Cryptocurrency and Uranus in Taurus

Uranus is the force of AWAKENING which often amounts to some form of DISRUPTION taking place. Uranus introduces us to the UNUSUAL, INVENTIVE and INNOVATIVE, pointing the way ahead into the FUTURE to what is UNIQUE about you as an INDIVIDUAL HUMAN BEING, and ultimately towards the recognition of the goals of the HUMAN RACE itself. This has much to do with the TEAM SPIRIT and OPENNESS that is the mark of FRIENDSHIP and GROUPS. Uranian events and personalities are UNEXPECTED or ERRATIC, ALTERNATIVE or IRREGULAR, for if you could see some of the CHANGES they were bringing you would probably avoid them as they force you to make all things NEW and to face the TRUTH of any given matter. As well as the truth of any given matter, Uranus shows to what lengths you will go to reach FREEDOM, be it through REBELLION, REFORM or even REVOLUTION. Uranus governs PROCESS, especially that of EVOLUTION. For the same reason it also has rulership over the dynamics and laws of how things operate, which includes therefore SCIENCE, METAPHYSICS, and virtually anything with -OLOGY on the end of it - including ASTROLOGY. Similarly, Uranus concerns all types of CODE and SYMBOLISM (like cryptology, eh?).

Uranus has been transiting through Aries since 2010 and is now about to make it's grand exit. Uranus in Aries is awakening through DOING. Being in Aries, intentions were to re-assert our most basic human rights: the freedom to do what we want. Such a raw and primary impulse can give rise to extremes: from being obstreperous and reactionary at one end of the scale, to, at the other end, having the courage and stamina to stick to your guns as you fight to establish a new beginning in some field of human endeavor. Such a straightforward expression of human rights as Aries affords Uranus has been evident by things like the Black Lives Matter Movement, the Women's March, the LGBTQ Movement, etc. This could explain why, though these movements are revolutionary for our time, they can sometimes be taken to extremes.

Uranus will enter into the sign of Taurus on May 15th 2018. Taurus rules our personal values and our finances; we will experience many changes and shifts in these areas in the coming years. No more false, inauthentic values like the centralized banks of America or the US dollar. Uranus in Taurus is awakening through STABILIZING. This generations intentions will be set on reforming attitudes to money and the material side of life generally. We will discover that our sense of freedom and the means of promoting new ideas will be greatly inhibited by our attachment to material considerations. On the other hand, though we will invent new means of making money in order to further revolutionary concepts and practices. From another point of view, the idea (or delusion) that money buys you freedom is a strong possibility. Basically, speedy and experimental Uranus is deprived of much of its essential energy and erratic expression in steady, slow and cautious Taurus. Like the World War that makes this generation, it is evident in our modern lives that old forms have to be destroyed in order to build anew. World War II also gave rise to enormous advances in the production of goods as part of the war effort, yet at the same time created a very real state of material shortage - hence our concern with money and freedom.

Cryptocurrency is the new adopted child of Uranus. Being the ruler of technology, it only flows naturally to be involved in this new techs future. We saw its unexpected and erratic growth as Uranus settled into fiery Aries. Now that cryptocurrency has sparked into being, we will start to see the materialization of this currency into every day life. Taurus will bring new bounty to all those who nurture her new association with Uranus. Prices will rise and we will see a new reform in how the world views value. Cryptocurrency will shift the wealth distribution of this planet, giving new groups the opportunities to thrive. Cryptocurrency can provide that shift financially and we are seeing it unfold. Taurus epitomizes the rich beauty, fullness and strength of the material world. It is the sign of negative fixed earth and is the necessary antidote to those of trailblazing Aries. In Taurus we stop, take stock, consolidate and create something of real and lasting beauty. And that, my friends, is our time to prove that cryptocurrency is not just another "get rich quick" scheme, that it is the unusual, inventive and innovative future the individual and Human Race needs to evolve.

So, If there is any lesson to be learned here, it is this:


For the love of Uranus in Taurus...


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BTC 60893.95
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SBD 2.54