What are your 5 favorite cryptocoins you're currently hodling and what are your 5 favorite cryptocoins you're interested in but don't own?

in #cryptocurrencies7 years ago

 As of the middle of February 2018: What are your favorite top 5 cryptocurrencies that you currently own?

What are your favorite top 5 cryptocurrencies that you do not own but you want to or are waiting for the right moment to jump in?

Bonus round: What is the worst coin in your opinion; one that's popular that you think people should get rid of fast? 



  • Steem -- Steemit is growing 5% week-over-week in users and posts
  • bitcoin -- has survived more in-fighting and politics than any platform
  • neo -- asia ethereum token platform with low energy consensus approach (dBFT)
  • bitshares -- a bit speculative, though has a live product - a decentralized exchange
  • gridcoin -- replaces PoW with PoS + payouts for contributing to scientific computing

Intrigued by:

  • Cardano - appears to have interesting PoS features, good dev team, interesting roadmap, though I've hear their PoS isn't particularly novel or awesome from @dan
  • Nano - alt platform that purports to have superior scaling
  • Xtrabytes - alt platform that purports to have superior scaling
  • EOS - concerned that token doesnt seem to do anything, but platform seems interesting
  • Ripple - interesting platform and path to market, also concerned that coin won't be used

How about Raiblocks?

Raiblock has rebranded to Nano, so yep, also of interest.

Similar to Cardano/Xtrabytes seems interesting, claims awesome scaling. I'll be following but I want to see how they progress. Also, a bunch was just stolen and I want to see them handle it responsibly (aka no hard fork).

Currently Own:

  1. Bitcoin
    5.Stellar Lumens

Waiting for:
3.Walton Chain

Im not sure

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62720.27
ETH 2447.07
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64