XEM, and their girlfriends.
This comfy 100% cotton shirt can be shipped out in a few days.
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